Love at the first sight?

Invisible nor Visible



Woohyun and Min came to your room. They looked at your room.


“Unnie! Oppa!” you shout as they walked in.

“It’s my  favourite dongsaeng!!” Woohyun tried to hug you but Min moved in front of you.

“Ey, ey, ey, so what am I? I’m your twin!”

“Ya, thats why, you’re my favourite twin. And you’re my noona aren’t you?” he threw his sweet excuse.

“Yeah, yeah I know,” she patted his face.

“By only 6 minutes..” he hissed.

“I heard that!” Min replied fast.

“I knoooow” Woohyun stuck his tounge out.


You laughed, *hahaha my best twins. How chould I have siblings like that?*


“What do you think about my room? Quite big isn’t it?” you ask your siblings.

“Hmmm, yeah. Mine is smaller!” Woohyun protested.

“~~~! Do you take that cute bunk?” Min point at your bunk.

“Yeah, cute right? Want to help me put my clothes?” you replied with a big smile.

“Of course cuttie, by the way your bunk looks like mine. But mine has lighter brown.” she touch your bunk.


Woohyun took a step “Hey can I help-“

“NO!” you shouted together.


He froze, but his eyes on someone else. And you think he froze not because of you and Min.


Min and you looked at each other, “WOOHYUN!”

“Sshh, don’t disturb,” but he only hissed, his eye won’t move.

“Miss, what’s your name? I’m Woohyun. I think.. Woohyun oppa?” Woohyun reached his hand to Hyunra.


Without second thought Hyunra took his hand. “Hyunra, Seo Hyunra. Nice to meet you, oppa?”

“Uh, sorry Hyunra, but don’t you ever touch his hand! He never wash it. Even after....” you stuck your tounge out for reference a word disgusting.

“YA! THIS KID! What did you say?! Huh? Wanna die?!” he wrapped his arm on your neck and flicked your forehead several times. Everyone laughed, you and him laughed too.


Myungsoo still keep his eyes on Rinrin. Rinrin noticed him. She smiled at him.

“I love your movie, you are like profesionals!”

“Oh, yeah? So,do you like me? ” he smirked.

She chuckled and beamed, “Kinda,”


“Are you hungry? Want to grab lunch?” he smiled warmly.

“Hmmm, since I haven’t took my breakfast...okay!” she smiled and made an Ok sign with her fingers.

“So, anyone wants to eat? My treat! Hyung, lets go, bring your girlfriend too!” Myungsoo teased Woohyun.

“Uh, sorry, I don’t have any,” he glanced to Hyunra. Hyunra replied with a gazed.

Byunghun saw them glaced and gazed at each other. His face got stiffened. “OKAY NOW! We should go aren’t we?” he stop the silentness.


“But ~~~ and me have to finished unpacking first, later we’ll cath up,” Min still organizing your clothes.

“Oh, should I help you? It looks a lot to do.” Hyunra offered a help.

“Yeah me too, I’m an expert at orginizing!” Rinrin followed.


“NO!!” the boys shouted together.

“I mean..” they whispered together.


“It’s okay,  we’ll finished it by ourself,” you and Min smiled.

“Uh, okay, is it really okay?” Hyunra asked.

“It’s alright,” Min replied.

They head to the cafeteria, while you and Min continuing orginizing your stuff.



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sepertinya begitu #wah #penghianat
woi kapan mau update jangan bilang gara2 udah ga cinta #wah
Thaaanks!!~ but i won't update until i finish my other fic:" i know its not good to leave this fic though._.
KISSmeBecca #4
awesomee~! ^^ i like this story.
yea~ rinrin likes older guys!~ *and so am i-_-
Rinrin likes doojoon eh
sungyeolie #7
Yeaaaaaaay.....update sooooooon......
uwowowowowowow update soon .___.
i'll update todaaay:D
sungyeolie #10
Dongsaeng-ah....update soooooon....!