Chapter 41

My love destiny ♥


Sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling




“What ?”

YoonA smiles “Just admit it Yul”

“No Yoong... Really”

YoonA smirks and taps my shoulder “I knew you for a long time Yul, You can’t fool me. I know you still love him”





“No Yoong!”

“Yes Yul!”

I take a deep breath “Yes fine! I still love him, happy now ?” YoonA grins “Very happy”

I pout “But what should I do ?”

“Confess to him”

“No, I never gonna do that first  to him”

“Why ?”

“What if he rejects me ?”

YoonA laughs “He isn’t gonna reject you for sure”

“Why you so confident about that ?”

YoonA smiles “Just trust me” I sigh and look at the clock, my eyes wide

“OMO! I’m not finish yet! There’s 15 minutes left!” I start to panic

“Yul, relax... That’s why I’m here for you”

I smile and hug her “Thank you Im YoonA”


I walk back to the class with YoonA, I notice a girl with a big box in front of the locker, I nudge YoonA “Who’s that ? A new student ?”

YoonA shrugs “I don’t know... But it’s look like Krystal”

“Yeah...” YoonA grabs my hand “Come on let’s go! We should go to the class”

“Yeah right”


“I need girls time, really” Jessica says as she let out a deep sighs. YoonA nods “Yeah right! Agree!”

“Let’s go to the Mall then”

Jessica smiles brightly “Yup! That’s a great Idea. No boys!”

YoonA grins “Yes!! you know what ? I almost got caught by a little boy who seat next to me at theater when Donghae tried to kissed me. Not almost but already I think”

I laugh “Really ?”

YoonA nods “Yes! I’m so embarrassed that day. That boy even told his mother” Me and Jessica laugh when YoonA says that

Jessica says “Me too. Me and Jonghyun was at living room. And we kissed really pass—“ I hiss “I don’t need the detail Sica”

She’s giggle and continue “And we got caught by Krystal”

I laugh “You should be aware then”

Jessica looks at me “So, how’s you with Minho ?”

I shrug “I don’t know...” YoonA smirks and suggest “Let’s make him jealous!”

“Jealous ?”

Jessica nods “Great Idea YoonA! I agree with you”

“Are you sure ?”

“Yes we sure”


“Yuri! Hurry!” Jessica shouts at me

I put all my thing to the locker, and close it. I run to Jessica and YoonA. But when we want to walk, I saw a pair of hands close their eyes. I turn around and I see Donghae closes YoonA’s eyes while Jonghyun close Jessica’s eyes, Minho stands there smile awkwardly at me, I smile him back

“Oh my god! This isn’t funny! Let it go!” YoonA says

“I know this scent. KIM JONGHYUN! If you didn’t release your hand, I will—“ Before Jessica continue, Jonghyun release his hand. Jessica turns around, Jonghyun smiles widely

“I’m sorry Sica. It was Donghae’s Hyung idea”

Donghae release his hand too, YoonA pouts “Because you did it to us, all of you can’t come with us” She says

“Where’d you go ?” Donghae asks

“Search a hot guy for Yuri” Jessica smirks as she glances at Minho

“A hot guy ?” Minho asks, YoonA nods “Yes.. and all of us will pretend that we’re single ladies”

“Not all of us, just you both of you pretend to be a single ladies, but not me. I’m totally single” I say to them, Minho glances at me

“What ?! No!” Donghae says as he pouts

“Oh come on! It’s just for one day” YoonA rolls her eyes

“But still! No! You want to forget me ?”

YoonA chuckles and cups Donghae faces, she give him a peck kiss on his lips “No, of course not my casanova. We just want to help Yul search a hot guy. That’s all”

Jonghyun asks Jessica “Really ?”

Jessica nods “Yeah... I don’t like see Yuri envy with us”

I defend myself “No! I’m not en—“ YoonA nudges me “So boys... see you later” YoonA grabs my hand and we walk to the bus stop

“Do you think it work ?” I ask them

Jessica laughs “Absolutely. I can see Minho face turn gloomy” Jessica high-5 with YoonA

“We will see what happen next”



Wait... What did Jessica Noona said ? She want to search a hot guy for Yuri ? Oh no... that’s not gonna happen. I’m the only one for Yuri. No one else

I let out a deep sigh, Jonghyun notice that “Someone jealous” He tease

“No... I’m not”

Donghae Hyung chuckles “Yes You are. Are you still love her ?”

When I’m going to answer, Jonghyun speak first “Yes Hyung! He still loved her. I don’t know what happen with his brain, but he didn’t confesses to her”

“Do you take her to grab some dinner or something like that ?”

I rub my back neck “Well... I already kiss her”

“See Hy—What ?!!” Jonghyun eyes wide as he looks at me

“You heard me, I already kiss her”

“When ?!”

“Ung... Today at library” I tell to them, Jonghyun let out a deep sighs and smack my head “Argh!” I groan

“Pabo!” He says

I glare at him “What was that ? Why you hit me ? Ish” I hiss as I rub my head

“I don’t know what’s wrong with your head, I don’t know why I can have friends like you. Seriously” Jonghyun remarks

Donghae Hyung chuckles “Why you don’t confesses to her ?”

I shrug “I don’t know. I’m not sure yet she still love me or not” Donghae taps my shoulder “Believe me, she still love you”

Should I believe what Donghae Hyung said ? Aish... But I’m not really sure about that. I really want to hear from Yuri’s mouth

Jonghyun smirks at me “Let’s stalking them”

Donghae nods “Great Idea”


Jonghyun glances at me “No but! Let’s see what type of guy that Jessica and YoonA Noona will search for Yuri Noona” He walks to his car, Donghae Hyung walks to his car too. I just stand there

Jonghyun shouts “YAH! HURRY!!” I sigh and walk to Donghae Hyung’s car



“That’s really good on you” I praise Jessica as she walks out from changing room

Jessica is looking herself at the mirror and smiles “Yeah I’ll take this”

YoonA sighs “I’m hungry”

Jessica nods “Let me pay this dress first”  Jessica walks back to the changing room and change her clothes

After that they walk to cashier and pay it. I let out a deep sigh, YoonA looks at me and smiles “Are you okay ?”

“Yeah... I’m fine”

Jessica smiles “Are you thinking about Minho ?”

I sigh “No... I’m not”

“Aw come on Yuri... I know that you’re thinking about Minho” Jessica teases me. I pout when YoonA giggles. We walk to the one of restaurant there. We grab some early dinner after that we decide to hang-out at cozy cafe

After order some drink, we walk to the table near the window and take a seat there. Jessica let out a deep sighs “Aish... I’m tired” She put all her paper bag near the table

YoonA nods her head “Me too...”

“Jessica ?”

We turn around and saw a familiar person stand there. The person that I knew when I was still a new student, Taeyang’s Oppa friend. No other than Park Jaebum, Jessica’s ex-boyfriend

Jessica looks really surprise when Jaebum stand there, smiles at her

“W-what are you doing here ?”

Suddenly, Jaebum take a seat beside Jessica “How are you... Pretty ?”

He looks at me “Oh... Kwon Yuri... Hello”

I show him my fake smile “Hello”

“You still with Taeyang ?” I shake my head “No...”

I glance at Jessica, she looks freak-out. Is she okay ?



“So, where’s your dorky guy ?”

Jessica with strict voice says “Donghae isn’t dorky, okay ? Stop called him dorky guy you ert guy!” She says bluntly, Jaebum chuckles “ert ? You still remember about that, huh ?”

He wants to Jessica’s hair, but Jessica yells at him before his hand touches her hair “Don’t touch me!”

“Whoaa~ Slow down my baby girl”

Honestly, I don’t know who’s that guy. But he seems know Jessica really well, and he knows Yuri. Well, I don’t surprise if he know Jessica, Jessica was really popular since we still freshman. And Yuri, because she date Taeyang Oppa, so everyone know her. And me ? I just Im YoonA, who loves to go to library and stay at the class. And maybe because my ex-boyfriends really over-protective to me, so I decide to stay out from troubles

Jessica looks freak-out, I can see her eyes already teary but she hold it. What happen with her ? Ice Princess can cry too ? Aish... Pabo YoonA. After all she’s just a human being

“Seriously Jae, better you leave me now! Or I’ll scream” Jessica threatens him, He chuckles “Why ? I know that you miss that time, I really want to rewind that time again, when you was ‘under’ me’”

Jessica shouts “Shut up! You leave! Now!!”

Everyone at the cafe are looking at us, I glance at Yuri, Yuri just shrugs. Jaebum stand up “Arasso... Ice Princess... Nice to meet you, I’ll search you again. Don’t worry” He smirks and leave the cafe

Jessica breaths heavily and bury her face into her palms. I walk to her and take a seat beside her, I rub her back and try to calm her down “Ssh... Sica...”

“Why he was here ? Why I should meet him ?” She looks at me and Yuri


I look at right side, Donghae, Jonghyun and Minho stands there. Donghae looks like hold his anger. Why they’re here ?

Jonghyun walk towards Jessica and sits beside her “Jessica, are you okay ?” Jessica quickly hugs Jonghyun and cries. Jonghyun hugs her and rubs her back

“What are you doing here ?” Yuri asks

But Donghae didn’t answer it, he glares at Jessica “What he’s doing here ?”

“I don’t know. I suddenly meet him... a-and he said that he will search me again” She says between her sobs

“Aish! That jerk!” He clenceh his fist “I should punch him, really”

I let out a deep sigh “What exactly happen between you and him Jess ?” I ask Jessica, Jessica pull off the hug and take a deep breath and let it out

“He... He was my ex-boyfriend... And...” Jessica cries again “He almost me”

“What ?!” Jonghyun eyes wide

I stare at her and thought ‘ her ? Seriously ? Did Donghae and her already... No no... Im YoonA, positive thinking. Donghae never gonna do the stupid thing’

Jonghyun asks her carefully “Are you still...”

Jessica bit her lower lips “Donghae saved me before he can ripped my skirt” She continue to cry again. Jonghyun hugs her again

Is she really cry ? Is she acting or something ? Ice Princess can cry too, huh ? A lot of question in my head, A lot of negative thinking in my head. Yes, Donghae saved her. A Superhero. Wait... Are you Jealous YoonA ?

Yuri frowns “Jess, Is he almost you ? Really ?” She asks

Donghae looks at Yuri “Can you stop asking her about that ? It’s really annoy me” He sighs and stand up, I look at him “Where are you going ?”

But he ignores me, He just walking out from the cafe. Yes, I think I’m really jealous with Jessica now, She looks so fragile even Donghae and Jonghyun want to protect her. Of course, she’s an Ice Princess YoonA, someone should protect her

I sigh and stand up. I run after him. I keep call his name “Donghae!”

He ignores me


He keep walks until the parking lot. I keep run but suddenly, I fall-down

I groan “Argh!”

He stops, and he turns around, he walks to me and check if I’m alright or not

“Are you okay ?” I look at him

“Yeah I’m fine” He help me to stand up, he let out a deep sighs

“Donghae, are you okay ?” I ask him

“Not really. I really want to punch that guy. I really already promise to Jessica, I want to protect her from that guy and I don’t want to see her cry again if it’s because of that guy. But I was failed now” He explain to me

“So, you should protect her ?” He nods

“Are you still love her ?”

Donghae frowns “Are you jealous ?”

I chuckle “Well, what do you thinkthen?”

“YoonA... I just--I should keep my promise to protect her from that guy”

“But she already had Jonghyun beside her. So, she didn’t need you, okay ?”

“But Jonghyun didn’t know anything”

“You can told him, or Jessica should told him about her past. Oh maybe because you want to be superhero”

He sighs “Are you really jealous ?”

I stare at him “Yes! I’m so jealous! You know that ? Who’s not jealous if her boyfriends was keep protected his ex-girlfriend in front of their current girlfriend ?” I almost yell at him

“YoonA...” He wantsto take a step, and want to comfort me

I walk backward “Stop! Don’t come near me”

“Yoong—You don’t—“

“I should go home, I want to be alone” I say as I run back to the cafe.

When I walk in, Jessica keep cry on Jonghyun’s chest. I grab my bag, Yuri looks at me

“Where are you going ?”

I try to smile “I’m not feeling well. I should go home” Yuri immedietly stand up and place her palms on my forehead, she frowns “You look fine”

“I should go home” I look at Jessica “Sica, don’t worry. Donghae will take care of you”

I look at Minho “Minho, please take Yuri home” I wave at them “Bye guys” and leave this cafe

I want to be alone, now



After YoonA leave, not for so long Donghae back. He sighs and he sit beside me

I ask him “Are you okay ?” He nods slightly

Jonghyun pull of his hug and hold her wrist “Let’s go home” Jessica nods

Donghae looks at Jonghyun “Jong, please take care of her” Jonghyun nods “I will Hyung, I’ll try my best”

Jonghyun and Jessica are standing up, Jessica looks at Donghae “Hae, I’m sorry...”

Donghae smiles bitter at her “It’s okay. Take a rest, okay ?” She nods and they leave the cafe

Donghae sighs as he leans on the couch “Yul, I need your help”

Yuri looks at me “What is it ?”

“YoonA is mad at me”

“Huh, why ?”

“I don’t know. She said she want to be alone”

I sigh “Hae, if I said I want to be alone, I mean it. I really want to be alone” Minho nods “Yeah she’s” Minho really knows me, I’m happy

I glance at Minho “I’m not finish yet”

I look at me again “But if YoonA said she want to be alone, it means that she need someone beside her to calm her down. She can’t stand her problem alone”

“So what should I do ?”

I punch my arms lightly “Pabo! Try to call her, text her, go to her house, or whatever”

He takes a deep breath and let it out “Okay, I’ll go to her house”

I grin at him “Good!”

He stands up and preparesto leave, Minho looks at Donghae “Hyung. Where are you going ?”

“Of course go to YoonA’s house” Donghae smiles at him


“Bye guys” and the he leaves. This is really awkward right now

Minho clears his throat “So... I didn’t bring my car with me, can we go home by bus ?”

I giggle “Of course. Come on”



I don’t know what should I do, I don’t know what should I react after hear that my girlfriend almost get by someone. If I knew it before, I’ll punch that guy for sure. I keep drive to some place, If Krystal saw her sister was cried, I’ll die for sure

While on the road, Jessica keep cried. I glance at her, She really hurt. That ahjussi was right, she was fragile. I decide to go to the Han River, my favorite place, our place

When we arrive, she already calms herself. I walk out from the car and open the door for her, she look so confuse “Why we’re here ?”

I smile at her “Come on. It’s been a long time we didn’t come here” She nods and walk out from the car. I hold her hand and walk to bench near there. We take a seat there

She takes a deep breath and let it out. We keep silence for awhile, I take a deep breath as I look at her and say “I don’t know what should I do when I saw you cried. I have no idea. I just realize that I don’t know anything about you, I just realize that I’m a bad boyfriend for you”

Jessica interrupts me “Jong, no! I—“ I put my finger in and stares right on her beautiful eyes

“I promise, I promise I’ll always protect you, be the source that you always can rely on. I want to know more about you. I love you Jessica, so much”

Jessica stares at me and pull away my finger on her lips. She smiles sweetly at me “ You have no idea how happy I am right now. I’m so touch, Jonghyun. From now on, I don’t want any secret between us. I love you too Jonghyun, more than you can imagine. You change me a lot” She sighs and pout “Maybe I’m not good to express my feeling but I hope you know that I really love you”

I grin and quickly hug her tightly. I her hair lovingly as Jessica buries her face on my board chest. We stay at the position for awhile before Jessica pulls away, she’s looking at me “I want to tell you everything about me. It’s going to be a long story, is it okay ?” She asks

I nod and smiles at her “Of course. I willing to listen to everything about you”

I love you Jessica, more than you can imagine




Bbyong!~ I'm update! It's getting near to the end of this fic ^^ Can't wait to see your comment^^ Thanks for subscribing and comment <3 Hope you like it :D 

PS : Don't forget to keep voting at chapter 36. I really need it :D thank you [:

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YosoyEvelynDaiana #1
Chapter 45: Aw... So good! I like it.... Thank you n.n
restyaaa #2
Fem, i read your story! HAHAHAHAH nice one kkkk keep it up, girl!
nice one.....
Chongwlrock #4
Chapter 45: Yah it's so nice and romantic
I finished reading this too and i love it.
Thanks for making the story author nim. (:
MYadedea #6
waaaaaaaaaa!!! i love your story so muchhh~. this is the first time for me reading this very nice story ^^. my heart always keep beating when i started to read the begining of every chapter. MinYul love was so beautiful. i'm so hoping that someday they will marry for the real :D hahaha. oh ya! you are the admin of MinYul fanpage in facebook, aren't you? nice to meet you author/admin :. you are also indonesian, right? well, me too :D haha.SILLYFISH daebak!!! MINYUL jjang!! hehehe, terima kasih.
omo~ finally Siwon and Yuri fight...
just wait until they broke up :)
Daebaaaaaaak. Why did I just find out this fanfic lately?! Anyways, ANNYEONG! I'll read the sequel <3
Ahh... i want MinYul moment... :)
hi, new readers in here.... :)