
Nothing Special

On the first day of summer, I decided to work in a part time job, since I really had no other plans for my break (besides hanging out with my friends). I applied for that music store that I saw on the poster ad a couple of months ago when I went to the grocery store with Yuna.


Specifically, it wasn't just any music store – it was a vintage vinyl record shop. So when I entered I noticed that all the walls and shelves were stacked with records, categorized by different genres; ranging from rock to ballad to pop to the 80's. It did not open yet, for the shop held out the 'CLOSED' sign at the front of the door.


I checked the time on my watch. Was I too early? After all, the person who owns this store (whom I talked with over the phone) said to come at least 5 minutes earlier...


Just then the back door swung open, and I was met with a rather lanky young man, his front hair combed back swiftly to show his forehead more. He had a piercing on both lobes, yet the one on his left had a double that was angled higher on the cartilage.


I ended up staring at him for a couple of minutes, only because that he struck familiarity to me. But then that's when I realized... “Oh? Didn't expect to see you here.” his I.D hung around his neck, showing a picture of him and his name: Kim Sangbae


“O-oh, hello,” I remained to still be polite and bowed. “the person of this place told me to come at least five minutes earlier. I'm Park Aeri, the one who applied for this job?” I specified.


He smiled, showing his gums. The box that he held has now been put on the ground, and out of no where he shook my hand with real enthusiasm. “Oh my god, it's such a pleasure to meet you! I've seen you a lot with that dancer. What was his name again? Oh yeah, J-hope!” I was a little thrown by how he seemed to know Hoseok's nickname, but then that was when I realized that the man in front of me was that eccentric DJ from the underground battles.


He explained that just months ago he quit being a DJ at the place. He decided to open up his own shop and sell a few of his records, even offering to sell recycled ones that the customers donated. “In the back there's even a section where I sell mix tables – both from what I own and even from the customers' donation.”


I nodded, seeming to understand. With that he asked me to help out first thing by putting the new records from the box to their category. I asked if I was the only employee working here, to which he replied I wasn't and that there was another worker, supposedly to come soon for his shift.


After 10 minutes the bell of the door chimed, and when I looked up from the shelf the worker's back was turned, adjusting the shop sign to say 'OPEN'. But as soon as he turned around I couldn't help but stare. He seemed surprised to see me too. Because it was Min Yoongi.


He was about to open his mouth, but Sangbae came back from around the back. “Suga, you're here already?” his eyes adverted from mine and merely nodded.

“Yeah, I just came in two minutes ago,” he pointed at the door. “I'll be in the recording room if you need me.” he just walked past when Sangbae stopped him short, pointing out in saying he should help out with the new worker around (aka me). Sangbae had this look that was a little hard to read, so I just shrugged it off.


The latter never protested, but even so I was a little awkward as I followed him behind the back of the store, until there was a secluded room just far off from the mix tables section. The door read 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' and when he pushed it open it really was, according to Yoongi, a recording room. There was a desktop and the audio box attached with it, complimented with sleek black speakers behind the wall of it. Arrays of snapbacks and headphones lined up against the wall, and I noticed some small trophies and gimmicks towards the top as well.


“I'm pretty sure Moos – or Sangbae hyung – have already showed you around, so you can stay here until he calls us to work.” Yoongi said. He offered me a seat, which was a lounge chair on the far side of the room.


“O-oh, thanks.” I timidly say, looking around the beige painted walls. It had a modern kind of style to it, though with the splash of the black furniture made it seem to be smaller in terms of space. I then asked, “how long have you been working here?”


“Almost a month after it opened. Sangbae recruited me after he quit his old job, and he tried asking Hoseok too, but Hoseok declined. Technically it was just us two, since the shop wasn't too big to begin with. But he wanted more people to work here, hence is why he put applications. He didn't think anyone else would go to a shabby place like this, but...” he stopped himself short, knowing that he was about to say my name.


Automatically when he realized his words, Yoongi's face distorted, and his eyes rode up in surprise. He began to baffle. “Ah, Sorry-I-I didn't mean to-”


“It's okay,” I smiled, knowing that he didn't mean to offend me of the sort. He closed his mouth shut and gazed to the ground, though within only a distance I saw a tinge of pink flood his cheeks.


It was only a matter of minutes before the door swung open to see Sangbae, calling us out that there are customers. I snapped out of the tense moment where we were just standing in the recording room, and soon I walked out and into the front. Yoongi didn't walk the same way, for instead he went to the opposite side of the store, with Sangbae at the cashier.


I approached the two young boys, who were scanning the punk rock section of the vinyl records. I asked if they needed help, which one of them asked a recommendation of artist. “If you want an 80's style, then try out Voxtrot.” I held out the record. Their faces lit up.


“That's the artist my dad likes! Thank you!” the boy smiled and headed straight to the cashier, whilst his friend followed behind. I couldn't help but smile inwardly, all while from the corner of my eye I see Sangbae put a thumbs-up, approving. Yoongi was busy organizing the Pop records in the back, his earphones dangling from his neck.


Around 12, Sangbae called us towards the front of the cashier. He said that it was our lunch break, for 45 minutes. “I'll treat you guys out. Where do you want to eat: Japanese? Italian? Indian?”


I began to stutter. “A-ah, you don't have to buy for me. Actually, I was going to just go buy some food at the convenient store...” I felt bad for turning him down – he was my boss, for crying out loud!


But Yoongi interjected, saying, “I'll go with you hyung. Besides,” he turned to me, showing a wry smile. “I think you have company.” I didn't know what he meant by that, but when turned around to the entrance of the shop, I see Hoseok and Jungkook, coming in with big smiles and both holding a packed lunch.


“Aeri!” they chorused; rushing up to me and hugging the air out of my lungs. When they finally let go I staggered for my stance, but remained a grin. They politely greeted Sangbae and comfortably did a guy handshake with Yoongi before spacing for distance between all of us.


“We'll get going then, seeing your friends here. We'll be back in forty!” with that Sangbae left to the back, along with Yoongi who also waved a farewell to us. I let them eat near the cash register whilst trying not to disrupt the customers. Jungkook offered me one lunch box, which was shrimp and pork dumplings and kimchi fried rice. They even poured me a cup of lemonade that Hoseok brought from his canteen.


Halfway into eating Hoseok opened his mouth to speak. “How's your first day of work?”


I shrugged. “Not too bad. How's your first day of summer going?” Hoseok explained that he wasn't doing much, but merely just spending his time at home. Jungkook was working part-time at the daycare, which more than enough he was happy to spend more time with Yunhee.


“Speaking of, what happened to Yuna? I tried calling her cell but she didn't answer,” Jungkook took a sip of his lemonade.


“Ah, she went to Paris with her family for a month. She just left a few days ago, the weekend after we arrived from our Jeju trip.” I closed my lunch box and set it aside, drinking the remaining of my drink before throwing away the Styrofoam cup. We still contact each other (via Skype) about what is going on in the city and whatnot – well, I technically promised that I would keep in touch in the meantime.


It was around 1 in the afternoon when Yoongi and Sangbae came back to the shop. Hoseok and Jungkook took that turn to leave. Hoseok said he'll come by later so we could walk home together, to which I agreed gratefully.


I noticed that Sangbae had his glued to my friends as they left. Soon, he had a small smile and chuckled. When I asked what was so funny, he shook his head.


“Your friends should have stayed longer.” and with that he returned to the cash register, as per usual.


* * *


After a couple of weeks, I have gotten used to my part time job: it wasn't too quiet, but somehow with the environment, the people I work with, it felt like a second home to me. In fact, I kind of enjoyed working at the shop. I didn't expect, let alone a girl like me who had no experience in making music or anything about vinyl records, be stuck at a job like this where there were countless of other jobs I could have applied to. Even my parents at first didn't like where I worked. But it was because of one small moment, just one, that changed my perspective on music entirely.


The heartbreak that lead to me discovering the deep meaning of music. The medicine that coped me in that time where I hope to never go through again.


As they say, you learn through experiences. And the more you go through the more you learn about not only the world around you, but yourself.


So it was rare to find a workplace which you truly genuinely love, all besides for the paycheck you want to earn. But it's the effort that you put in that when you finally get the pay, it should feel as if you really deserve it, but not in that selfish greedy way.


Getting that pay check made me happy. Proud. I didn't rub it into my friends faces, nor to my family. I considered it as the award to all the effort I put in. The A+ on a test. I know many are probably thinking 'why are you making such a big deal out it?' but really, I'm not. Although it is still my first one pay of many, it is my accomplishment. An accomplishment that makes me just as motivated to work harder.


“So what will you do with the check?” my cousin Jin said over the web cam, as we talked on Skype on my laptop in my bedroom. He was back in his hometown, and we were discussing about when he would ever visit again. We even tried to convince my parents, but clearly it hadn't worked out.


“Put it in my bank account of course.” I sipped on my orange juice box. “I'm not like you who spends already half of their money on kitchen supplies.”


“Hey!” he glared, while I laughed. It was Saturday, which I don't work on the weekdays. My parents weren't home so I was alone, and it was 2:35 in the afternoon; right at the sun's peak.


Even with my window closed I still felt the heat radiating off the glass and bouncing all over my walls, reflecting off me. Yet not even a fan (both out of paper and an electric one) could bring me out of the sudden heat wave that came. “Hey, do you think I can call you back sometime later? I'm going to buy some ice cream at the convenience store because I am so damn hot,” I paper fanned my face that was soon dampening in sweat.


“Yeah, yeah, it's fine. Go cool off before you get a .” With that being said I thanked and said goodbye to Jin before heading out the door, grabbing my baseball cap from off the hook of the clothes rack in the living room. There weren't many people around my neighborhood out, most probably because of the weather.


It only took five minutes to be out and to already be sweating, but only a second to feel that cool air condition once I entered the store. I headed to the back and grabbed two or three ice pops, before making my way to the cashier. She welcomed me and I paid the amount, but when I made it outside I then felt my phone vibrate. When I checked it was a message from Jungkook:


Want to hang out at Han River? W/ Hobi, Yoongi hyung and I rn


I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should respond. After a minute or so I responded with: Sure :)


The bus going there only took ten minutes from my area, and when I called Jungkook to ask where he was I spotted him sitting on the grass, his bicycle leaning against the bark of the large tree. I came up to him, noticing that there was a small picnic basket.


“Did you eat lunch yet? There's some snacks that Hoseok brought for us,” he pointed at the woven basket. “they're just buying some water bottles up at the hill.” with a nod I sat with him, seeing the glorious view of the river, the sun reflecting off the surface to make it seem almost glowing.


After five minutes Hoseok and Yoongi came back, which Hoseok was glad to see me. I noted that I brought a few frozen treats, and Jungkook put them into the basket. “Did all of you guys ride a bike here?” I stared at each of them, holding them by their handles. Hoseok shook his head.


“I borrowed mine from the rental shop here, so I just took the bus with Jungkook and Yoongi,” he explained. “we're thinking of just riding all together around the park, but...”


I checked in my pocket if I had any change, but to no such luck I had none. I didn't say anything, but they knew based on my flattened expression. I told them they could ride in the park while I just stayed behind, but Jungkook really wanted me to go. He felt a little bad that he just called me to hang out without acknowledging to bring a bike also.


So instead, and I tried to deject the idea as I could because it sounded a little ridiculous, was that I would ride on the back of one of their seats. “Are you sure I can ride on the back? Isn't it dangerous?” I pestered on. Jungkook shook his head.


“Trust me, I've done it before when I was like five.” he adjusted his own seat so that it wouldn't be too high for me to get on. Yoongi only scoffed.


“Kookie-ah, you are seriously one rebellious kid.” he mumbled with a smirk before hopping on to his own bike. Gently I positioned myself behind Jungkook and on the seat; and as it tilted a little off the side I yelped and my reflex was to tightly wrap my hands on his waist. The physical contact didn't faze me though.


He laughed. “Let's do a race – the last one to reach the end of the Han River park trail has to buy kimbap at the store!”


“It's on!” Hoseok said across from us. Yoongi never said anything, though his eyes flashed a rather competitiveness and seriousness underneath. I only looked at Jungkook with bewilderment.


“Are you serious?” I rose my voice, but soon I heard someone shout 'GO!' and we all sped off. The breeze bellowed in my ears, my hair flying past my shoulders. We were way ahead of them in the beginning, as I glanced behind to see that they were just a tail catching up.


Shrieks and laughter came from Hoseok, and just when he rode up beside us I held on tighter as Jungkook pushed on forward to break the distance between us. I was scared at first, but towards the end when I finally saw the trail all that thrill just exhilarated through.


It was something I haven't felt in a long time. Like that feeling when you're a kid as you go on a roller coaster for the first time. Or when you sit in a concert, cheering with the fans. The excitement that runs through as a shot of adrenaline, and when it's gone only a spark remains. The adventure you experience in just one span of a second, but feels like one entire moment.


Jungkook and I came first, and Hoseok came last. We took a rest at the water fountains, as I sat down at the bench to stretch my legs out. Yoongi went after Jungkook to drink, and just in time Hoseok came back with the food. He handed one for each of us, where I received the dried pork.


We ate our kimbap and from the basket I gave them frozen ice pops too, only so that I can finish them and not waste any. The sun was now, almost but not yet, at below horizon, indicating that it was the time to go. I told that I would take the bus back, as they probably all have come together from the beginning.


"I can call my sister to pick us all up," Hoseok offered. As much as I wanted to, I shook my head in refusal.


"She's probably busy this weekend, so you don't need to." I say. He nodded, and decided that both him and Jungkook would just go home by biking. Yoongi on the other hand, explained that he too, was going to go on the bus as well, which I wasn't expecting him to come with me. So as they went to the other direction Yoongi and I walked alongside the opposite way of the sidewalk. It was quiet; not one word coming from our mouths. I was on his right near the river, his bike in between us to fill in the gap.


"How do you like your job so far? Working at the vinyl record shop?" he asked suddenly. I looked over, but his gaze remained to stare straight across the path still. I shrugged, kicking a few pebbles from my feet to skitter off the side and onto the patches of grass.


"It isn't too bad. I actually like working there."


"That's good. And how about Moos? Are you alright working under him?"


"Kim Sangbae? Well, I guess. I mean, he seems like a really fun guy to hang around with. Why are you asking?"


He pursed his lips, nodding. His eyes were trailed to the ground. "I just wanted to know if you're uncomfortable around him is all. But I'm glad you like him - he really is a nice guy once you get to know him more." eventually the sidewalk's path was blocked by what seemed to be the bus stop, and seeing already a few people they too were probably waiting.


The bus, which was the last one for the day, had arrived. Getting on I noticed that there weren’t much seats remaining, and it was a little crowded if you didn't count the fact that Yoongi had to bring his bicycle. I offered him a seat, which he refused. "You go sit. I'm fine standing up."


The ride didn't take too long, and soon his stop was near. When the bus stopped at a small neighborhood, he turned to me and gave a little awkward wave. "I'll see you on Monday Aeri."


"O-oh, see you." referring to us working back at our shifts at work I returned the small gesture. He went to the back door and only a second did I see him hop on his bike and rode off the opposite direction of where the bus' direction.


I headed back home to see my parents in the kitchen making dinner, and because I was exhausted I decided to skip out once for the meal. I even completely forgot to call back Jin, so when I did I immediately apologized for not contacting him sooner. I explained there was a sudden plan from my friends, therefore explains why I came home so late. He told me that it was fine and it wasn't a problem, but he really wanted to talk to me about something.


"Well what is it? Now I really won't sleep until you tell me," I say.


"Nope. I don't think I should~" he teased. I rolled my eyes, us bickering back and forward until he eventually broke it and finally told me this so-called 'news'. And when he did, it didn't matter if he actually told me or not - I couldn't sleep regardless.


The next day I quickly ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and showered before putting on new clothes. My mom didn't even question about why I was so perky - clearly she acknowledged that I knew about the news. So when the doorbell rang and as soon as my dad opened the door I already had my arms wrapped around our guest.


“You're suffocating me,” Jin's voice strained, all while I retracted back to give him some distance between us and his duffel bag.


“Sorry.” I apologized, before dragging him along to his room (which was mine) before my parents had the chance to say their hello's too. Jin was staying for the entire week at my place, something he told me over Skype the night before. Once I put his bag on the side my mom came in with another sleeping bag, and a few extra pillows I stored in the closet.


My parents said they will be making lunch, so then I asked if I could bring him out around the district, which I was allowed to as long as I brought my phone so they can contact us. I quickly changed out of my pajamas into something more comfortable: a plain white tee and ripped black jeans.


We went to the town square and walked through the park where many people were out to either walk their dog or to just take a stroll. Jin mentioned among our little conversation we were having, if he can see my friends. I told him that they were probably busy, but nonetheless I called them out anyway. Hoseok and Jungkook called me saying they would love to hang out, but they were extremely busy and promised to make it up the following week.


“What about Yuna?” Jin and I sat on a bench that was underneath a tree.


“She went to Paris for vacation,” my gaze was attached to two little boys were playing with a soccer ball across the field. I smiled. It was quarter to 11 and so we decided to head back, though before we did I wanted to go the same route as where I worked, just to show him the store. When I entered I saw that there were a few customers, along with Sangbae sitting at the cash register, too focused with organizing some papers. Yet when I came in his eyes ultimately lit up.


“Sangbae, this is my cousin Seokjin. I just wanted to show him where I work.” I pointed out.


He shook hands with him, all while Jin looked slightly uncomfortable by his eccentric outburst, but obviously he didn't want to look awkward. “Why don't you bring him again on Monday when you work? I mean, not that I don't want him or you to be here, but I'm sort of busy with my shift at the moment.” he informed with an apologetic smile on his face.


I shook my head. “No, that's okay. I'm sorry for coming so out of the blue.” with that aside I said goodbye and just in time we headed back to my house for lunch time. There wasn't much that we could do, so I lead him back to my room and read some manhwa on my shelf that I owned.


“Oh? I didn't notice this here,” Jin picked up the frog plush toy at the edge of my bedside. “who gave you this again?”


“Um, Namjoon did. I told you before.” it sounded odd to say his name. I guess because it has been a while since I last, well, seen him. Jin knew who he was (and all the other nuisances throughout), so he didn't question it. However, he did ask how I was doing with Namjoon, and whether or not I still was hanging out with him since summer had started.


I shrugged, closing my book. “Honestly, I haven't. We kind of... lost contact, if anything. After our Jeju trip he only said a small goodbye, but never really called up or text since. I even asked Hoseok and Jungkook, which they said that he went back to his hometown, Goyang.” I explained. He nodded before taking one last look at the toy before putting it back.


“Do you still talk to him?” he asked slowly. It took me seconds before I sighed, replying with just a shrug of my shoulders.


“I guess not.” I mumble under my breath, and it was true. Not one text from him, let alone I even wanted to just call him to say how his summer was going, but at this point there was no way I could now. But at the same time, I didn't want to. Was I scared? Probably.


But Jin knew. He knew every little story about Namjoon. Eventually when I asked if he wanted to meet with him (rather it was rhetorical), his only answer to me was: “I rather not see him. Especially if he was the one that... well, you know.” and my cousin suddenly changed topic afterwards. Inwardly I was glad he did – I honestly didn't want to talk about it either.

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Chapter 39: Finally I’ve come around to finish reading this story! :3
I was so happy that she ends up with Yoongi because I’ve been lowkey shipping them together even when she’s crushing hard on Namjoon
Idk but these accidental and unexpected moments with Yoongi is kinda heart fluttering in a way <3
Chapter 35: My bias changed to freaking Suga because of this fanfic! I love it!
Chapter 40: Thank you for this awesome story!
It also made me think aboit some personal stuff and figure that out a little.
Can't belive the story is over :D
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this wonderful journey of memories during Aeri's youth. I had fun while reading and for me its good if you'll put yoongi's pov bc i really loved his personality here. I want to know how he saw things back then. Anyways thank you again and good job authornim!
Chapter 39: I cannot believe this is over ;-;
The feelings for this story is so real, because once I finished reading the very last chapter especially the quote I just felt felt a warm fuzziness in my chest (lmao does that even makes sense) and I got so emotional over these characters and oh man I really will miss em. Thank you for the wonderful story <33
Chapter 37: I always end up coming back bc i love ur story so much and since im a yoongi stan, i really love how u portray his character here I AM SO DEEPLY INLOVE WITH HIS PERSONALITY HERE i think the min yoongi here has become my ideal type, him being observant and quiet that u wont notice every moves he'll show to u makes it more lovelier :)
Chapter 38: I got chills from the last sentence! Oh my goodness you're killing me here ;~;
ChanSang #9
Chapter 37: Your story gives the bittersweet feeling you get while listening to Agust D. It touches deep down. Perfect slice of life. <3
Chapter 37: this story is so good i cant stop reading and i was so immersed i kinda shipped aeri with namjoon tho they're so cute but as i read every chapters i also noticed yoongi's little movements towards her that i found it very suspicious then bam u told the revelation and i said to myself "I KNEW IT THERE'S SMTH" and i was so happy I LITERALLY SCREAMED AND SQUEALED when aeri finally realized things. it makes me want to read it from the start and focus on every scene where there's yoongi.