I Did As What You Asked But You......

I Want To Die For You


“Min Hyukkie, have you done the check on the hat yet?” A short girl walked in the chemical lab.

“Sunny-ssi, please don’t call me ‘Hyukkie’ anymore, it felt like you’re calling a small boy.” Min Hyuk pouted.

“But it’s cute to call you that, don’t you think so? Anyway you are younger than me too, so technically you are a boy for me. And most importantly I love to call you that, Min Hyukkie.” Sunny purposely stressed on the call of Min Hyuk’s nickname.

“But I don’t want you to take me as a young boy, I want…” Min Hyuk did not know he should tell her his feeling toward her or not now, so he stopped in the midway.

“You want what? Be my father?” Sunny jokingly played with him.

“No! Back to the job, I found a human hair on the hat and I already sent to Jessica-ssi for DNA test and she should be done the check now. But I found no any trace of gun powder on the hat, maybe it is because it was ware on the killer head and the gun powder was not fly high enough to get on the hat. Let’s go to find Jessica-ssi to see if she got anything from the hair.” Min Hyuk changed the topic. He walked out from the chemical lab without turning to Sunny, causing Sunny confused with his weird act.

“Jessica-ssi, what do you got from the hair that I sent just now?” Min Hyuk asked as he walked into another lab.

“You two come in just in time. The result was just come out. According to the record, the hair owner didn’t have any criminal record before, so we can’t make sure the exact identity. But we can make sure that the hair was belonged to a male.” Jessica answered.

“Hey guys, I got something from the shoe-print left behind on the stairway. It was from the limited edition of Nikě shoe. In South Korea only have ten pairs of that limited edition shoe. I had contacted the factory and got the address of the buyers and none of the buyers was from the crime scene building. So it was further confirmed that the shoe-print was not left behind by the neighbourhood.” A man came in to join them.

“Good job, Taecyeon. How about the size of the shoe?” Sunny patted Taecyeon’s shoulder. She almost stretched out all her hand to reach Teacyeon’s shoulder

“That’s what I’m going to say now. The size of the shoe-print left on the stairway is 10 and according to the list given by the factory, only three pairs of the sold shoe were matched.” Taecyeon proudly said, like he had just won the jackpot.

“Looks like we had just narrowed down the scoop of suspects. Sent all the report to Kyu Hyun-ssi and hoped that one of the suspects was connected to the case. Where are you all heading to after this? How about happy hours?” Sunny asked excitedly.

“My girlfriend was angry with me because I didn’t spent enough time to be with her, so today I promised her that I will give him the whole night. So, count me out.” Taecyeon shyly said.

“I’m out too. It has been a week I didn’t went shopping and today is the only day I have to go to shop. Why don’t you two go by yourself or call your sister together?” Jessica answered.

“Me and Sunny-ssi only? I… I think I’m out too.” Min Hyuk was not ready to be with Sunny alone for the whole night, moreover there were alcohol drinks for them. He was afraid that he might split out his feeling unconsciously if there were no other friends to stop him.

“Don’t worry; I will call Hyunnie and Tae Yeon together. How about ask Kyu Hyun, Shin Dong and Jung Shin together. Oh yes, there is a newcomer today, we can call him out too.” Sunny excitedly said. She had waited the whole week for the weekly happy hours. They were not allow to have alcohol drink in their working day and the only day they would allowed to release their daily stress was the Friday night, which was tonight.

“Al…alright then…” Min Hyuk felt a bit secure if there were someone beside them.

“Okay, I’ll call Hyunnie and Tae Yeon first.” Sunny excitedly picked up her phone and dialled Seo Hyun’s number. After a few minutes of talking, Sunny put down her phone with a worried face because she got a bad news from Seo Hyun.

“Min Hyukkie, looks like we have to postpone our happy hour to next week. Tae Yeon was arrested by Shin Dong hours ago and she was still in the questioning.” Sunny was worried with her friend.

“MWO??!!” the other three were shocked to hear that sudden news.

“Why Tae Yeon-ssi got arrest? Did she do something wrong?” Min Hyuk walked to get Sunny’s arm.

“Hyunnie said that she got involve in the couple murder case. Tae Yeon had gone to crime scene a few times last week to ask about the couple, because of her new case.” Sunny sadly explained.

“Don’t worry, Sunny-ssi. I’m sure that Tae Yeon-ssi was not involved in the case, she was just helping in the investigation.” Min Hyuk was more worried about Sunny than he was to Tae Yeon.

“I have to go now. Taecyeon-ssi and Jessica-ssi, give me your report and I will bring them there myself.” Sunny was hurried to get her stuffs.

“Wait Sunny-ssi, I will go with you.” Min Hyuk could not just let her go by herself in this stage.

“Min Hyukkie, don’t worry about me. I’m alright.” Sunny tried to convince Min Hyuk but Min Hyuk was persisted.

“No, I’ll drive you there.”

“Alright, I’ll meet you in front.” Sunny knew Min Hyuk would not change his mind easily, so she gave up the fight.


“When was the boat? Polices might came toward me soon, so I need to get out of the country before they find me.” A well-built man walked out from his car to meet another guy in another car.

“Don’t worry, I already prepare a perfect run-away for you. I’m sure that polices will not found you forever.” The guy inside the car said. The surrounding was too dark to find out their identity.

“How about the money you promised me? I already did what you asked me to do and now I think it is the time to give me the balance.” The well-built man said.

“The money was already prepared. Come-in and have a drink, this maybe is our last meet.” The guy opened the car door to invite the well-built man in.

“Thank you. You’re right, this maybe our last time meet.” The well-built man got in the car and grabbed the wine and drank it to the last drop. The other guy was only smiling while drinking the wine.

“I have to go now; it’s not a good idea for other people to see us together here. See you… Argh! My heart! You… you… y…u…o…” The well-built was prepared to get away from the car, but his chest suddenly got ache more and more and he fell unconsciously at the end.

“HMuhh… the best run-away plan is to run to the hell and polices will not get hand on you forever.” The guy in the car smirked.


“Hyunnie, where is Taengoo?” Sunny found Seo Hyun sitting on the branch outside the questioning room.

“Eonni was still inside the room. She was already inside there form hours already but Kyu Hyun-ssi said that they are not arrested eonni; they are just asking her for help. Oh annyeonghaseyo, Min Hyuk-ssi.” Seo Hyun convinced the worried Sunny, before she greeted the guy standing at the back of her.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Ju Hyun-ssi.” Min Hyuk greeted to her too.

“Hyunnie, why you are not inside accompany Taengoo?” Sunny asked.

“Eonni said she can hander it by herself, so I was bring out here waiting for her.” Seo Hyun explained.

“Oh annyeonghaseyo, Sunny-ssi, Seo Hyun-ssi. You two are waiting for Tae Yeon-ssi?” Jung Shin greeted them from behind.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Jung Shin-ssi. Ne, we are waiting for her. Do you have any idea how long it will be?” Sunny asked.

“I’m sorry but I’m not sure about it. I think it will be ended pretty soon, if everything went well.” Jung Shin answered shame-ly.

“Don’t be sorry about it, we are just asking.” Seo Hyun said quickly after Jung Shin.

“Yes, I know… Yong Hwa hyung!” Jung Shin called out to Yong Hwa, who was just come back from the forensic lab.

“Let me introduce to you, our new team member. Jung Yong Hwa, senior inspector from Busan.” Jung Shin turned to the three and introduced Yong Hwa to them.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Yong Hwa bowed to them in his cool way.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Lee Sun Kyu but you can call me Sunny. And this one is Seo Ju Hyun. And the guy there is…” Sunny bowed back to Yong Hwa and introduced her friends.

“Kang Min Hyuk-ssi. We already meet in the crime scene today.” Yong Hwa could recognise the guy he met earlier that day.

“Ne, annyeonghaseyo.” Min Hyuk smiley bowed to Yong Hwa.

“Yong Hwa hyung, what do you got from the forensic lab?” Jung Shin asked.

“……” Yong Hwa looked at Sunny and Seo Hyun because he did not know them and the question Jung Shin asked was supposed to be confidential.

“Don’t worried Yong Hwa hyeong, you can say it here.” Jung Shin knew what was worrying Yong Hwa, so he convinced him.

“Alright then, the report said that the couple has no other wound except the shot marked, so the doctor was confirmed that they were killed instantly by the shot on their heart. The bullet heads were pulled out from their heart and have sent to crime lab for further investigation. Beside the COD, the doctor also found that the woman was already pregnant for two months already, so the killer was basically killed three life.” Yong Hwa explained.

“But we didn’t receive any bullet head for test today. Is there anything wrong in between?” Min Hyuk was confused.

“No, the doctor waited for me to have a look on the bullets first before the bullets were sent to the crime lab. I just come back from crime lab; I passed the bullets to a tall guy there.” Yong Hwa explained in detail.

“I think you are talking about Taecyeon, right?” Sunny asked for confirmation.

“Yes, he is the one.” Yong Hwa nodded.

“Jung Shin, did Shin Dong found the woman yet?” Yong Hwa turned to Jung Shin.

“Yes, we did. The old man called us before we reach there, actually. She was in the room now with Kyu Hyun hyung and Shin Dong hyung.” Jung Shin pointed to the room at the end of the alley.

“Here they come.” Seo Hyun said after she saw three men walked out from the room, just after Jung Shin ended his words.

“Taengoo, gwaenchana?” Sunny ran to get Tae Yeon, who was following the two guys.

“Gwaenchana. They are only asked me some questions related to the case, I didn’t get arrest.” Tae Yeon shooked Sunny’s hand, to convince Sunny about her safety.

“Hyung, anything?” Jung Shin asked.

“Thanks to Tae Yeon-ssi, we got a suspect in list.” Kyu Hyun said.

“Want to compare to our reports here?” Sunny pulled out two reports from her handbag.

“Sunny-ssi, you should give us that earlier.” Shin Dong happily said. He took the reports and passed to Kyu Hyun.

“Humh… too bad we didn’t have any match here.” Kyu Hyun sadly said after he scanned through the reports.

“Never mind hyeong, today was only the first day, we still got times.” Jung Shin patted on Kyu Hyun’s shoulder.

“Right. Since we all are here, how about we go and have a drink now?” Kyu Hyun tried to change the mood.

“Yes!!!” The group of friends shouted together.

“Count me out.” Two unexpected voices come from each side of the group. They were from Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun.

“Yong Hwa hyung, Seo Hyun-ssi, why are you two spoiled the happy moment here?” Jung Shin made a sad face.

“I need to go to find a place to stay, I’m currently staying in a hotel but it’s not a good idea, so excuse me.” Yong Hwa said and was about to turn away from the group but he got hold on his hand to stop him from move further.

“If that is your only reason, I’ll solve it for you. Min Hyuk, how about we give the left-over room to Yong Hwa hyung?” Jung Shin was the one stopped Yong Hwa. He then turned to Min Hyuk.

“Yes, of course. I no need to go around and find one to rent the room. Yong Hwa hyung, what do you said?” Min Hyuk nodded in agreement.

“Are you sure about it?” Yong Hwa asked for more confirmation.

“Yes, we are sure about it. Problem solved. So can we go now?” Jung Shin happily said.

“Wait, we still got one more to solve. Hyunnie, why you didn’t want to go too?” Tae Yeon turned to her youngest sister.

“I still got some case document to read.” Seo Hyun answered it short.

“Hyunnie, why can’t you let go of your work for a few hours? How are you going to meet your guys if you keep yourself inside your room, focusing on your job only?” Sunny grabbed Seo Hyun’s hands.

“Eonni! I…” Seo Hyun was about to protest but she was stopped by Sunny’s hand.

“You are going with us tonight, no matter what.” Sunny continued.

“Sunny-ssi, if Seo Hyun-ssi was really having something to do, I think it’s better for her to finish it first.” Yong Hwa said.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, you didn’t know my sister well. She always have unfinished documents to read every time we asked her out. Actually, she was staying back in her room reading ‘Keroro’.” Tae Yeon stopped Yong Hwa.

“Eonni!” Seo Hyun was embarrassed with her sister’s word.

“But what if she really has something important to do tonight?” Yong Hwa still fought for Seo Hyun. He can see that Ju Hyun was really did not want to go. Seo Hyun nodded thankfully to Yong Hwa because she knew he was fighting for her.

“Yong Hwa-ssi, why are you so instinct to fight for our maknae? Are you…” Tae Yeon smirked.

“A… an… andwaeyo, I… I…” Yong Hwa was shocked with the sudden ask.

“Awww… Yong Hwa-ssi is so cute when he blushed. Hahaha…” Sunny laughed, followed by the group. Seo Hyun also grinned at the back but she quickly controlled herself.

“I… I…” Yong Hwa hoped to fight for himself but he could not find a word for it.

“Enough, enough. Let’s go now and continue the talk there.” Kyu Hyun stepped in.

“Alright, let’s go!” Sunny was excited as she had waited the day long enough.

The group moved from their stand place but before they could go far enough, they were stopped by Mr Kim.

“Are you all planned to head to somewhere? If you are, I’m sorry that you all have to cancel it because we just received a report that a dead body was found at the port, so we had to head there now. Sunny-ssi and Min Hyuk-ssi, you two can follow us there since you will also be going there too.” Mr Kim dropped the bad news.

“NO!!!” Everyone, especially Sunny, shouted in disappointment.



A/N: Annyeong, how is this chapter? YongSeo first meet but nothing special happend (sorry...) 

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I like this story with the detective style.. Hehhee
But The interaction between SeoKyu is so less :(
Sis,can u write a fanfic that has Jiyeon and Jungshin as lead role for me?:D
EvilMaknae-ah #3
당신의 사랑 이야기다.
This is my first fanfiction I ever read and I'm in love instantly..! What I love are
They still like theirself (cool, nice, caring Yong Hwa and innocent, pure Seohyun) with a brand new refreshing story (beside their loveable story at WGM). You successfully put yongseo into the story with the best way And also I'm so amazed with how you could write the cases they're not boring at all..

Hoping your another great FF is on the line zack ! I'm soooo craving for it ;)
Nice ff and i like minsun couple , their so cute..
hannahcao89 #6
aaaaaaa, miss you zack~~~ re run your story now kekeke....a habit is so hard to give up T_T<br />
come back soon dear! I'm waiting.<br />
zack_89 #7
@Bluelovespring, @wee_dee, @nnazihah, @tthnguyen: thank you for the comment and glad that you like it. ^^
tthnguyen #8
Nice story!!! *thumbs up* <br />
I only finished the story today cuz I was capped so yeah.. hihihihihi
Awesome story!! Love the ending. ❤❤
zack_89 #10
@hannahcao89: Thank you for the long comment. I'll start writing a new story if my schedule is not that pack after my school start and I am thinking to post it here again because I miss all readers here and miss your long comment too. So, take care of yourself too and make sure be there when my new story is up(hopefully I can make it!!!) :)<br />
<br />
@zybeel: Thank you for your comment. Glad that you like it. :)