Chapter 3

Work this out

                                                                                       TZUYU's PoV

  Sana unnie told me everything and their wedding. It's painful to hear about that but I can be strong for her. I know that Sana unnie  have feelings for Dahyun unnie but she is denial queen. I also know that she hurts every time Dahyun unnie speaks to Momo. I was surprised to see that my cousin Dahyun unnie just staring at us. she's so numb for not noticing Sana unnie feelings for her. but I was more shocked when she suddenly grabbed Sana unnie in the arm. the tightness of her hold. Sana unnie groaned in pain but they just walked on. I did not even do anything but all I can do is just watched them leave me so I went home.I was really disappointed if when she did something wrong with Sana unnie. Because of the night, I was asleep because of the worries about  Sana unnie.


                                                                                      SANA's PoV 

Dahyun grabbed me by the arm and put me on her way. To be honest, Its really painful. I was still crying but just like she did not care.I used my force to get rid of her hand in the brackets shouting at once. 

"what is your problem?" I asked her.

"you!" she shouted.

"It's this about marriage? Dahyun! I have no idea about it! I'm just a victim too" I said as my tears flowed on my cheek. 

It's late at night but we're still yelling on the road.


                                                                                       DAHYUN's PoV

"If I don't know you, I wouldn't have to marry you! there will be no obstacle to me and  Momo" I shouted I do not know why that's my excuse. I'm really jealous when she with Tzuyu, I just want that I'm the who to comfort to my best friend.


I was shocked when Dahyun slaps me.

"Why do I also want to marry you? I'm hurt by your words. Do you think I'm the barrier on you guys? Your wrong! because I have nothing to do with you.

Now I just saw this like Sana unnie. I saw in her eyes anger and sadness.

am I to assume?

"Sana unnie," I whispered came near her but she steps back and ran away crying.

I left her alone to give a time. I decided went home to sleep. In fact, I had tried to sleep but I can't sleep.

A few minutes later I fell asleep because too tired.


                                                                                                SANA's PoV

I can't hold it the words she said to me earlier. I'm home now and I want to sleep but I can not sleep. I close my eyes and get slumber but I just wake up in minutes.


FASTFORWARD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

( School )

I can not move on what happened yesterday. That's fine and at least I got some rest for a while. I did not talk to  Dahyun and same as she did to me either. I talked to my pretend about marriage but still no choice. So the wedding still on even though we don't want to.

I'm here in the cafeteria with Tzuyu today also with  Nayeon at Sungjae oppa.

"Sana are you okay," Sungjae oppa asked me.

"Huh? Yea I'm alright oppa! Why?" I asked him with a fake laugh.

"Hih? You still pacing out!" Nayeon said.

" are you sure huh." They said so I just nod.

While we eating, I notice Tzuyu remain silent so I talk to her.

"Pst, Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yup Sana unnie, I'm okay"

"If you say so," I said with no emotion.

I look around and saw her with Momo, they look so happy, pretending won't affect me and I just continue eating.



To be continued........


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Sup guys !!! Don't worry New chapter will be update soon
As possible I just need enough time to do so ( I'm in the military service also quite busy) English is my third language, I apologize if there's a wrong grammar and this is my first SaiDa fanfic so please bare with me me. :)


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