Work this out






"Please Sana let me fix this "-Dahyun 




"Sana!!!" Shout my bestfriend while running around.

"Why" I asked. "

"I invited Momo to eat out tomorrow and then she agreed!!!!! Omgg" she explained.

"You're so Overacting of that  then react as though you were to be her girlfriend"


"You're so Overacting of that  then react as though you were to be her girlfriend"

"" That's it going to "I said once well."

"" Whatever!  I have to go,, bye """

"You see," I just saw her and then left me tsk! "

""You're going home? I go with you " I made her walk out of campus.

"" it is up to you, " she said shortly

                                   SANA 's PoV

Dahyun asked if I was okay, like obvious?" Tsk! "This past few day she always brings up about Momo. "I don't know why I'm acting like this, but every time Sana Talks about her crush I felt strange to her. I know I can't  just fall in love with her because I don't want to break our friendship and above all, we're both girls.

I'm okay "I answered Dahyun.

"Bzzt bzzt*"

Someone texts  Dahyun. Tsk! Do I care who it is? I'm just her best friend.

"Sana, dad texts me to go home because we have a visitors. Sorry I can't go out with you today."

"It's okay Dahyun maybe it's important alright I have to go too byeee!

When I got home, my dad see me 

"Child you need to change we going to somewhere," said Dad. 

"What is it that I plan to go home? Sleep right away but it seems impossible. TT

"Why am I going to be ?" I'm sarcastic to my dad and my mom  I can tell my secrets and jokes. Hahaha, I'm close to them;)

"Sigh .. Anyway wear casual clothes"

Okay dad, I will go upstairs now 



Sup guys !!! Don't worry New chapter will be update soon
As possible I just need enough time to do so ( I'm in the military service also quite busy) English is my third language, I apologize if there's a wrong grammar and this is my first SaiDa fanfic so please bare with me me. :)


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