- Suga - Late Night Walk Home

BTS One Shots


Suga sits on the couch patiently as he watches the tv then looks at the clock, '8:19pm' it reads, he sighs then looks on his phone, nothing, not a single message from you. A few minutes later he suddenly stands up and slip on his jacket then goes downstairs. You sigh and pout as you have no bars on your phone, you walk past a bar and turn the corner, you nearly are home as you notice a shadow on the wall behind yours, you look behind you then gasp as you get pinned against the wall, you try to fight the guy off, "Get off of me" you say angrily as the man is obviously very drunk, "Stay still....you..." he says drunkly, kick him in the leg then run, just before you could get anywhere he grabs your wrist and pushes you against the wall again making you cough from your back hitting the wall so hard. 

'Where is she...' Suga mumbles walking around, he then watches a girl getting pushed against a wall by a drunk man, he blinks then widens his eyes shocked.

"Do as i say or I'll hurt you princess" The man says, you tear up as he's holding a knife to your tummy, he moves to kiss your neck, just before he could he suddenly gets pushed to the ground, you squeal quietly at a sharp sting from above your left forearm to your lower rib area to above your right forearm, you couldn't see anything except in the streetlight, you see your boyfriend Suga, "How frickn dare you, hurt, my, girlfriend, you bastard!" he shouts puching the man in the face with each last few words, you gulp shocked, Suga knocks him out then runs to you, "Are you ok?" he asks frantically, you nod then getting up as he helps you, "Come on, let's get you home" he says then taking your hand and walking you home.

He unlocks the door and slips off his shoes as you do too then walk into the living room then turn to look at him, he turns on the lights then turns tand widens his eyes at you shocked, you blink, "W...what?" you ask quietly then looking down to see you arms bleeding and your lower rib area, (quite a bit but not alot). He walks over then throws off his jacket before getting the emergency box and a bowl of water then sitting the box and bowl beside you, Suga then cleans your arms gently as you watch,


"What happened _____?" he asks gently before looking at you then dressing your arms, "I was walking home then he followed me i guess.." you say, he nods slowly conserned, "Well...no more walking home at night ok, what kind of friends allowed you to walk home alone at night anyway?" he says louder than usual as he is angry.

You nod slowly then he looks at your lower rib area, "Um...you..your....i..i need to get to it.." he mumbles, you nod gently then take your top off shyly, you look down blushing as Suga looks at you then blushes slightly and concentrates, "This may sting a bit" he says and tries to clean it as gently as he can as you bite your lip both shyly and awkwardly.

He finishes cleaning then gently dries it, you watch him and blush as you notice his vision focused on your waist, "Wh..what?.." you ask quietly, "Nothing....i know this is the wrong time but....your waist is cute" he mumbles blushing slightly as he bandages the wound up, you blush then after he pulls away you look at him feeling kinda awkward, "What..what was he going to do to me Suga?..." you asked quietly, Suga frowned sadly then leaned in and hugged you, "Nothing good, that I do know, thank god I found you is all i can say.." he says relieved, you bite your lip then tingle as you notice you are hugging and you are only wearing your bra and shorts, you hug back relieved and thankful he found you in time, "Thank you...thank you oppa...for finding me..." you mumble to him, he pulls away then cups your cheeks, "That's ok, I'm just thankful I found you.." he says with a slight concerned frown, you nod as he then kisses you deeply and lovingly, you kiss back happily and melt.

He slowly pulls away then looks at you lovingly before biting his lip lovingly and standing up, "Come on,let's get you dressed" he says before leading you to the bedroom. He opens his wardrobe, "Any top you want" he says with a happy smirk, "Any?" you ask with slightly opened happy eyes, he nods amused, you pick the black one with a bird picture on it, he nods then gives you a pair of his black boxers with a slight blush but a smirk, you giggle a bit then turn back to back to change your shorts to his boxers as he changed into pajamas, Suga then turns and helps you put on the top as it reaches just above your . You smile sweetly then he picks you up bridally you places you on the bed then leaves the room, you braid your hair into 2 braids before he comes back in with a big tub of neopolitan ice cream, he sits on the bed with you then moves your legs over his so you are facing him in a loving position and way, you smile as he then feeds you some.

"Saranghae _______~" Suga says sweetly but meaningfully, "Nado saranghae oppa~" you reply sweetly and lovingly before he puts his arm around you and kisses you lovingly before you eat all the ice cream together before going to bed.



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Chapter 17: So sweet... ^.^
SakuraDyrah93 #2
Chapter 12: Awww..that so sweet of JHope oppa!! Wish it real! XD