Chapter 80

18 Years Old Mother

Chapter 80

“Here.” Ji Min handed her a Coke and sat beside her on the bench.
“Thanks.” She took it, opened up the lid and drank it down. She looked to her fingers before mumbling. “I’m sorry.”
“There was literally nothing to be sorry about.” He replied with his eyes still fixed to the scene of the school garden in front of them.
“Of course there are.”
“Nope. There are not.” Ji Min opposed. “You already forgot who have gotten you into this mess?” he questioned. “Me.”
Seo Yeon didn’t deny that. She had live with that since he left her so maybe, just maybe, it’s fine to get him admitting to that.
“It’s fair and square, right? Now I’ll help you getting out from it.”
“It’s was so much easier to be said than done.”
“But we’ll eventually get out.”
“Yes but the whole process is hard. The process of getting out is hard. I thought I was going to get out but I ended up being the same position again and again and…” she chocked on her spit. “It was always seemed to be a lot harder than before.”
“How about…” Ji Min said and coughed a little. “How about starting over?”
“Starting over. You… and me?”
Seo Yeon sat in silent. She admitted that she still loves him, despite everything that happened, she still got Ji Min’s name carving on her heart.
She loves him up until now. Even when she was with Jin, if that ever happened, she was still thinking of him. But accepting whoever trying to come into the picture means that using them as a rebound. Although she had done that, doing that to Ji Min, especially in this kind of situation was unfair to him. With Jin at least she opened up her heart but right now she wasn’t and that was bad.
“I don’t think that-”
“Never mind,” he grinned. “I’ll wait. Until you can fully accept me back, I’ll wait.”
Seo Yeon didn’t say a thing and just looked at him in the eye. Ji Min didn’t even avoid her gaze.
“Don’t tell me I only have to wait few seconds. That’s no fun.” He chuckled. She punched him in the arm.
“Shut up.” Seo Yeon laughed a little. For a second, the pain actually disappear.
"Friends?" Ji Min stucked his hand out for a shake. Seo Yeon looked at him a while before shook his hand.
“Oh yeah,” Ji Min spoke. “I want to get you something.”
“What is it?” she asked as Ji Min stood up from the bench. “Come on.”
“Stop asking question and get up.”

Ji Min was pulling her the whole way until they arrived at the town. He was looking some particular shop before pulling her again into a shop by the road side. Seo Yeon couldn’t see the signboard of the shop because Ji Min was going too fast.
When she finally stepped inside the shop, her breathe came to a halt. Her jaw dropped as she scanned the colorful things around the shop.
“It’s for, um,” Ji Min coughed a bit. “Our baby.” He looked away and she could see his ear reddened into bright red. Seo Yeon couldn’t believe that she actually chuckled to that.
“But there is a problem.” Seo Yeon said. “A biggest one yet.”
“What?” Ji Min asked. He looked very shocked on her statement.
“We couldn’t buy these things.” She stated.
“And why is that?” Obviously-nervous Ji Min.
“Because we didn’t know the gender yet.”
“We didn’t?” he asked in confusion.
“Well, I didn’t. Do you?” Seo Yeon asked playfully but still plastered the so-called stern looks.
“No,” Ji Min seemed as if he just came back to his sense. “I didn’t too.”
“In that case we’re not buying.”
“So what the problem? We can just buy two set each.”
“Ji Min,” she called. “That’s a waste.”
“It’s not.” He resisted.
“Yes it is. If we ever buy that way, you know what, we could hog that stuff and feed the whole Third World country.”
“Duh,” he sighed. “You’re exaggerating.”
“I’m not.” She defended herself.
“What’s the big deal anyway? He or she could wear both. It’s the baby anyway. No one’s gonna care what he or she will be wearing.”
“I’m not gonna risk any uality confusion to my baby.”
“And I’m not gonna gender problems from stopping me buying clothes to MY baby.”
Seo Yeon rolled her eyes and Ji Min pulled her, again, into the inner side of the shop.
They were having hard times buying the stuff for THEIR baby since Seo Yeon kept stopping him taking anything unnecessary. They even argued to buy the toys. Ji Min was confused whether to get the dollhouse or the lego set while Seo Yeon chose not to buy both since the baby will probably chock on the small chairs or the lego block.
The clothes were also the same. Ji Min’s choice was either blue for boy or pink for girl. Seo Yeon even wandered why he didn’t even pick green or yellow. At least they didn’t really need to care for the gender.
Seo Yeon stood by the shelves and look at Ji Min from far. He was searching for something at the end of the shelf and seemed to mutter to himself something. She was confused with all of these things happened to her. It all happened to fast and there’s a lot going on at the same time. Jin, Ji Min, everything.
What should I do?
“Yah, Lee Seo Yeon!” Ji Min called her name. “Come and help me choose!”
“Dude, you don’t need to shout.”
Without even realize, there were a pair of yes, staring angrily at both of them.



A/N: 2 chaps already <3 Please do vote comment and subscribe! Don't forget to spread this fic to your friends too!

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vincent97 #1
Chapter 92: I'm a new reader wishing for an update. I seriously just read this in 3 hours and loved it.