Chapter 6: Ugly duckling and swan, a butterfly before it flies

(I) Fly High
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Taerin was in the middle of her club meeting. The meeting did have both high school students and university students and she was starting to regret joining the group for two main reasons. One, nobody from her grade joined with her; what kind of performing arts school students don’t want to join the music club? Oh, because there was a specific university sunbae that was somewhat a genius but scary at the same time. That’s why. Two, they were way too extroverted.

“So Taerin-ah, what brought you to our club?” the high school club president, Lee Haneul asked.

“Uh, I like singing?” Taerin replied with a small smile.

“That’s great! Everyone from the club has to perform at the festival and we would love to hear your voice! Can’t wait!” Haneul exclaimed, a bit too cheerfully.

“Yay… great” Taerin’s laughter died down.

The rest of the members kept asking questions to Taerin and it wasn’t that she thought they were annoying, they were just too… out there.

Three knocks were heard on the door and the university club president, Choi Changwook answered


“Sorry for being late.”


Jungkook slipped in the door and bowed his head down.

“Hello, my name is Jungkook and I would like to join the music club,” he smiled.

“Welcome, welcome!” Changwook went over to Jungkook and hugged him accepting his registration form “Taerin was probably feeling a bit lonely” Changwook laughed.

Jungkook’s eyes met Taerin’s and smiled giving a small wave. He looked around the room scanning the faces of the club members and stopped at a particular person. Taerin followed his gaze and noticed the person was also looking returning his stare.


Lee Jieun.


“Of course,” Taerin whispered to herself pressing her lips together but still flashed a smile afterwards to avoid any suspicion.

Jungkook sat down next to Taerin and bumped his shoulder onto hers slightly.

“What’s up,” he whispered.

“Didn’t think you would join the music club” Taerin whispered back.

The two of them continued their own whispering conversation with a few giggles and hitting each other lightly, obviously, the interaction didn’t go unnoticed by the others.

“Hey~ you two” Sungjae, a third year high school student called out to Jungkook and Taerin “are you two… dating?”






“I’m kidding! I’m kidding! Gosh guys, why did everyone have to get so quiet”.

Jungkook and Taerin felt the blood rush to their faces and everyone laughed at their reactions.

“Well, that was awkward” Jungkook commented.

“Yup, sure was” Taerin replied.


. . . . .


Everyone left the club meeting waving goodbye’s and bowing their head down at the sunbaenim’s.

“So uh, see you tomorrow?” Jungkook held onto his bag straps facing Taerin.

“Sure… see you tomorrow” Taerin replied quietly before turning around and walking away. She can feel her heart beating like crazy.

You stupid heart, stop beating like crazy! Taerin let out a deep breath.




Taerin halted and tilted her head slightly unsure but turned around and saw Jungkook still at his same position.

“Uh” he spoke a bit louder than normal considering their distance “do you have some time?”


. . . . .


“Loser has to do whatever the winner wants” Jungkook suggested.

“You have yourself a deal” Taerin grinned and they both grabbed their guns pointing at the screen.

Jungkook took her to an arcade. An arcade. Nice.

“Jungkook!” Taerin squealed when Jungkook blocked her gun from the screen, “Jungkook, that’s cheating!”

“Cheating? What’s that? Is it something you eat?”

Taerin ended up dying first with Jungkook cheering.

“That wasn’t fair like, at all” Taerin pouted.

“I think we both enjoyed that game. Pretty fair for me” Jungkook grabbed both their bags and walked towards the racing section.

“Mario Kart?” he offered.

“Oh, you’re on.”

“At least I won in t

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