Can you be more annyoing?!

AN: I'm so sorry for the long wait! But I got sick :( Hope you'll enjoy the chap my loves <3




Felix was sure that he never wanted to kill his friend that much before. Really, was Hyunjin trying to test his patience? Many people would label Felix as a drama queen or king, whatever, but in reality he was rather chill. Yes, he tended to overreact sometimes but he only did it to make his friends laugh. Felix was a kindhearted, considerate and hardworking person who always thought about others first. No matter how loud, competitive or teasing he could be with his friends, he rarely had fights with the boys. Well, maybe his first one was approaching!


Ok, to understand Felix you’d have to be in his situation right now. Imagine being at your friend’s house with the other boys and having a great time until your allegedly best friend pulls your crush on his lap and cuddles him like there’s no tomorrow. AND THAT while his own crush sits two seats next

 to him. TAKE YOUR OWN CRUSH PRINCE HWANG! But well, Felix isn’t complaining! No, he just wanted you to know what he was witnessing. So, back to the story.



Felix sat there and watched how Changbin giggled cutely every time Hyunjin tickled his sides. Great way to help your friend, Hyunjin. He bitterly thought about their conversation on their way to Chan’s house when Hyunjin offered to help him with his crush. And although Felix wasn’t the most intelligent human in the world, he was sure that “cuddling with Changbin on my lap” wasn’t a part of their plan. To be honest, their actual plan wasn’t better either but at least it didn’t require Changbin sitting on Hyunjin’s lap!



“No, I don’t want to! If he really likes me like Minho hyung said, he could just tell me!” Felix threw his hands in the air, startling an old lady who glared at them. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and took his friends hand in a calming manner.

“Lix, you also like him and could just tell him, you know?” Said boy opened his mouth to object but his friend stopped him. “I know that you won’t tell him, that’s why we’re thinking about something.” he sassed and dodged Felix’ hit.

“Wait, I got it! He’s so small and cute but I realized that he isn’t very confident. You should compliment him and act cute to him!” Hyunjin clapped like a retarded seal, at least that’s what Felix thought he resembled.

“How should I compliment him? He is literally perfect and I can’t even talk properly when he’s in front of me!” Felix whined causing his deep voice to sound ridiculous.

“I don’t know, just do it! You always try to look and sound cool when he’s around. Just try to be yourself. Show him how much you actually care.” Felix blinked a few times, searching for arguments against it but he couldn’t find any.

“Wow, Seungmin would have been proud of you.” Hyunjin laughed loudly, hugging his little friend to his chest. Felix freed himself and walked faster since he could see Chan’s house.

“Will you use your tips on Jeongin too?” Felix asked cheekily, pushing his friend a bit.

“S-shut up!”





Yesterday, with the help of alcohol and Hyunjin’s nudges, he made his mind up and did what his friend suggest him. Felix complimented his hair, his outfit, even the rap performance the boy did because he was dared to but it didn’t end how he imagined. Rather than being charmed by Felix, the boy blushed and avoided his attention as much as he could. It was safe to say that the Aussie wanted to yeet himself out of the window, at least until he was to drunk to care. The next day wasn’t as chaotic as yesterday since most of the boys had headaches and weren’t in the mood to mess around.


“Chan hyung, thank you for everything but I should go now.” Felix said after they ate their breakfast. He was tired of watching his friend having fun with his Binnie and wanted to go home as quickly as possible.

“I’ll go with you.” Minho said, surprising Felix and the others as well. Nodding, the boy took his things, waved at his friends and left with his older friend; ignoring Hyunjin’s worried glances.








“Welcome back, honey. Did you have fun?” Felix’ mom asked as soon as she opened the door. The boy just nodded and excused himself to go to his room. During the whole way back, Felix complained about Changbin and Hyunjin while he was glued to Minho’s side. The older boy -surprisingly- didn’t mind his clingy , he even tried to comfort him the best he could since he felt bad for getting his hopes up earlier. Felix would never tell Jisung but he also got a hug. Maybe he should drop Changbin’s and get himself somebody like Minho? Before he could ponder on that thought, his phone got off.



[3:23 PM]


Minho’s : EXPOSED



panicked DAD: everybody got home yet?


UwU: yes hyung :)


Jiliet: yep


Hyunnie: I’ll be there in 5


ratbin: yes, dad


cooler Dad: Chan did I leave my watch at your place?


panicked DAD: yes

panicked DAD: I’ll take it with me

panicked DAD: tomorrow


Dumblix: I’m also home


: damn


Dumblix: ???


: we had a bet

: whether Minho hyung would kill you or not

: well, looks like I lost

: ¯\_ _/¯


Romeo Sunbaenim: can sb pls change the chat name?


Dumblix: fyi Minho hyung is nicer than the most of you

Dumblix: I can understand why Jisung fell for him


Romeo Sunbaenim: uhm thanks?


Dumblix: love you hyung


cooler Dad: well that was…

cooler Dad: unexpected


UwU: what happened on your way home?




Jiliet: I trusted you

Jiliet: ()


Hyunnie: …care to explain?


Dumblix: no


Hyunnie: uhm ok?


Dumblix: shut up

Dumblix: sorry Jisungie

Dumblix: sharing is caring?


Jiliet: I won’t hesitate to kill you


ratbin: wait-

ratbin: I was away for 2 minutes

ratbin: what happened?


: Romeo Sunbaenim is coming for your girls and boys


panicked DAD: pls tell us what happened

panicked DAD: I am: curious


Romeo Sunbaenim: I’ll tell you if you change the chat name


changed the chat name to ‘MinHo OpPaAaR’


Romeo Sunbaenim: that’s even worse

Romeo Sunbaenim: I’m not telling anything


Dumblix changed the chat name to ‘Minho hyung I love you’


Jiliet: …

Jiliet: BACK OFF


Dumblix: ┐(゚~゚)┌


ratbin: so what happened?


Romeo Sunbaenim: nothing

Romeo Sunbaenim: we just went home


: you hyung


cooler Dad: language!


UwU: but wait

UwU: I thought only Jisung hyung liked Minho hyung?

UwU: I’m confused :(


Dumblix: what’s new?

Dumblix: I just decided that Minho hyung is my favorite hyung from now on



Jiliet: I want to cry

Jiliet: Minnie hyung can you come over and hug me?


Romeo Sunbaenim: no


Jiliet: :(

Jiliet: I’m still your favorite right?


Romeo Sunbaenim: no


: lol


Hyunnie: don’t worry Jisungie

Hyunnie: Felix is just kidding


Dumblix: no, Felix isn’t kidding, you


Hyunnie: uhm sorry but why are you acting like a ?


Dumblix: why I’m acting like a ?????

Dumblix: you have the audacity to ask me?????


cooler Dad: uhm I feel like you two should sort this out privately


ratbin: don’t be mean to Hyunjin

ratbin: he didn’t do anything wrong


Romeo Sunbaenim: how would you know whether he did or not?


ratbin: stop being hypocrite

ratbin: you also don’t know what’s going on so shut up


Romeo Sunbaenim: shut your mouth first and leave Felix alone


: guys calm down

: we don’t want you to fight on main chat


Dumblix: look at my hyung defending my honor uwu


Jiliet: Felix I swear I’ll kill you


Dumblix: wow and what happened to the ‘bros before hoes’ code?


Romeo Sunbaenim: are you calling me a hoe?


Dumblix: only if you want ;)

Dumblix: but I’d rather call you mine


panicked DAD: I’m cackling omg


Jiliet: I…I’m speechless


: wow that’s a first


Jiliet: say bye to Felix

Jiliet: I’m on my way to his place


UwU: don’t kill Felix hyung :(


Hyunnie: kill him


Dumblix: YOU


Hyunnie: No, go and Minho hyung


Romeo Sunbaenim: excuse me but what?


ratbin: shut up Minhoe

ratbin: go and be a hoe somewhere else


cooler Dad: I feel like this is going to escalate


Jiliet: Nobody’s calling my man a hoe

Jiliet: shut up tiny man

Jiliet: go and Hyunjin’s face


panicked DAD: ok boys pls calm down

panicked DAD: I don’t know what your problem is but it’s not gonna be solved by fighting  


Dumblix: Well, then go and tell Hyunjin to stop acting like a hoe!!!


Hyunnie: me? a hoe?

Hyunnie: you’re the one who’s thirsting for the crush of your friend

Hyunnie: ‘Minho hyung I love you’

Hyunnie: ╮(︶︿︶)


Dumblix: I AM THE THIRSTY ONE????????????????????????????

Dumblix: You are thirsting for the other’s crushes!!!


Hyunnie: what???

Hyunnie: omg no

Hyunnie: I can explain

Hyunnie: omg Felix no!!!


Dumblix: I don’t want to hear anything

Dumblix: so shut your ugly and crawl back into Changbin hyung’s


cooler Dad: I’m going to remove you both from the chat

cooler Dad: stop fighting and start talking like actual humans


ratbin: why are you dragging me in this ?

ratbin: are you jealous of me and Hyunjin??


UwU: you and Hyunjin hyung?

UwU: are you two dating?

UwU: congratulations hyungs


: I’m sipping my tea and wondering how this mess happened


Romeo Sunbaenim: Felix, Hyunjin stop fighting

Romeo Sunbaenim: we have dance practice today and I don’t want to kick your asses for real


Hyunnie: I bet Felix would love it

Hyunnie: that



Dumblix: I’ll end you


Hyunnie: oooooohooo what you gonna do?

Hyunnie: fight my kneecaps?


cooler Dad: ENOUGH


Romeo Sunbaenim: I’m on my way to the studio now

Romeo Sunbaenim: Be there in 10 minutes

Romeo Sunbaenim: we have to talk


Jiliet: uhm guys pls don’t fight :(

Jiliet: I’m not afraid to cry


Dumblix: Jisungie don’t cry I love you


Jiliet: I love you too <3


UwU: Felix hyung are you mad that Hyunjin and Changbin hyung are dating?

UwU: that’s not nice you should be supporting :(



Dumblix: Sorry you’re right

Dumblix: I’ll support them


panicked DAD: wait are they dating now???




cooler Dad removed ‘Hyunnie’ from the chat

cooler Dad removed ‘Dumblix’ from the chat

cooler Dad changed the chat name to ‘I’LL BEAT YOUR SORRY ASSES’


cooler Dad: Minho pls talk to them

cooler Dad: they’ll listen to you since you’re the leader


Romeo Sunbaenim: I’ll try my best

Romeo Sunbaenim: but it’s really messed up


panicked DAD: call me if you need help


: just punch some sense into them


ratbin: why are you always so aggressive???


cooler Dad: Changbin you wanna join the two?


ratbin: sorry hyung


Jiliet: Minho hyung please talk to them

Jiliet: they both have weak hearts :(

Jiliet: don’t let them hurt each other


Romeo Sunbaenim: ok don’t worry

Romeo Sunbaenim: I’ll try my best

Romeo Sunbaenim: I’m going now


UwU: good luck hyung

UwU: are they dating now?


panicked DAD: we don’t know Innie

panicked DAD: maybe they are


UwU: oh, ok… :(

UwU: :)*


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ShuraSuga1703 #1
god this is such an incredible story!!! the author is a genius!
Welly_MarkBam #2
I'm really excited to read this
Chapter 24: My uwus!!! Thank you for updating this! :))))
Chapter 23: omf lol i came back to this fic after forever and i forgot how good it is lmaoo im rooting for themmm and rip eric hahah
Zevier #5
Chapter 21: ahhh you're back! i hope you've been doing well ;w; thank you for the update! MinSung are becoming really cute! also, possible HyunIN? :o
Chapter 21: They are going to listen to masterpieces soon