Chapter 2: The Maiden in the Woods

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                                                                                                                   ~Chapter 2~


Today was the king's birthday and like always there was a big celebration every year for the king. Dozons of Hiiro's citizens were at the entrance of the castle cheering and waiting for the King's annual birthday speech. Then the castle's doors opened, fanfare played, and the herald appeared ready to present their royal highnesses. 


"Citizens of Hiiro, presenting his royal highness, King Takashi and Queen Fumiko!!"


Everyone applauded and cheered as the king and queen presented themselves. They elegantly wave and smile as the people below shouted birthday wishes. When the king steps up, everyone in the crowd went silent so he could speak. "I'd like to thank you all for coming out and celebrating my 50th birthday with me. I mean I only turn this age once" he joked, "So tonight I'm absolutely thrilled to be celebrating my birthday with you all at the ball tonight!"


Appluase erupted again at the announcement of the big ball that was happening tonight. "Oh! and since the parade will be starting soon, I want you to give our special guests a big Hiiro welcome when they arrive. I'm sure they are just as excited as I am to celebrate tonight." 


King Takeshi bows after his speech while all the citizens started throwing flower petals and confetti the sky lit up with fireworks created by the royal magicians. As the King and Queen went back inside, they see their son rushing down the hall with a couple of servants helping him button up his suit and adjust his crown. 


"Goodness sweetheart where have you been?" As Prince Suho was joined his father and mother, the queen couldn't help but be such a worrywart. "We've been worried sick ever since the servants alerted us that you were no where to be found throughtout the palace."


"Forgive me mother. I was going for a morning ride and lost track of time." his mother affectionately grazes his cheek before fixing his suit just like any mother would. 


The king stands next to his wife and puts his hand over Suho's shoulder. "Next time inform us where you are going so your mother won't be in such a tizzy so early in the morning."


Suho nods back, "I know father it won't happen again."


The king and queen looked delighted to hear that before they walked together down the hall. "Come now son. Our parade float awaits and our guests will be arriving soon. Best not let them get there before we do"


Suho's face drops remembering who was coming and he could a sudden migraine coming. "Honestly why bother going to them? They always make some big entrance whenever they arrive like they always do." 


"Oh stop it Suho. They're your friends and it's rare for all of us to be together. What's even great is that they're going to be staying here for quite a while since your father, me and the other kings and queens need to discuss some important matters."


"Wait what?!" Suho stopped in his tracks when he heard the startling news. The king and queen looked back at him wondering what was wrong with him.


"Dearie it's only for a couple of weeks. Besides it'll be fun. When was the last time you were all together again?" 


That was what Suho stressed the most about, being stuck with all of them for a few weeks.


"Relax son. Most of them haven't seen what Hirro has to offer as the others so they don't know what they are missing. Show them around the capital, take them to places you frequently do in your leisure time. Who knows they might like Hiiro more than you think." 


All prince Suho could think about was the horrible picture of seeing Hanako hanging around with his eleven other idiot friends. It would be too chaotic and who knows if one of them spills his secret. He had to plan sneaking around them so that Hanako never sees him hanging around with the other princes. First and foremost he needed to get all eleven of these princes under controll for the next few weeks. 



Spread across the map of the great twelve kingdoms, the royal families were on their way to Hiiro for the big celebration. Hiiro was more west so for the other royal families that lived further away from the west, had a longer way to travel. The king and queen of Shangri were the farthest from Hiiro. So they spent their free time during the ride reading some of their royal documents they had brought along on the trip. Their carriage suddenly stops at a fork in the road due to a sign that pointed where each path lead to.


"How much farther till we reach the castle dear?" the queen of Shangri curiously asked her husband while she busied herself by looking out the window every now and then at the scenery. 


"Hm a little bit further darling before we arrive." the queen just looks worried as she kept peeking out the window every few seconds. The King curiously looks up from his papers and notices her behavior. "What's wrong now darling?"


She clicks her tongue only when she is irritated. "Don't you see there's something missing?"


"Whatever do you mean?"


She makes him look out the window where he only just sees the four guards flanking their carriage. "Can't you see that our son is not out there riding with the guards. He ran off again!" she starts getting hysterical wondering where her rambunctious son ran off to this time.


"Hm so it seems." the king says a bit too calmly compared to his wife.


"You don't think he's lost do you? Maybe we should order one of the guards to stay behind in case he's hurt or lost." the king leisurely waves off her worries.


"Nonsense dear. He's probably using a shortcut. Besides we gave him a map he should know where to go."


"But I rather have him here riding in the carriage. Not riding around on that wild horse of his!" she huffs frustratingly just thinking about her son getting into wild trouble. "Ugh I'm getting wrinkles just thinking about what could happen to my poor son. He's out there all alone without us there with him and-"


"Meihui dear." the king cuts her rambling off to make her stop worrying. "Let the boy have his fun. Besides he's been begging to use that horse of his instead of just sitting in this boring carriage with us."


"Well boring or not, at least he'll be safe." 


The king gently grasps her hand and calms her down. "Dearie have you forgotten what it's like to be 19? Have faith in the boy. He's braver than you think. He can't be your little boy forever." 


She finally gives up and the king's face lit up for finally calming his wife down. "If I see one dirt mark on his face I'm blaming it on you."


"Oh stop speaking nonsense." he counters back.


"Guozhi have you forgotten that he is the crowned king of Shangri? Soon he is going to be king of his people and he can't be king if something horrible happens to him. The people need to see that he isn't some reckless and irresponsible ruler."


"But the people love him so much already. Stop fussing and just enjoy the ride without looking outside the window for our son? I'm sure Luhan is just fine."


Somewhere in the woods, Prince Luhan was riding his prized black stallion through the forest. He loved the wind that blew through his hair and the sweet smell of nature. He's been having the ride of his life jumping over obstacles in the woods, admiring the scenery. The rush of adrenaline couldn't stop him from yelling a loud scream of excitment. 


Prince Luhan halts completely when there were a couple of forks in the road that pointed to where each one lead to. "Ok let's see where we are." he pulls out the map and pinpoints his location before figuring out how far he was from Hiiro. He hums in thought when he reads a couple of the road signs but none of them seemed to point towards the designated kingdom. Suddenly he notices one of the signs that said "Noroi Falls." was also in the direction headed to Hiiro. 


Plus the idea of passing by a waterfall made him feel a bit thirsty. "Hey boy do you want to get a drink?" he nudges his horse towards Noroi falls not noticing the tiny danger sign below the sign. The prince soon realized the forest started getting darker.


No patches of sunlight were evident and probably no signs of life were seen in the dead hollow trees and patchy roads. Even the horse felt uneasy about coming into these woods and tried tossing his head back signalling for Luhan to make them turn back. but all it did was annoy Prince Luhan.


"Would you relax? There's nothing here that could eat us." suddenly a distant howl resonated through the forest making the horse a bit paranoid. It seemed like the animals were getting closer so the horse backs up until a bunch of crows started flying everywhere. Luhan was immediately thrown off of his horse and watches as his horse runs away. "Great. Now it's just going to be more difficult to get out of here"


Well as long as he had his map with him he should leave this forest in no time. That was until the wind conveinently carries it away. His one source of getting out of this creepy place was gone. With no food, no water, no horse, no map, or even light, Luhan was for sure doomed. "Well at least I don't have to worry about getting into any danger." he spoke too soon when he hears a couple twigs snap. He turns around and he was surrounded by a pack of wolves looking at him like a delicious meal. 


"Good thing mother isn't here to kill me." 


Back in Hiiro, the royal parade started riding through the streets, everyone in the kingdom came out to watch. They were all so excited to see their beloved king, queen, and of course their prince. Prince Suho was trying his best to look composed but kept looking down most of the time. The queen was quick to notice his odd mood. "Sweetie are you alright? You've been looking down this whole time."


"He's just probably too shy to greet all the beautiful ladies. Just look at them gush at our son." a couple girls in the crowd constantly screamed Suho's name and even held banners with his name in big bold letters. 


Suho clears his throat. "I'm fine mother. It's just the sun is baring down on the back of my head it's a bit annoying." he sighs in relief when he got his mother to believe his little lie when in reality he was nervous that Hanako could be watching him in the crowd and recognize who he truly was. If Suho wanted Hanako to find out he was the prince, this was not the best place because he could imagine the next time he meets her she probably be shaking in her boots and begging for mercy for all those times she "disrespected" her highness.


Just thinking about it gave Suho a little feeling of anxiety as he kept looking amongst the crowd. He gets

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740 streak #1
Chapter 10: I loved this chapter, but I did shed a tear for Asako. I was hoping against hope that she could somehow be cured. At least we had the interaction between the Princes for some comic relief.

The ‘date’ that Lay had with Hanako was so beautiful, I can just imagine the two viewing the stars. I can’t wait for everyone’s reaction to Hanako and the kids turning up at the castle. Too funny, since Hanako is their secret.

Thank you so much for the wonderful long chapter.💗
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. I love the moment stargazing between Lay and Hanako and also when Kyungsoo comforted her. I hope Hanako and the Sunny Manor kids adapt well in the palace and are treated well. I wonder what the Prince’s reactions will be like when they find out Hanako is living with them.
Chapter 9: Update soon please
Update soon
Chapter 9: I'm excited on how this story will end. I love this so much, I even have the copy in my library list on Watty.
740 streak #6
Chapter 9: I enjoyed this update, especially as Hanako got the chance to interact with two of the princes. I was sorry to see her sell the shop but maybe some good will come if it. The face that she also got to wish on the stars with Lay was very significant, as their wishes will come true.