Chapter 2

Work this out

                                                                                           DAHYUN's PoV

When Sana walkout and I go to my room too.

I heard someone open the door, for sure Sana's parents already left.

What about Momo? I have planning to confess to her. If I don't know Sana this going to happen?


*Knock knock* 

I immediately opened the door of my room and came up with my mom and dad.

Dahyun-nah we need to talk," mom said so I just nod and let them in.

"I know It's hard for you but please marry her," dad said in serious tone.

"I can't'  and my tears in my cheek were flooded "dad please she's my friend and I don't like her more than a friend forcing my dad to cancel the wedding.

"NO, Dahyun you will marry her whether you like it or not," mom said.then left me. so why are they selfish.

I went to my bed thinking to talk Sana and force her parents to cancel the wedding. But I decided to go out for a walk around to park the place we used to hang out before.

                                                                                        SANA's Pov

I decided not to go home yet because I know they will just force me to marry her and right now going to park.

I'm crying while sitting on the swing. Calling Tzuyu on phone 

CALLING SALLY (Tzuyu's nickname)

she immediately answer my calls

" Tzuyu," I said sob*

"Oh hey Squirrel unniel, why are crying?" she asked questions with concern.

"Tzuyu, I'm here in the park now help me" I cried even more while ending the call.


                                                                                   TZUYU's PoV  

I'm going to sleep but my phone rang suddenly


I wonder why she calls me at this time so I answer her calls

"Oh hey Squirrel unnie, why are crying ?" I asked her with a worried tone.

"Tzuyu, I'm here in the park now help me," she said so immediately hang up, get my jacket, and run in the park. she goes the only park, the park we used to stay here before. The park is near my house.

When I reached the park I saw Sana in the distance sitting on the swing and crying, she is still pretty when she's cry, approach her and I put the jacket on her shoulder. 

"Sana unnie, gwenchana?" I ask her. I was surprised when she suddenly embraced me

"I thought you not coming, " she said while still hugging me and crying. I hug her back and I spoke.

"I'm not leaving you or ignoring you," I spoke then giving her a kiss on the forehead at the same time the snowfall. we look like in the movie.


                                                                                                   DAHYUN's PoV


When I arrived at the park I saw Sana sitting in the swing. I came near her, this is a good time for talk her but  I saw Tzuyu. she's walking towards Sana unnie and put the jacket on Sana unnie's shoulder. 

I was shocked when Sana unnie hugs her, wait did Sana unnie cry? Tzuyu hugs her back, they talked about something but I did not hear them. then suddenly Tzuyu kiss her on her forehead. The snow poured over my hair suddenly. I feel weak because of what I saw but I don't have feelings for Sana unnie.

"Oh gosh, I didn't bring a jacket," I whispered out as if I was looking  Tzuyu at me.

Did Sana unnie tell her? because I know she likes Sana unnie since when we are a kid. Just not only her confessed. There's something behind those eyes while looking at me and I don't know why what happens to me  and  I came near them and I grabs Sana unnie's arm then walk away from the park. She still crying but I just let her. When suddenly...

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Sup guys !!! Don't worry New chapter will be update soon
As possible I just need enough time to do so ( I'm in the military service also quite busy) English is my third language, I apologize if there's a wrong grammar and this is my first SaiDa fanfic so please bare with me me. :)


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