15? or 10?

Invisible nor Visible




At school, its Chemistry lesson. Your teacher Mr Ahnki, gave his students a project. You group were with Myungsoo, Hwayoung, and Gongchan. You took the instruction paper, and sit with your group.


“Myungsoo, can you take that salt? I forgot to take it, sorry,” you asked him.

“Its okay, I’ll take it.”


Girls surrounding him and gave him packs of salt.


“Ah! ~~~! I forgot the vinegar! I’ll take it now, okay?” Hwayoung run to her locker.


“Hey.. I didn’t know you. Hi I’m Gong Chansik, nice to meet you!” Gongchan reached his hand out.

“Uuh, I know, we met yesterday in Biology class aren’t we?” you were confused and just talk what you had in your mind.


“Are..we? I thought yesterday I— he’s using me again!”


“What? Excuse me?” you asked him because you thought he was talking to you.

“Uh no its not you. It’s that creature.. I hate him,” he grinned cutely and you laugh.


“Haha how old are you dude? You’re like 10!” you laughed at him.

“I’m.. one..two..three.. five.. Five years older now!” he counted with his hand.


You laughed at him more and he laughed too. Myungsoo and Hwayoung back and Gongchan and you stop the laugh and started to work.









“OPPA!!! WHAT IS THIS!!!” Hwayoung yelled at his brother Baro.


“WHAT’S THE WHAT?! SIS SHUT UP!!” he yelled back.


“Hwayoung, Baro oppa! Whats wrong?” you and Gongchan came.










They hugged eachother while you and Hwayoung looked at them hugging thightly.


“Oppa who is he..? I mean he’s Gongchan but.. you?” Hwayoung asked.


“He is my best hoobae at my old school!”


“And he’s my best sunbaenim!!” they looked at eachother, and cried with screams..


“Is he really your oppa? I don’t—“



Its because Baro has deep voice and he never act like this to another guy. Even his sister didn’t believe it.


“Guys.. hmm.. we’re going..” Hwayong told them. But they didn’t listen, only hugging and lifting.





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sepertinya begitu #wah #penghianat
woi kapan mau update jangan bilang gara2 udah ga cinta #wah
Thaaanks!!~ but i won't update until i finish my other fic:" i know its not good to leave this fic though._.
KISSmeBecca #4
awesomee~! ^^ i like this story.
yea~ rinrin likes older guys!~ *and so am i-_-
Rinrin likes doojoon eh
sungyeolie #7
Yeaaaaaaay.....update sooooooon......
uwowowowowowow update soon .___.
i'll update todaaay:D
sungyeolie #10
Dongsaeng-ah....update soooooon....!