My Memory

My One Shot Collections

I’m making the story based on one MV of my favorite singer Jay Zhou's, the song titled “Shan Hu Hai” [Coral Sea] and I’ll make it to Kryber version.. It's a sad story.. Just like my heart now. Gosh it hurts..

Amber POV
Some people said, falling in love to the wrong person is an accidental while some others said it destined. For me? Well, it hurts.

Flashback :
I slightly open my eyes and stretch my back. “Aaargh,” I grunted. I sit at my bed and yawn again. I reach my phone on the desk beside me, it's 9 o'clock. What a lazy bum you are, Amber. There are 2 messages. It was all from Henry, my pal.

From : Henry
Am, do you have plan for tomorrow?

From : Henry
Just come with me, i need to go to the pet shop. Call me when you're up.

Sigh. I dial his number and turn it to loudspeaker, too lazy to hold it on my ear. “Hey," he greets me. "What's up?" "As I told you, come with me to the pet shop. I need to buy dog food," he said. "Fine, I also need to buy for Jackjack anyway," I replied. I go to bath after hanging up the phone and doing my routine.
"Hurry," he yells at me from the car. "Yeah yeah," I lazily replied. I open the passenger door and hop on. We're talking about random things and we arrived in no time.

Henry opens the door and I follow him, we go to separate corner. While I was looking at some dog food, "Hello, how can I help you?" a voice comes behind me, make me jolted. I turn my head and find a flawless face. She's so pretty and breathtaking. "I uhm.. I'm looking for dog food," I said. "Oh, what dog breed do you have? And how old?" she asked. "A one year old chihuahua," i said. "Ah. This one is good enough for chihuahua," she said while hand me a pack of dog food. "Oh, great. Okay," I replied while grinning. Wow I must be look like an idiot now.
"Am, have you found yours?" Henry pat my shoulder. "Yeah, I found one. Let's go," I said. Gosh, I'm so shy of her. She takes our dog food and walk toward the cashier. This girl is amazingly beautiful. We paid and leave the store.

"Am, what's wrong with you? You look so stiff back there," he says all of sudden. "What? Me? No.. nothing and I'm not," I defend myself. "Don't you dare lie to me, llama," he threatened me. Sigh. "Fine, you see that girl. She's so pretty, right? I think I'm falling for her already," I said. Gosh, this is embarrassing. "Falling from the first sight?" he tries to tease me. I just nodded.

Henry dropped me to my home, "Jackjack, I'm home," I say to my son. Hehe. He approaches me while wagging his tail. I pour him some dog food and he's happily dig on it. I smile at his appetite. Wait, I forgot to buy his shampoo, i need to wash him this Sunday. Damn. Henry must be far enough already. Great. I decide to go to the pet shop before and bring Jackjack with me. That girl face suddenly appears on my head. And accidently I smile to myself. Jackjack my hand, make me awake from my daydream. "Come on Jackjack,"

I park my car and go inside the store a bit rush. Keke. "Ah, you're back," she greet me. "Yeah, I forgot his shampoo," I said and smiled. "Ah, so this is your dog. He's so cute," she says while patting on Jackjack's head. Wow, she's so close. I feel my heartbeat increased. She suddenly turned to faced me and I can see she's blushing a bit. "Sorry, I was.." "No no, it's okay," I replied. "I'll get the shampoo," she said and walking away. Wow, just wow. And then she's back in couple minutes with a green bottle on her hand, "We also have grooming service here, sir," she said. "Ah really, maybe I should try another time. By the way, I'm Amber and I'm a girl," I said. She widens her eyes and bowing sheepishly, "I'm sorry I thought.." "Nah, it's okay. I got that a lot," I replied. I paid the shampoo and ready to walk away, "I'm Krystal," she said. I see her blushed again. I nodded.

That’s when Krystal and I became closer day by day. We meet often, whenever I come to buy Jackjack's needs, to groom him and some other time I would asked her to have lunch together. We become very close than before and yeah I'm pretty sure she has the same feeling as me. "Krys, let's have lunch," I said. She nodded and close the pet shop then lock it. I held her hand and she entwined them. "What do you want to eat?" I asked. "Meat," she say with a smile. I giggle at her, "Fine, let's find some meat," I said. We arrived at a restaurant and she sit beside me, "I want tenderloin steak," Krystal say to the waitress. "I'm sorry but we're run out of meat, only chicken for today. We're very sorry," the waitress said. " U uh.. this is bad. "You wanna find somewhere else?" I ask her. She smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, I'll have chicken steak," she said to the waitress. "I'll cook tenderloin for you next time, okay?" I try to cheer her up. "You can cook?" she widens her eyes and asks. "Ah you're degrading me. That hurts," I said while holding my chest. She chuckle then slap my arm, "Just kidding, don't be like that," she said. "Let's take a picture," she said while holding her phone. She leans on me and smile while I put my left hand on her shoulder and make a 'peace' sign with the right hand. “Send it to me later, okay?” “Okay,”

I fetch her later in evening. I'm about to take her home from the pet shop when my phone rang, it's Henry. "Yo Am, where were you?" he asked. "I uhm.. I'm going to take Krystal home. Why?" Oh dear, I can feel my cheek blushing. I glance at her and she's blushing too. "Come here for minutes, I have something for you," he said. "But, I need to take her home," I said. Krystal holds my hand, "It's okay. Let's visit him, it could be something important," "Okay fine, I promise it won't take long. I'll take you home as soon as possible, okay?" I said and she nodded.

We arrived at Henry's workplace and it should be my workplace too. Hehe. Henry and I own a photo studio since we both are photographer. "Hen, what's up?" I slap his arm. "Yah!" he's pretending gonna punch me but stop when he saw Krystal beside me. "Oh hello," he greet her while sheepish smile. Krystal just smiled and nodded. "Mr. Kang has accepted our offer and we're gonna fly to Japan day after tomorrow. We're gonna stay for 5 days," he informed. I widen my eyes in surprised and glance at Krystal. Her birthday gonna be on the next 3 days. This is bad. I just nodded at Henry. Well, this is my job, a big job. What can I do?

The ride is so quiet, Krystal seems upset or something. "Krys, you okay?" I asked. She just hummed at me. Oh boy. I stop in front of her apartment, she unbuckles her seatbelt immediately, "Thanks for the rides," she said. When she's about to open the door, I hold her hand, make her stop. "Krystal, I'm sorry but it's my job," I said. She sighs, "I know. It's okay," she says without looking at me. I pull her slightly till she faced me, "I promise, I'll make it up to you when I'm back, okay?" I said. She just nodded. I pull her closer to hug and kiss her forehead, and she hugs me back.

Henry and I arrived at Japan 15 minutes ago, we're going directly to the hotel. I lie my back on the couch and call my princess, "Hello," she greet me in happy tone. "Hey princess, I'm just arrived," I informed her. "Oh, get some rest, you must be tired," he said. I won't get tired to hear your voice, my princess. "I'm okay. In fact, I'm gonna meet Mr. Kang in 30 minutes," "Okay but don't let yourself too tired, okay. I don't like it," she said. "Yes princess, I won't," I replied and hear she giggles. "Gotta go, customer come. Bye Am," she bid goodbye to me.

Krystal POV
I hear the door opened, it's a customer, "Gotta go, customer come. Bye Am," I say, I wanna give her a kiss but I'm too shy. Besides, what if the customer heard it. Gah. "Welcome,” I greet my customer with a smile. But my smile drop immediately when I see who he is. "Long times no see, Krys," he said while handed me a bouquet. He's Kai, my ex-boyfriend. I accept the bouquet with nonchalant. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I come to see you. Can we go for lunch, I have so many things to talk," he said.

Since that day, Kai come to my shop everyday while Amber is away. Today is my birthday and he’s taking me to a fancy restaurant for dinner. He's taking me to hand and tries to convince me to back with him. "Krystal, please comeback to me. I need you, I miss you so much," he said. My heart flutter a bit, besides, he's my ex. I loved him before. Amber doesn't even send me messages for this 2 days and I don't bother to call her either. Call me selfish but I won't approach someone until they come to me. He releases my hand and open a velvet box with a beautiful necklace inside, in front of me. "Marry me," he said makes me widen my eyes.

Amber POV
, today is Krystal birthday but I still stuck here. What should I do. Should I buy something fancy? Or make something hand-made and a song will be great, isn't it romantic? I chuckled at myself. I remember her pictures that I take from my camera before I'm here and print them out. I put some nice pictures on a frame, make some heart shape and write some notes for her. "This gonna be great. I just need to finish the song now," I said. I try to write the lyrics but got stuck in the middle, "I miss her voice," I pout. Then I grab my phone and dial her number. "The number you dialed is..." the voice said. What? She turn it off? "Maybe she's just run out of battery," i try to positively think. "Okay Amber, just finish the lyrics then find the perfect melody," I ordered myself.
After couple hours I finished with the lyrics and try to make my melody but again, I'm stuck. I really missed her voice. I glance at the clock, it still 8 o'clock. She must be at home already. I dial her number again, it connected but she didn't receive it. What the heck. My heart becomes uneasy. "Amber, good news. We're home tomorrow," Henry appeared all of sudden. I jolted but happy immediately. "Hen, could you help me making a melody. I wrote a lyric for Krystal," I said. He takes my paper and read it. "Wow Am, it's great and you have become romantic. Do you love her for real?" he asks while wiggling his eyebrows. I nodded, "I think I love her that much,"

Krystal POV
"Marry me," Kai offer me the necklace and once again my heart fluttered. I feel my phone is vibrating, I glance on it. It's Amber. Oh dear, what should I do? "Krystal," Kai's voice startled me. I smile at him and he smile back at me then rise from his seat. He put the necklace on my neck and kiss my cheek. I really have no idea what should I do. I love Amber but I think I still love Kai more.
Kai take me home after dinner, "About your propose, can you give me sometime to think about it?" I said before I'm out of his car. "Sure," he said. Then he kisses my cheek and bid goodbye.

Amber POV
Henry and I landed after lunch and I call Krystal as soon as I got signals. "Hello Am," she greeted me. I giggle, "I miss you," I said, but I hear nothing from her. "Can we meet later evening? I wanna take you dinner as I promised," "Okay," she replied. "You sounds tired, are you okay?" I asked. "Yes I'm okay. Let's meet later. Pick me up, okay?" she said. "Yes princess," I replied. Then we hang up the phone.
I'm preparing the frame and my lyrics after finish my bath. "I hope she like it," I said before heading toward the door.

I park my car on her apartment parking lot. I dial her number before approach to her apartment door, "Krystal," I call her. "Amber, why don't we have dinner here? I cook already," she said. What? She cooks for me? I smile. "Sure, if that what you want princess," I said. I take the frame and heading upstairs.
She opens the door and smile at me. She looks stunning on her simple outfit. Just white t-shirt and short jeans. "Hi," I greet her with a frame on my back. "Hey," she greets me back. She let me in and I sit on her couch, "I'm calling you yesterday but you didn't receive it. So I come to say 'Happy Birthday'," I said. "Yeah, I was busy yesterday," she replied. "This is your gift. I hope you like it," I said while handed her the frame. She opens the wrap and startled at it. It's our pictures since the first time we met. I can see tears flowing from the corner of her eyes. I knew it, that's why I bring my handkerchief with me. I wiped her tear, "Hey, come on. Don't cry," I said. I hold her chin, asked her look at me. I look at her eyes but suddenly find something shining at her neck. I hold her necklace slightly and find a heart shape pendant written "KK" on it. I can see her eyes look guilty and sad at the same time. She grab my hand, "Amber," she call my name while sobbing. I pull my hand of her and I feel my heart sank. "I'm sorry," she said. I turned then grabbed my car key and leave her apartment as soon as possible. "Amberrr," she screamed at my name but I don't budge. I run toward my car and start the engine, driving away from her apartment. I stop at a quiet street, I try breath and calm myself with music but I can't hold it anymore and let my heart cry loud.

End of flashback

“Amber,” Henry pat my shoulder. I turn to him and smile. "Time to go home. Come on," he said. I drive my car slowly with The Trax song "Cold Hearted Man (Let You Go)” accompany me. That memory still on my head. I wonder how to erase it.

How I wish I don't met her.
How I wish I don't falling in love with her.
How I wish I don't leave her to Japan.
How I wish she doesn't met him.
How I wish she doesn't falling in love with him.
How I wish she doesn't broke my heart.
It hurt so damn much.

This COULD be my last story.. my ‘Kryber feel’ sank since yesterday.. I’m just gonna support Amber from now on.. Sorry Krystal..

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Chapter 21: Ohhh awesome update author ^0^
EvannaCross #3
Chapter 15: Please make a sequel of my memory I wanna know what will happen next
Chapter 20: Awesome oneshots author ^0^
amhar03 #5
Chapter 20: well at first i thought it was krystal's but when you mentioned about amber girlfriend then "nah it wont be krys then"
Yellowjacket #6
Chapter 20: You're right I thought it's krystal 's wedding hahahha. You fool me.
Sina_neiyz #7
Chapter 20: U got me here... hahhaha... such a tease.. thanks for the update n next plsssss....
reader90 #8
Chapter 20: Urghhh, such a tease author shi, hahaha, love your story...
Chapter 20: wow! u really got me there ,all from start I though it was krystal...
mochick #10
Chapter 19: its nice Author-nim ... thanks for update :)