
Nothing Special

We had graduation pictures for today, so the classes were cut short since they were taken sometime the same morning. You can pretty much imagine a whole bunch of senior students working with black caps and white dress shirts.


When I saw Yuna at school she clearly put on a full ledge of make up on herself - from her eyes to lips she looked like a runway model. Not that she wasn't already naturally pretty. "I thought all girls would put on makeup on for this." Hoseok said as we line up at the front doors of the gymnasium, where the photographers were set up on the stage.


"Well, Aeri isn't those other girls." Jungkook stuffed a hand in his pocket. Yuna hummed in agreement, growing a little smirk on her face whilst looking at her compact mirror.


"But don't lie - you have just a little bit of it, don't you?"


I hesitantly put a hand on my cheek. "J-just a powder to cover up," I mumbled. The line moved and I nudged Yuna and the other boys to move forward. We had maybe a few more in front until it was our turn, and slowly the doors opened as three students came out and headed to our direction.


I held my position as I see that it was Namjoon, wearing a clean white dress shirt and his gray blazer was hung over his shoulder. Even his stride seemed laxed, confident. When he saw me he gave a quick smile and waved, and already my legs felt numb.


"Hey." he said. His hair was combed back to show more of his forehead.


"Hey." I say coolly, fumbling with my fingers. I glanced over to see someone who at first I couldn't recognize, but as he turned his head I almost did a double take.


Yoongi clearly looked different, especially when he dyed his hair a little lighter. From the almond brown to a deep coral. Not to mention, his bangs also grew more that it almost went past his eyebrows.


Even Hoseok noticed his hair change too as he asked him. "I wanted to." he shrugged, the only answer he gave to him. Taehyung beside Yoongi then mentioned that they were going to eat lunch, which ended our little encounter.


"Arasso, arasso." Namjoon calmed him down. "I'll see you around?" he smiled. I nodded feverishly.


"Y-yeah, see you." I say. When he left with Yoongi and Taehyung trailing behind I sighed. How come every time I see him I always get flustered? I mean, it's not that I still have feelings for him... strongly anyway.


Finally, after waiting I got my turn to get a picture, which only lasted for about five minutes. As everyone else, we too went to grab some lunch. We could've went out to eat in the school yard, but it was still cold (even if majority of the snow has melted) so we stayed in the classroom.


By the time class ended for the day Hoseok decided to stay after school, apparently for a study group. Yuna had an important meeting for student council, so that left me with just Jungkook and I going home. At least, that's what I first thought.


"Sorry, I have to stay behind with Taehyung-ah. I promised to help him coach the basketball tryouts."


So that left with just a solo party. I quickly grabbed my bag from my locker and when I went out the classroom I see two people standing at the end of the hall.


I quickly went back into my class and just peeked outwards. It was Namjoon, talking with Yoongi. I didn't quite hear their conversation, yet based on their hard expressions shot at each other I can tell it wasn't a very light topic they were discussing.


After a few minutes of low whispers Namjoon sighed, rather irritated, and only one word I heard came out of his mouth. With that he swiftly took his jacket and walked the other way, leaving Yoongi with a rather calm expression. He didn't look fazed at all, let alone angry or upset such as Namjoon. Finally after a few minutes I see Yoongi turn to my direction, and I hid behind the door just enough so he went past my classroom and headed downstairs. When he was out of sight I let out a breath.


Their little fight was all over my head when I walked home. For once in my life, I never actually seen Namjoon snap, let alone see them both fight before. Well, I've seen them fight, but only the playful kinds. But that... it seemed so serious and tense.


I kept it to myself and for the rest of that afternoon. The next day when I went to school I saw them together again. But this time they acted as if the fight did not happen at all. But of course, I was the only one who remembered. I was the only one that witnessed it.


Namjoon came into our classroom during our lunchbreak and asked Hoseok for an errand of some sort. When they both went out Yuna stood up and grabbed her bag. "Where are you going?" Jungkook slurped on his seafood ramen.


"I need to hang some posters for the spring festival." she didn't even need to ask for help, I too went to put them up around the school halls. The other council members were also hanging up some posters with us, and to say the least - Yoongi too.


"We dragged him out to help," one of the students said. I glanced over to see Yoongi not speaking much; his hands working with listening to music from his earphones. While Yuna went to the main hall near the gym I stayed at the atrium, where he was still occupying it. I had a couple in my hands but I didn't realize that I ran out so fast.


Yoongi still had some, and it was almost time to go back to class. I tapped his shoulder gently, making him look my way. "Hey, we should head back to class."


He removed one earbud and glanced around. "You can go up. I'm just going to finish putting a few more."


I wanted to argue that he should go to class too, but somehow I didn't have the courage to. Maybe because I was too scared to see what he would say. The event that happened yesterday reoccurred back to me and I suddenly felt more anxious.


Still, I took a deep breath and grabbed three posters from the floor beside him. He stopped what he was doing and glanced over. I kept a firm tone, not too serious but not too demanding either. "Ani, let's just both finish this. If we're late for class, so be it. It'll only be a few minutes anyway." I say. He was about to interject but soon I walked away and continue hanging them up.


He didn't say much, but I did sneak a few glances here and there. Yoongi remained the same, expressionless cold Pale Guy I knew. Not that it mattered anyway. When we finished classes resumed only 5 minutes ago, so we weren't that late. My teacher was maybe just a little stricter, saying that he would let it go but I had to consider that it was a warning.


"You didn't have to put up all the posters you know," Yuna said as the last bell rang for the day. "A few would have been okay for the promotion."


"Ani, it's fine." I smile back, grabbing my books and stuffing them in my bag. "By the way, there's a new hot pot stop in town. Do you want to eat there?"


As if he heard Jungkook and Hoseok came in with their jackets on and also mentioned the same thing.


"Let's all go together then!" Hoseok exclaimed. With an hum of agreement, we headed out straight to the streets where the restaurant was. Luckily we came early, because soon there was another crowd of students coming in as well.


We managed to get a good booth and Yuna already ordered a special off of their menu. When it arrived we distributed the bowls and chopsticks before we dug into the warm boiling stew. “Speaking of, were you the only one doing the posters Aeri?” Hoseok swallowed his portion of rice on his spoon.


I shook my head. “Yoongi was also there also.” I didn't look up from my bowl.


Yuna almost choked. Jungkook dropped his spoon back into the pot. Hoseok however, wasn't surprised – he continued snarfing down his food. I looked up at the both of them. “What?”


“M-Min Yoongi?” Yuna said incredulously. I nodded. “Wow... I didn't expect him...to...” she mumbled. When I asked what she meant by that Jungkook then had the turn to speak.


“Ah, it's nothing – absolutely nothing.” I noticed him quickly exchange a glance at Yuna, and without another word from the both of them they continued to eat rather stiffly. I put my chopsticks down and stared at the both of them, urging to tell me what's going on. What secret were they hiding that made them so nervous?


Hoseok finished his plate and drank a cup of water before resting his back against the chair, fully satisfied. “You don't know Aeri? Yoongi is part of the student council.”


My eyes widened. “Shut up.” I say. I looked over at Yuna, who punched Hoseok hard on the arm.


“He told us to keep it a secret you idiot!” she screeched.


“God, he's going to be so freaking pissed.” Jungkook groaned and slapped an open palm on his forehead. Only Hoseok chuckled and murmured an apology, though the other two only rolled their eyes and sighed. I looked and waited if whether they were just pulling a prank, but after two minutes I guess they really were being serious.


Nonetheless I just smiled. “Ani, I'll keep it a secret.” I put a hand over my heart.


“Please do. Yoongi said that no one should know – he only told us both.” Jungkook pointed at himself and Hoseok.


“Doesn't his friends know?” I questioned. I only had one person in mind for it when I thought of the sentence in my head. Only one person.


“I'm sure.” Hoseok replied. No one else said anything, and so we just paid for our meal by putting in our fair share in money. When we went our separate ways I hopped on the bus heading to the opposite street.


My head was filled was so much questions, so many answers left unanswered.


When Hoseok replied with 'I'm sure'...


He seemed so uncertain.

* * *


On Friday that week I finished my homework earlier and decided to get some kimbap from the convenience store, just because I was a little hungry. At the moment I also got some banana milk and prawn chips before heading to the cash register to pay.


When I left the store I look up to see Jungkook and Yunhee walking together, both laughing. Yunhee however suddenly stopped and saw me, then with a big smile she waved. “Pretty Unnie!” Jungkook turned around and his expression changed to be more surprised. I smiled wryly and stepped down on the steps. She held on tight to Jungkook's hand, a sight that I couldn't help but chuckle by how cute it was.  “what are you doing Unnie?”


“Oh, I just wanted to buy a few things at the store.” I motioned behind me. I asked then how she was doing, considering that we met last time at the hospital.


“She got discharged this morning,” Jungkook explained. “I'm just treating her out before bringing her back at the daycare.” with a nod of understanding they then asked if I was going to the same direction as them. When I said 'yes' we all ended up walking side by side on the streets.


The daycare was just around the corner, and when Jungkook dropped her back he had to go somewhere else where he had to help his mom with some errands, leaving me with Yunhee. She was busy drawing at a small table, humming a rather cheerful tune. I looked at what she was doing, but almost got off guard when she called my name. “Unnie...I give you permission you know.”


I rose an eyebrow. “Permission for what?” I put down my plastic bag and sat on the tiny stool across from her.


“To date Jungkook oppa.” she didn't look up from her paper; grabbing a red pencil crayon to colour her rose. We were going to this conversation, aren’t we?


I chuckled. “He's just a friend of mine. I don't really... see him as a boyfriend.”


“Why not? You're both kind, smart, you're pretty and he's handsome. You guys are almost exactly alike!” I was about to open my mouth when suddenly Jungkook came in the room saying that he was done for today's shift and offered to walk me home. It was 4:30 in the afternoon, so I couldn't say no – I stayed out longer than I intended to.


When we walked out the building Jungkook apologized, another thing that came out of the blue. “Don't listen to her saying about us dating. She's just playing with you.” I had to blush, only because I didn't think he would pick up about the topic. I mumbled that it was okay and from there the silence in our walk stretched on.


After a while I had the courage to speak. “So... have you actually dated before?”


He sighed. “When I was in middle school, though it didn't last very long. She was a year older than me.” his eyes fixed onto the ground, his feet kicked the pebble as it skittered off. “have you?” reluctantly I just shook my head, and managed to crack a small smile.


“Forever lonely I guess.” I joked, earning him to burst into a small laugh. Somehow we made it back to the front of my house and I quickly thanked Jungkook to walk me home. But before I walked away suddenly he pulled me in, gently, into his arms as a hug. It only lasted for a few seconds before he retracted back, and I stood there rather dumbfounded.


“I'm sure you'll find someone one day. Just be patient about it.” Jungkook exaggerated. Soon he patted my shoulder. “See you around?”


“Oh, see you.” I waved timidly in the air. With a smirk he mock saluted and stuffing a hand in his pocket he strode off back to into the town district. I pursed my lips and looked up at the sky. It was becoming a dull blue with a tinge of peach, hinting that it was almost close to hitting the evening. His words repeated over and over in my head: I'm sure you'll find someone one day. Just be patient about it. With a shake of my head and a chuckle I just headed inside.


* * *











So, according to the last poll I put up the highest rank was this: Lost Stars (Jungkook x Aeri)

This chapter must be such a treat for those who voted for this pairing heh ><
All that aside if you do like this story so far please do subscribe and comment, feedback is highly appreciated! Thanks again, and I'll see you on my next update! Have a great day everyone~



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Chapter 39: Finally I’ve come around to finish reading this story! :3
I was so happy that she ends up with Yoongi because I’ve been lowkey shipping them together even when she’s crushing hard on Namjoon
Idk but these accidental and unexpected moments with Yoongi is kinda heart fluttering in a way <3
Chapter 35: My bias changed to freaking Suga because of this fanfic! I love it!
Chapter 40: Thank you for this awesome story!
It also made me think aboit some personal stuff and figure that out a little.
Can't belive the story is over :D
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this wonderful journey of memories during Aeri's youth. I had fun while reading and for me its good if you'll put yoongi's pov bc i really loved his personality here. I want to know how he saw things back then. Anyways thank you again and good job authornim!
Chapter 39: I cannot believe this is over ;-;
The feelings for this story is so real, because once I finished reading the very last chapter especially the quote I just felt felt a warm fuzziness in my chest (lmao does that even makes sense) and I got so emotional over these characters and oh man I really will miss em. Thank you for the wonderful story <33
Chapter 37: I always end up coming back bc i love ur story so much and since im a yoongi stan, i really love how u portray his character here I AM SO DEEPLY INLOVE WITH HIS PERSONALITY HERE i think the min yoongi here has become my ideal type, him being observant and quiet that u wont notice every moves he'll show to u makes it more lovelier :)
Chapter 38: I got chills from the last sentence! Oh my goodness you're killing me here ;~;
ChanSang #9
Chapter 37: Your story gives the bittersweet feeling you get while listening to Agust D. It touches deep down. Perfect slice of life. <3
Chapter 37: this story is so good i cant stop reading and i was so immersed i kinda shipped aeri with namjoon tho they're so cute but as i read every chapters i also noticed yoongi's little movements towards her that i found it very suspicious then bam u told the revelation and i said to myself "I KNEW IT THERE'S SMTH" and i was so happy I LITERALLY SCREAMED AND SQUEALED when aeri finally realized things. it makes me want to read it from the start and focus on every scene where there's yoongi.