Chapter 9: The Sleeping Rose

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Chapter 9: The Rose





It was the dead of night and all of Sunny Manor was quiet. The children were fast asleep; dreaming of wonderful things that were only possible in their imagination. Even the oldest were deep in sleep when they were usually still awake this time of night. Nothing could awaken them, not even hearing the sound of Asako’s agonizing coughs or walk in to see the wretched state she was in.


*cough* *cough* *cough* 


Asako quickly covers to hold back the volume of her nasty coughs when she feels something wet run down her palm. She paled at the sight of her own blood coating her fingers but quickly wipes it off on one of her spare tissues. This only meant one thing, her time here on earth was limited. Every day she felt herself fading away but it didn’t stop her from being optimistic in front of the kids. Even if she felt the slightest of pain, she would hide it from her children; especially towards Hanako. That child could see through any mask she put on. So topping her sickness with the amount of burdens she was already shouldering was not an option in her book. 


“I need to start my plan b.” As sad as it was for Asako to quickly accept her death, she had to already formulte a plan for her children’s futures. There was no way they could stay in the manor forever. It would traumatize the children to be constantly reminded that the home they loved didn’t have the person they loved the most. That’s why she came up with her next plan where she found a place willing to care and love all of her children after she was gone. 


Despite her four oldest children taking over most of the responsibilities, Hanako was the only one providing money among them. Surely they couldn’t push Hanako to earn extra money just so she could be able to feed and cloth everybody. No, she wouldn’t stand for it. What her children need was another home where it could provide plenty of provisions, a warm, comfy bed, and give some excellent education for the youngins. For those, it would seem impossible to find such a place as this similar to Sunny Manor. Not for Asako, you see there was such a place as she described but not what you would expect. 


She gently reaches over to her night table and pulls out a piece of paper and quill. Her writing was so hasty as her quill flew across the parchment leaving no space empty on there. Signing away her signature on the bottom she folds it into a envelop and seals it with the emblem of the Sunny Manor. With this seal, only they will know it’s from her.


“I just pray this letter finds them before it’s too late.” 


It was vital they respond to her quickly but some part of her worried they won’t. Come to think of it, it’s been years since she’s asked them for a favor. But after everything they’ve been through, they were good old friends.  After making sure the envelope was prepared, she carefully taps into another secret compartment in her drawer and pulls out a peculiar object. Her eyes glowed when reuniting with her old relic. She does her signature flick before the letter vanished into thin air. This should send her letter straight to their postal. 


The more she furthered with her plan, the more worried she became about her children ever finding out what she had done. It hurt her to lie to them about so many things but some things are meant to be unsaid; makes them worry less about her. Oh how she will dearly miss all her children when she was gone. A couple tears slide down wetting her cheek, her heart stung thinking about them being all alone; no they had each other. Still there was that one piece of hope that her beloved treasures will be in good hands. Even on the brink of death, Asako was always strong and protective over her children. 


*Earlier That Day*


When all twelve princes exited the throne room, their fathers and mothers looked so disappointed in themselves. It broke their hearts feeling so powerless when they were practically a power of hierarchy but this was all for the greater good for those little villages who were suffering.  


“I curse this preposterous wedding. That wretched king and his ill intent.” Chanyeol’s father began speaking his mind with so much bitter spite for his enemy. 


“It angers me knowing that I teach Kris to stand up for himself and be his own king when he feels nothing but powerless against this vile engagement.”


“Stay calm William. Kris is a wise young man. He understands it is your civil duty as the king to do what’s right for the helpless. Even if it means giving up their freedom he knows it is a part of them being a prince.”


The entire room went quiet as they couldn’t help but agree to King Takeshi’s statement. All of a sudden, a servant rapped against the elegant golden doors to announce their presence. King Takeshi allows for him to enter and the servant swiftly makes his way down the throne room to greet the kings and queens. 


“Forgive my intrusion your highnesses but I have an urgent letter that’s addressed to King Takeshi and Fumiko.”


The others gave peculiar looks towards their friends who were just as curious about the letter in the servant’s hand. Takeshi beckons the servant to come forward to which he nervously hands the letter over for the king to read. 


“Did it say who it’s from?”


“No your grace. Just this waxed insignia that I’m not knowledgeable of which house it is from.” 


His brow rosed, “Insignia?” just as the servant said, there was a seal in front of the letter. But it wasn’t no ordinary insignia. In fact, it was an emblem he knew from a long time ago. “Leave us.” He ordered the servant before swiftly opening the letter. 


“Dearie what it is?” Fumiko asked, antsy and worried especially when her husband didn’t answer her.  


“Who’s it from Takeshi?” Queen Penelope asked gently but was given no response either as Takeshi was still reading. 


When he finished, he sunk back in his thron and couldn’t help but heave a long and heavy sigh. Queen Fumiko looked at him for a second then takes the letter to read it herself. The more she read it the bigger dropped and eyes widened. Then she frightens the rest when a gasp leaves and she begins to tear up. 


“Fumiko! Why are you crying?” Chen’s mother asked as she was trying to dry her friend’s eyes. 


“What did the letter say?” Kyungsoo’s father asked wondering what was the shocking news in that message.


When Fumiko finally calmed down she turned and looked at her husband who was deep in thought. “Dearie, we need to-no we have to help her….”


Not a second later, the king rises from his throne and calls for his royal advisor. “Leon!”


Leon enters and he greets everyone before awaiting for his king’s orders. 


“I have an important task for you. It needs to be done as soon as you can. Possibly by tomorrow.” 


“I will do as you wish your highness.” 


“Good. I’ll explain your task later.”


“Takeshi what is happening? Why are you calling your royal advisor for?” King Pierre asked. 


He turns around and looked at everyone with emotions so sad and desperate. They’ve never seen it on their friend before so it worried them deeply. “That letter was sent from a dear friend of ours. She’s needs our help and as an old dear friend, I am going to uphold her wish.”


“Come on Soo, just tell us where you went this morning?”  Chen whined into Kyungsoo’s left side not caring if he get chocked to death. 


“Yeah!” Chanyeol chides as he catches up to Kyungsoo, “We’re all curious now about who this friend is since they’re none of us.”


“Aish will you all just leave me alone before you all regret it!” Prince Kyungsoo roared, fire in his eyes and fists ready to strangle a few bodies.


“C’mon Kyungsoo.” Baekhyun joined the trio, he was petulant on holding tight to his arm. “Spare us one little juicy detail about your precious friend.”


Kyungsoo emitted a low growl hoping Baekhyun would let go of him but then he was cornered by Chen and Chanyeol with Kai and Kris tailing behind. “Why is it so damn important about who I make friends with?” 


“Because, your only friends are the eleven of us. Unless I’m counting wrong and we forgot there was a thirteenth kingdom and an imaginary prince?” Chen retorts sassily, offended that he had other friends besides them. 


Was he wrong though? Kyungsoo never was the type of person to go out of his way to make friends that weren’t ones he knew when he was a child. He didn’t even know how he got so comfortable with another person that wasn’t one of his brother; let alone a girl! Curse his mind aimlessly thinking about Hanako, whose name he just learned. That morning he couldn’t stop replaying how she cried into his warmth, how in that moment he couldn’t help but notice how she fit right into his embrace. 


Oh goodness he can feel himself cringing at his actions. How could a mere girl make him feel so desperate just to seek her all the way to the capital? She truly was enchanting that he wanted to know more about her. Perhaps he could ask Suho if he knew a villager with cherry blossom hair but then he retracts and thought he shouldn’t ask him at all. In fact, he didn’t want any of his brothers to know about her. She was his little secret that he would happily keep to himself no matter how many secrets they all have shared with each other.


“Hyung what’s wrong with Soo? He looks like he’s under a spell or something.” Kai was always the first one to notice Kyungsoo’s demeanor changes and waved his hand in front of Kyungsoo’s face to get his attention. 


The others looked at him with peculiar glances but Kyungsoo looked like he was back in reality and had a mystrious smile on his face. ‘Bother me all you want but I’ll never tell you who I met in the capital. It’s my secret I won’t tell.”


Everyone was stunned as Kyungsoo just walks away with a hop in his step. It took the three troublemakers a minute before they rushed down the hall to pester him even more than before. 






“Hey hey don’t bother him so much guys!” Suho called down the hall even though it was likely the three didn’t hear him. “Ugh, what’s the point they’re going to lose a limb anyways.” 


While everyone else who wasn’t chasing Kyungsoo, followed behind Suho, Prince Xiumin was in his own little world. Humming a tune he recently learned when he visited the capital last. He wondered when they would go to the capital again because that was such a fun day. The last time he went he was able to visit some nice bakeries, boutiques, saw some exciting entertainment down at the square, and visited that lovely flower shop too. 


He could still smell the sweet aroma lingering around said flower shop and hoped they would go perhaps before the wedding. Suddenly, someone taps his shoulder and he quickly looks back to see his brother Lay. Was he going somewhere? 


Lay just presses a finger against his lips to tell him to not say a word. “Don’t tell the others where I’m going ok? If they ask, tell them to not worry and I’ll be back by morning.” 


In a flash, Prince Lay went the opposite way and disappeared when he turned the corner. Prince Xiumin was always quiet and perferred not saying much so it won’t be a problem keeping at bay where Lay was sneaking off to. Hopefully it wasn’t something bad but this was Lay; he knows that Lay was probably doing some sort of surprise for the boys. The question was where he was actually going that he didn’t any of them to know. 




Xiumin turns around and sees Sehun waiting for him down the hall. “Keep up will you! Come on you’re missing Kyungsoo beating Chen, Yeol, and Baek at the same time.”


He happily skips towards his youngest and when they reached the elegant study room they are welcomed with the entertaining scene of Kyungsoo bending Baekhyun’s leg, while holding onto Chen’s ear and pinning Yeol to the ground with his left foot. 


Despite their painful cries, no one helped the three troublemakers and sat back to watch the show. None of them wanted to intervene seeing how the three had it coming for them the moment they chased after Kyungsoo. 


Baekhyun weakly chokes out, “Ok…ok Soo I promise I won’t pester you anymore about your fri-OW OW OW”


“Geez if I had known how sensitive this topic was for you I wouldn’t have asked at all.” Chen spewed a string of ows when Soo tightened his hold on his ear even more. 


“Yeol this is just sad. How are you pinned down with just Soo’s foot?” Kris looked a little embarrassed for his gigantic brother in such a shameful position. Chanyeol flushed red too when he was being beaten by someone much smaller than him. 


“Hey! It’s not like I wanted to be in this position….” Yeol grumbled. “Plus, Soo’s foot is heavy. Like imagine a ton of mortar bricks just piled on top of you.”


“Hmm that might be a good idea Chanyeol. Maybe I should dump actual mortar bricks on top of your head.” Kyungsoo growled.


Before things took a drastic turn, Suho stepped in as the mediator. “Alright that’s enough, come on Soo. Ease up a little. I think I heard Baekhyun’s bones popping out of his ribcage.” 


Soo finally releases his victims from his wrath and recedes in one of the lounge chairs next to Xiumin. All three victims instantlyscrambled away to fix themselves up. 


“Suho you’re a savior.” Baekhyun exclaimed. 


He shakes his head at the three idiots before noticing someone was missing. “Wait where’s Lay?”


Immediately everyone looked around the room to realize Lay was nowhere to be seen. 


“Goodness, did he get lost again?” Prince Tao was already looking out of the door to go look for him


“Gosh not again.” Suho sighs almost like this was nothing new. “Shall I call for some servants to help guide him here?”


“I don’t get how hard it was to lose track of us when we were literally just going down the hall. He really has the worse sense of direction.” Luhan chuckles ignoring Suho’s reprimanding look. 


From there it was as if they forgot Lay could be lost within the palace and began to retell hilarious stories of their clumsy friend. The oldest was just about to explain what Lay told him but tends to forget that he was always so soft spoken amongst the more loud and rambunctious princes in the group. Eventually they’ll figure it out, he thought. Or maybe they’ll just find out when Lay comes back tomorrow.







That night, Asako’s condition worsened. Her coughing fits were lasting longer than usual. More blood was coming out making it harder for Asako to hide the red stained tissues in case the children walked in. Thank goodness that none of them were here right now to witness this bloody scene.


*knock* *knock* 


Immediately, Asako wiped whatever blood stains were on her and hid it behind her pillow. She made sure that everything didn’t look out of place before answering the door. 


“Who is it?”


The door creaks open and Kikyo, Yanna, Makoto, Sai, and Hina’s pop their heads out. Her heart gushed, when she wasn’t expecting all her young ones to greet her. They were her beautiful blessings of course. 


The young ones knew it was past their curfew so they had guilty expressions on their faces. To mess with them she placed her hands on her hips and looked at them suspiciously. “And just what are you five doing up here? Shouldn’t you be in bed right now? Where are the others? They should’ve been tucking you in bed right about now.” 


Speaking of, the door opens wider showing that Akira, Fuuto, and Usagi were standing behind the children. Instigating that this was their idea to come upstairs to see her. 


“Sorry mama. We wanted to see you before we went to bed. We’ve never gotten a goodnight from you in awhile.” Yanna was so soft-spoken and rushed to Asako’s side to bury her face in her mother’s lap. 


“Oh~ I am so lucky to have such kind daughters and sons. Come, all of you so I can wish you a good nights kiss.” 


Like a flood released from a dam, the rest of younger ones sprinted from behind the door and leaped onto Asako’s bed. Akira and Fuuto began panicking and carefully observing the children who were rambunctiously jumping on the bed. 


“Hold on guys, be careful!” Fuuto scolded as he gently stops some of the kids from bouncing. Meanwhile Usagi rushed over and made sure none of the kids were piling onto their mother; possibly injuring her. 


“Hey hey you need to be mindful when on mama’s bed.”


The children pout when they realize they could’ve hurt their mother with their reckless actions. Asako clicks her tongue in disapproval and waves both Fuuto and Akira’s worries. “It’s fine Usagi~ It’s not like I’m going to break into two like a daisy. I’m just so happy to have you all here. Now everyone come here so I can get a good look at all of you before I go to sleep.” 


“Scoot over ! I want to be next to Mama.” Kiyoko exclaimed but Yuki shoves her back and looked upset. 


“No fair I want to be next to Mama! I got on the bed first!”


“No I did!” Kiyoko argued before the two started getting into a yelling match all of a sudden. 


“Kiyoko! Yuki! That is enough! You should know better than to fight in Mama’s room.” the two girls immediately shrunk in fear at Akira’s sharp and acute tone. They just mumbled an apology and stayed where they were on opposite sides of the bed. 


“Now now let’s all calm down. There is enough room on my bed for me to be with all of you.” As expected of their mother who became such a pro mediator. 


Suddenly, little Mamoru tugs on her sleeve and takes out a small rose he had kept in his pocket. Asako visibly gasps and points at the pretty flower. “Is this for me Mamoru?” 


He nods excitedly and holds the rose up higher for her to hold. She takes it him from his hand and began smelling it’s lovely aroma. “Ahh it smells so sweet. Thank you Mamoru. I’ll make sure to take care of this dearly.” 


Mamoru showed a big toothy grin, happy that his gift made his mother smile before sharing a space with Yuki. The rose was a cute gift that Asako couldn’t resist placing it into the vase on top of her night table. The rose stood out among her vase of wild flowers that were picked by Hanako and it looked beautiful to her. Just looking at the vase made her realize Hanako wasn’t in this room at all. 


“Do you know where’s Hanako?” 


“Oh, she’s still in the capital.” Usagi answered. 


Asako’s brows furrowed wondering why Hanako was still at her shop so late. “Is she working late again”

“Actually she’s selling-ow! Akira! That hurt~” Usagi shouts after she was abruptly cut off by Akira’s abrasive pinch to her forearm. It was only because the slow witted girl was accidentally going to reveal Hanako’s secret plan. The plan that Hanako specifically told them to never tell their mother. 


Akira cleared and pretended that she didn’t just hurt Usagi. “Actually, Hanako mentioned she was coming home late today. Apparently she had tons of deliveries from her customers. You know how busy she can get over there.” 


Luckily their mother believed Akira’s little white lie. Akira could finally relax and not lie her tail off unlike some idiot. She peeked over at Usagi and she mouthed sorry when figuring out that she wasn’t supposed to say anything. 


“Well when she does get home tell her that she shouldn’t be pushing herself so hard. The seasons are just about to change and it’s starting to get colder each day. I don’t want her falling ill.”


“Don’t worry mama! Onee san is amazing! She’s strong just like you mama.” 


Asako’s heart warmed at Sachi’s kind words and petted the girl’s head. “Of course she’s strong dearie. Who do you think raised her? I raised you all to be strong and brave like me. I wouldn’t expect less from any of you. Alright?” 


“So that must mean you’re strong enough to get over whatever bad thing is happening to you right?” Natsu grasped onto Asako’s frail hand, afraid she’ll let go and be gone forever. 


Dread loomed over her face when she saw a tiny bit of fear and hope in all of her children’s eyes. How could she lie to them? This was torturous but she knew it eased their worries. So she braves a small smile and exclaims, “Of course! My body is fighting against the bad thing that’s hurting me-don’t underestimate your mama’s strength! Watch me, my body will punch this horrendous sickness to the ground and when I am finally better we can all go out to play or maybe go on a lovely picnic. How does that sound?”


Shouts of excitement and laughter rung around her bed at the idea of a fun picnic day where they could go out and play with their mother again. Asako smiled when her children believed her words while making sure the bloody tissue was still hiding behind her pillow. Maybe it was better that Hanako wasn’t here or she would’ve caught her obvious lies and see she was hiding something. 


“Look mama! Shooting stars!” Sai exclaimed, pressing his face against the window to observe the astronomical phenomenon flying across the sky. 


Everyone scrambled off the bed interested in watching too. Sounds of oohs and aahs exited the children’s mouths and their eyes never left the window. This was their first time seeing comets cross the sky and they were flabbergasted. 


“Wow~ It’s so pretty~” Hina croons marveling at the sight of how sparkly the night sky looked. 


“Why is it doing that Mama?” Makoto wondered out loud. 


“Hm If I remember correctly, today must be what I think it is. It all stems from an old tale. Would you like to hear it?” 


Makoto as curious as ever looked away from the window to give his undivided attention to the story. 


“A long, long time ago in a faraway land there was a honest, and kind prince. He loved his kingdom so much but was sad when he saw his people living in a shroud of darkness every night. With not an ounce of light provided against the dark it became dangerous for his people to even be awake. So one day, the young prince thought aloud, “surely there must be something beautiful and bright that could adorn this empty darkness. Just like the sun when it comes out during the day!” And so the prince made it his mission to find a true source of light for the night. He scoured from land to sea but alas his journey became his failure. This disheartened the prince and that alone broke his heart and so he wept and sobbed.”


“Aw the poor prince.” Kikyo whined feeling bad for the Prince too.


“I don’t like this story anymore. The ending is too sad.” Takumi was always a er for happy endings so it was not surprise that he was sulking. 


“Wait wait, there’s more.” Asako croons before continuing, “The prince cried for days and days until he couldn’t cry anymore tears. So when he opened his eye, he discovered a whole mountain of glowing dots in front of him. At first, he was scared and asked to no one in particular, “what are these strange specimens?” but he discovered upon further inspection that these were his own tears. You see, each drop was filled with the prince’s endless hope and pure intentions and together created something magical and too bright for the prince’s own eyes. Realizing what to do with these tears he tossed eah one into the sky and called them stars. The night became alive but looking up at his work the prince felt there was something else that was missing. A piece of the night that needed to glow just as bright as the stars. Like the sun in the day, the night needed a-.”


“Moon! He needed the moon!” Kikyo said out loud proud of herselves that she figured it out. 


“That’s right Kikyo! He needed the moon and like how he created the stars, he believed he could create this moon with one of his eyes. So not a second later, he sacrificed his eyes and merged it into a beautiful, big, bright moon. Even though the prince will never be able to see his final creation, he knew the people were happy. They could finally sleep safely or walk among the night with the moon and stars to guide them. They would never feel afraid and he hopes that they find hope in the moon and stars because that was what made it so magical. The prince’s deep love for his kingdom and hope that one day the night will shine just as equally as the day. That is why his stars every hundreds of years glow brighter than ever and dance across the sky with the prince’s eternal wish for the night to be a beacon of light too.” 


“Wait, so his eye became the moon?! Doesn’t that hurt?” Usagi couldn’t help shuddering in disgust at the gory story. 


“I couldn’t even imagine giving up my sight. The poor prince will never be able to see the beautiful moon or live to walk in the night.” Akira said forlornly so entranced by the tale.  


“I don’t think the Prince cared for the pain and loss of his sight. He loved his people so much that he would do anything to give them a world of happiness even if it meant a severe sacrifice.” Ironic how the moral of the story mirrored her life. 


“Wow, what a really cool story mama!” Makoto said, with eyes twinkling in pure excitement. He really loved that story despite the bittersweet end.


Asako giggled and snuggled close with him, “I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s not a very popular story among a lot. Did you know that there is a legend that every hundred years when the prince’s stars cross the sky you can make a wish and it’s for sure to come true. It is suppose to tie with how the prince’s wish was that the night shall never be blanketed in darkness again. But the wish will only work if that is what your heart deeply

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748 streak #1
Chapter 10: I loved this chapter, but I did shed a tear for Asako. I was hoping against hope that she could somehow be cured. At least we had the interaction between the Princes for some comic relief.

The ‘date’ that Lay had with Hanako was so beautiful, I can just imagine the two viewing the stars. I can’t wait for everyone’s reaction to Hanako and the kids turning up at the castle. Too funny, since Hanako is their secret.

Thank you so much for the wonderful long chapter.💗
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. I love the moment stargazing between Lay and Hanako and also when Kyungsoo comforted her. I hope Hanako and the Sunny Manor kids adapt well in the palace and are treated well. I wonder what the Prince’s reactions will be like when they find out Hanako is living with them.
Chapter 9: Update soon please
Update soon
Chapter 9: I'm excited on how this story will end. I love this so much, I even have the copy in my library list on Watty.
748 streak #6
Chapter 9: I enjoyed this update, especially as Hanako got the chance to interact with two of the princes. I was sorry to see her sell the shop but maybe some good will come if it. The face that she also got to wish on the stars with Lay was very significant, as their wishes will come true.