

AN: just gonna apologize in advance for this crap update. It's short and terrible and I hate it and I don't knOW WHY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO WRITE THIS. I HATE IT. BUT I DONT HAVE TINE TO REWRITE IT SO HERE









It's after several days of busy schedules and warm sunny days when Taehyung finally asks his roommate/crush or whatever they are- an awaited question. They've both confessed but they haven't had the time for a proper date so Taehyung isn't so sure as to where they stand. But the lack of label doesn't stop him from asking "Hoseokie, what's your family like?" They had been sitting on the couch, Hoseok's arm draped over the smallers shoulders in comfortable silence while the tv played when Taehyung had asked the dreaded question. Hoseok noticeably stiffens, pulling his arm away and jaw clenching "I don't want to talk about it." Taehyung frowns, reaching for the mortals hand only for it to be pulled away again "I mean it Taehyung. My relationship with them is toxic, and I don't like talking about it." Taehyung frowns even further, nodding and scooting away slightly "I don't see why you can't talk about it." Hoseok's jaw clenches, hands curling into fists as he sternly says "because I don't want to, simple as that. Respect my privacy and I'll respect yours." Taehyung glares slightly, his itch to find out the truth causing him to come off as too pushy "I don't have any privacy from you. I've told you everything there is to tell! You don't trust me, do you??" Hoseok growls, standing up in a flash "just stop!! I don't want to talk about, so shut up!" Then before the demon can fix his mistake, Hoseok has stormed out after snatching his coat, phone, and wallet. 




Taehyung lets out a frustrated sigh, he's messed it all up now. He growls and rubs his forehead as a headache begins to pound at his skull. He groans and lays down on the couch with a huff, he's gotta figure out a way to make things better between them, and quick.









Meanwhile at the studio, Hoseok has his favorite dubstep song playing at full volume, dancing with all he's got. Popping and locking to the rhythm in an attempt to fight off the memories brought up by Taehyung's question. He's forced to relive the nightmares from his high school years, before he was freed. He knows his father isn't nearly as evil as Taehyung's step dad, but it had impacted his life nonetheless. He lets himself fall on the floor, back leaning against the glass as memories of his youth replay. His mother, the most kind and caring woman he's ever known had gotten sick near the beginning of his first year of high school. She had died just eighteen months later, the details of her illness were always fuzzy to Hoseok, probably because they tried to protect him at the time. But he figures now that it was likely lung problems. After she died.. his father became more controlling and mentally abusive. Hoseok shakes his head to clear his thoughts from drifting further down the rabbit hole, he's better now. He survived throughout all the constant criticism and belittlement. He left it all behind the day after graduation. He tilts his head back, suddenly feeling guilty for snapping at Taehyung. He huffs, and pulls himself back up to stand, walks over to the speaker set up and grabs his phone. His thumb hovers above an audio recording that Namjoon and Yoongi had helped him record back in school, when they lived in Korea. They'd helped him write and produce a song for his mom, for Mother's Day, but he never got the chance to hear it. He plays it sometimes as a way to reflect on the memory of his mother, and this is no exception. He taps the song titled Mama, and closes his eyes as the poorly recorded song plays loudly, letting his body drift with the rhythm. 




Taehyung quickly decides to run to the studio and apologize, since he assumes that's where Hoseok went. He practically sprints the entire way, cracking the door open to see Hoseok frivolously dancing to a song he's never heard before, the lyrics are something about a supportive mother and when Taehyung sees Hoseok stop dancing and fall to his knees with a few tears leaking down his cheeks, it clicks. Hoseok must've written the song for his mother, but why he's crying, Taehyung isn't sure. Unless she's dead. The demon sighs and quietly creeps in, locking the studio door up behind him and pausing several feet away "Hoseok?" the dancer looks up in surprise, wiping his quickly and rushing to turn the song off before finally facing Taehyung "y-yeah?" Taehyung walks closer with a frown "are you okay?" Hoseok nods but freezes mid way, face falling as he slowly shakes his head "no... I'm sorry about earlier, it's just... I.. it's hard to talk about for me.." Taehyung nods, and walks over to hug the dancer for comfort "don't worry about it. I'm sorry I pushed you." Hoseok returns the hug tightly, sighing quietly "don't be. You deserve to know... my mom died in halfway through my second year of high school. She was... wonderful. But my father was controlling and mentally abusive, he'd warped me into a depressed, suicidal kid who didn't believe I would make it to graduation.." Taehyung closes his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throats at the idea of a sad Hoseok, running his fingers through the dancers hair while he continues on with his story "but luckily I had two friends that pulled me through. Yoongi and.. Namjoon. They were constantly there to help me, and when graduation day came, Namjoon surprised me with a ticket to America. Said he had an apartment lined up for the three of us to share. I went to college here for dance, Yoongi went for composing and Namjoon for writing. But Namjoon left before we finished. It's just been Yoongi and me ever since.." Taehyung sighs through his nose, maybe Yoongi isn't so bad. He's just protective of Hoseok, that's all. They're probably the only thing each other have left. 




Taehyung steps back and smiles "it's okay. I'm sure she's in a better place, Hoseok.. I'm sorry for what you've been through. It's not fair for either of us, but at least we've got each other, right?" Hoseok nods, a small smile finally creeping back out as he steals a kiss from the smaller man "yeah..." Taehyung grins, unable to hide his joy "I saw your dancing.. can you teach me?" Hoseok nods, confidence practically pouring back into him as his worries melt away. Taehyung marvels silently at the sight of it, like Hoseok's positive energy just refilled him. He's grateful, he doesn't like the looks of a sad Hoseok. It's unnatural. Hoseok practically beams at the demon, smile back to its full brightness "what style do you want to learn???" Taehyung grins, shrugging "I don't know... just something basic I guess?"









Two hours later and they're both dragging themselves into Hoseok's apartment, dead tired from dancing. Taehyung collapses face down on the couch with a huff "I quit. I'm leaving the dancing to you." Hoseok chuckles sitting on the demons feet as there isn't anymore room on the sofa "ah, you can't handle it huh? Weak.." Taehyung's head naps up, glaring over his shoulder "I'm not weak!" Hoseok shrugs, playfully continuing "if you can't even work on basic moves then you're weak." Taehyung growls slightly, trying to sit up, but only succeeds in rolling over and propping his torso up by using his elbows since the human is sitting on his ankles "ya know what? I'll keep doing lessons. I refuse to be the weak boyfriend in this relationship!" Hoseok sputters, eyes widening slightly at the words 'boyfriend' and 'relationship' sure they like each other, but they haven't even been on a date. Normally he wouldn't take this serious, they've only known each other for a matter of weeks. But when he notices Taehyung's eyes dim ever so slightly and his smile turn a little sad, he decides that it doesn't matter how long they've known one another. Hoseok only grins wider and laugjs it off, saying "neither of us are going to be 'the weak boyfriend' calm down Tae." Taehyung's eyes widen faintly, obvious relief washing over him and he smiles back. It's official. He's fallen for the human. 









AN: I hate this chapter. The flow is terrible and I hate it

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Chapter 13: So far so good :) I really like the fic and the flow till now and I have to say that I'm shamelessly waiting for vhope reunion ;)