Chapter 81

18 Years Old Mother

Chapter 81

“I gotta go now,” Min Hyuk kissed her forehead.
“Do you really have to?” Seo Yeon pouted as Min Hyuk pulled from the kiss.
“I wish I didn’t,” he put on his blazer. “But, yeah. I have to.”
“You always busy lately. And I hardly find time for us to watch movies together.”
“Well, the company is doing good. So, yeah.” Seo Yeon nodded idly. It was already night and yet Min Hyuk need to go to the office. They barely meet nowadays and sometime Seo Yeon even need to eat alone which was dead boring. However, knowing how much this mean to him, she somehow managed to adapt in the situation where Min Hyuk no longer always be there.
“You can invite a friend over.” Min Hyuk spoke as she followed him to the door. “But no wild party.” Min Hyuk said sternly.
“Ha ha,” Seo Yeon said dryly. “I don’t really have someone to ask to come over.”
“Yeah?” Min Hyuk put on his shoes as he held the wall to support his weight.
“Yeah. I always be that lonely, pathetic girl. My brother is leaving me and there is no one in the house.” Seo Yeon glowered jokingly sad.
“Aigoo.” Min Hyuk lowered his height to hers and ruffled her hair. “I promise I’ll make up for it. Ne?” Min Hyuk smiled cutely.
Min Hyuk kissed her forehead once again and left the house.
Once she lied down on the couch, her mind refreshed back to the thing happened between her and Jin. She couldn’t believe that he turned out to be exactly the person she thought he was.
And it was all because his so-called first love.
Maybe you weren’t supposed to fall in love. 
“Yeah, maybe.” She talked to her subconsciousness.
Maybe it was just an accident.
"Sure thing."
Maybe it was never him.
"Guess so."
Maybe he just happened to be there on the right place, on the right time.
"You're probably right."
She was attempting to remove those things aside as she turned the channel to Fox and waited if something good came out. She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, trying to find something to stuff herself but she found nothing.
. What do I do?
She walked back to the couch and threw herself on it. She accidently took a glance at her phone which was lying helplessly on the glass table.
A friend, right?

She stood in front the theater with her hands clenching inside her winter coat pocket. She looked around at the busy road full with cars and people. 
"Hey," she felt a hand tapped her shoulder. Seo Yeon turned around and smiled.
"Hey," she bit her lower lips."First of all, I'm sorry for asking you come out of the blue. You know this," she waved her hand a little. "...spontaneous outreach."
"You know it's, um, it's alright." Ji Min smiled gently. "I do spontaneous."
Seo Yeon flicked her finger. "Cool."
"Anyway, you look beautiful."
Seo Yeon stared at him in disbelief.
"Okay then." Ji Min looked up to the now-screening ad displayer. "What should we watch?"

They came out from the cinema along with sea of people.
"I feel my is getting numb and sore over that 3-hours-for-nothing movie." Ji Min grunted behind her back.
"It was actually 2 hours and a half." Seo Yeon spoke, a little bit louder so that he could hear her with the noise of the people pushing each other, trying to get out the theatre.
"Duh, sure it is." Ji Min said, more like whisper, from behind her. She couldn't see his face but pretty much sure that guy was rolling his eyes.
At last, they managed to get out from the pack.
"That's another half an hour." Ji Min said sarcastically.
"You can't be serious."
"Actually I can."
"Is it movies that you practically got problems with? Or it just the movies with Nicholas Hoult in it?"
"Um," Ji Min shrugged. "Sort of both." 
"Yeah. You love Nicholas Hoult so much it pained me."
"What about movies? How can you possibly hate movies? Movies are like... the greatest getaway to any person alive."
"I'm a person. No doubt to that. And I'm alive. But nah," he shook his head. "I  gave up on movies."
"Why is that?"
"You know. It just so... cliche. I mean, even the script is almost the same. Let alone the storyline."
"It's not." Seo Yeon defended. "You should really spend some time watching movies."
"Hardly pass."
"No. You really should. Have you ever watched 50 First Dates?"
"Nope. I spit on romance. It's girl's stuff."
"Well then, Terminator?"
"I don't believe in futuristical-encounter-robots."
"What about The Conjuring?"
"You know I don't watch horror, right?"
"I told you. I-"
"Spit on romance. Fine, I get it." She threw her hands in the air. "You're completely helpless."


A/N : I know that this story had been dragged a little but please do know it was completely intentional. It just happened that way so PLEASE BEAR WITH ME... T^T Besides, I just want you guys to really immerse into the characters' feelings and thoughts so yeah... keep reading and commenting!!!

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vincent97 #1
Chapter 92: I'm a new reader wishing for an update. I seriously just read this in 3 hours and loved it.