His World

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Chapter 2: His World


“Yeah, and two more bottles of Tequilla.” Kris winked at the waitress.

“You should stop doing that. It irks me.” Luhan says as he shove another shot of alcohol onto his mouth.

It was a jampacked night at one of the high-end bars on the metro. A bunch of ladies wearing skimpy clothes are hanging around the VIP area where the four elite slash drop dead gorgeous boys are sitting. It has been a hobby for them to hop from one club to another and for others, they are like tourist spots that you must definitely see. A number of girls are sitting between the 4 lads, trying to tame and seduce them thinking that maybe, that is their time to finally capture their hearts.

Kris made a sheepish grin and suddenly scooted to the girl beside her. Sehun giggled and poured another drink on Kris’ glass consecutively.

“Someone’s going to puke.” Baekhyun hissed, making all of them chuckle.

“In your dreams.” Kris glared at him.

“Wait where’s Kai?” Sehun suddenly asked as he looked at the woman beside him, telling her to stay away from him.

“He’s with Krystal.” Baekhyun answered.

“Ah, at the Bachelorette’s party? I bet that brat is so bored right now.”

“I heard an orchestra playing at the background when I called him.”  Baekhyun said, making everyone laugh as they imagine how the hot-headed man is containing his emotions from all the boring talk he’s hearing.

Birds of a feather flock together. Its basically a saying from Aristotle that perfectly suits the bond they have for each other. If there is one thing that Kai finds bearable in his life at the moment, it would be his friends. He finds himself lucky that there is something worth congregating to other than his family’s business. 

“Speaking of the brat.”  Luhan scoffed.

Kai pushed the door of the VIP area with a straight face as everyone, including the girls, followed Kai with their eyes. He scooted himself over Sehun’s side and immediately rested his head over the cushion behind him. 

“What happened that you eventually got tired?” Baekhyun sneered, showing his mocking expression that always works when he intends to make fun of somebody.

“Did you get laid?” Kris asked, as if its a question that is equal to hi’s and hello’s.

Kai got up and chortled, showing his perfect smile as he drank the whole shot glass of Tequilla and answered, “No.”

“Then what?”

“Yah! Is that the only thing that you could think of, you ert?” Kai reached over Kris and punched his knee lightly. For Kris is so tipsy at the moment, he just laughed and dealed with his drink.

“That guy needs help.” Sehun muttered, pointing his finger to Kris.

“Uh-huh.” Luhan agreed.

Suddenly, a girl lurched over herself over Kai’s side. With his current temper, he gave her the coldest glare that he could manage, making the lady pout and immediately got her hands off of him. “What’s wrong with you, Oppa?” She said as she pouts more, trying to seduce the inner man in him.

He just let out a deep breath and shoved another glass of alcohol onto his mouth.

“Hey, I’ve heard that you’re ditched again?” Baekhyun snapped, cutting the act of the girl.

“Since when did you got ditched?” Luhan asked.

“Just earlier with some stranger that I don’t even plan on meeting.” Kai answered disinterestedly while popping a snack on his mouth.

“Wait, is that issue still on?” Sehun raised an eyebrow.  

“Yeah and I don’t give a about it.” Kai smirked.

Kris was finally interested as he joins in the conversation and said, “Is this the arranged marriage since we were kids? If yes, well that . I thought your dad finally got over with it.”

“If you didn’t care about it one bit then why did you show up?” Baekhyun butted in.

“Those lunatic bodyguards cornered me because that witch tricked me saying that my dad called me when he actually didn’t.” He snapped. “Then I kind of get the picture afterwards so I figured maybe I could check out what she looks like, that’s why I went.” He explained, trying to be so cool about it

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DreamerGirly #1
Chapter 9: Me me me!!!! Hahaha
Chapter 7: Upvoting as soon i finished all the seven chapters
Chapter 5: Omg!! What a starter fic this is. This is my first time to be intrigued so deeply about the characters in just 4 chapters!! Not just the main characters but also the supporting roles. Can't wait for updates!!
DreamerGirly #4
Chapter 5: Cool cool fast updates!! :D
DreamerGirly #5
Chapter 4: This is getting interesting!!