Soonyoung x Jay?

Opposites attract

It had been a few hours since Soonyoung left for Jay's and including myself everyone was worried. Luckily, Stalker Vernon followed them to see what happened. Unfortunately what we all feared became true. 

"Guys! Guys! GUYS!" Vernon burst back into the dorm waving his hands around. All the members gathered around him waiting for the long awaited information. 

"What is it? What happened?" Dino, the youngest, was very curious. He was jumping evrrywhere. Almost bumped into me. 

"It's Soonyoung and Jay....I-I think they're dating!" D-dating? I thought he liked me? He did didn't he?

"Dating?! That idiot! When he gets back I'm gonna give him one of these!" Mingyu put up his fist go show everyone what he would do. 

"Mingyu I don't think that's a good idea." Wonwoo was trying to calm Mingyu down but it obviously didn't work. The next thing I knew, the whole of Seventeen was fighting and arguing. Even The8 and Jun were arguing! It was too loud. How do they expect me to think?! 

"Shut up!" Without thinking I shouted at my other members and ran into my room, slamming the door shut. I heard mumbles coming from the members. Some of them asking "What's his problem?" And others answering "Soonyoung and Jay..." Yes I wasn't happy about Soonyoung and Jay going back out but that's not why I got angry. I promise it isn't! It's just because everyone was making a load of noice and o couldn't think. Yeah that's why. Not because I'm jealous. Agh who am I kidding?! I'm so jealous! If only Soonyoung could have chased me a little longer. If he did then he finally would have caught me. I guess it's my turn to chase huh? Well how am I supposed to do that when he has a boyfriend?! Why's he gotta make it so difficult? Wait is he only going out with Jay to get over me? If that's the case then I don't have to wait that long. I mean once he realise he likes me not Jay he'll come running back to me won't he? Yeah...I'm sure of it. 

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Chapter 13: I found this story and its really good >< fighting jihoonie. Soon will back you ><
kamoi_mac #2
Chapter 13: Hoonie Fighting!!!
Chapter 11: O___O Jihoon....FIGHTING!!!
chunsa1001 #4
Chapter 9: It's sooo good!!!!! Keep up the good work Author-nim!!!!!