Let’s Skip The School- Playful Morning!

You Are Mine


No One POV

Sungmin stirred in his sleep, he can feel his movement was limited due to the certain person that embraced him tightly. He opens his eyes, invited a bright light to pass by through his eyes… Sungmin blinking his eyes several times… ‘Why it’s so bright?’… He removed the warm hand around his waist gently… grabbed the alarm clock on the night stand. Sungmin’s eyes ogled… ‘! 10.13 AM! I’m late to school…. But I didn’t hear the alarm… Must be this brat prank! How dare him turn off the alarm... “Hey Kyu! Wake…….” He muted… somehow, his heart melted… Kyuhyun’s face looks so calm and soft when he sleeping. ‘It’s me that never realize Kyuhyun owned such an angelic face or I never look at him?’ he thought. 

Sungmin POV

I caress his face… I guess we just skip the school only for today… I get my phone in the night stand drawer, pressed the school’s office number… “Hello, this is Lee Sungmin…. Ah, yes…. I have an emergency leave today… yes… I will submit the letter tomorrow… umm… thank you…” I hang up the phone… this evil still sleeping, I will cover him later… I leaned closer to his face, runs my index finger through his face… from forehead down to his perfect nose, to his lip that always smirk up to his eyes, you have such a beautiful eyelashes Kyu… then…. Hehehe…. Let’s transform to Evil Bunny mode… I pinched his nose, prevent him from breathing… his mouth slightly apart... Not that easy Kyu…. I covered his mouth with my hand…

A few second later……………………

Kyuhyun get up dramatically and panting… “Haa… Haa… Haa… Minnie!... Haaa, haa… what did you trying to do?!”… Kyuhyun stared furiously at me… Hold Minnie, hold… bare with it….. Oh no, I can’t! “Buahahaha!...kyu… y-you are mess! Hahaha….  Messykyu! Fix your hair, kyu… and…. And you dribbled kyu… I said as I pointing at his mouth while my body rolling all over the bed, laughing hardly…. I took a glance, only to see he wiped the side of his mouth roughly… without warning…. *BUK* … I stop laughing, he smirked!

Kyuhyun POV

This bunny, he plays a prank on me! The Master of Pranks! He laughing and rolling his body on the bed… look like my bunny really excited~…. *BUK* … I hit him with pillow, I smirked at him… “Take that bunny, my sweet revenge….hahahaha~”….. Minnie sat abruptly in front me and whined…

 “Kyu! That hurt!”

“You start it first, bunny!”… I stand the fact.

“I just want to wake you up!”… He demanded.

“Uh-huh?… in wrong way bunny”… yeah, you should give me morning kiss!

“Who told you to turn off the alarm?!”… He gives another…umm… that is fact… I did!

“It’s annoyed me in the morning Minnie…”… just wanna spent more time with you…hehehe…

“I hate you Kyu!” another whine from the bunny…

He gets down from the bed, holding his pink bunny… before the bunny out from the room, I turning my body, to face him, to apologize, I don’t like Angry Bunny… “Umm… Minnie, I’m so sor--….” *BUK* … he threw his bunny and that stupid pink bunny landed perfectly on my face…

“ahahaha~  now you take that kyu, my sweetest revenge!” I chuckled… my bunny want to play, I guess… “So bunny, you wanna play? Let’s play~...” I said playfully as I alighted from the bed, making a way to him… “You have makes your sweetest revenge and now, my turn”...  I make steps closer to him while he steps backward, trying to avoid me… “okay-okay! Kyu… stop!... please stop!” he pleaded… gesturing his hand, indicate me to stop… I stopped…

“Then, what you wanna do bunny? Double payback?” I mocked him…

“No! Just close your eyes… please~”

I just do as he wants… well, a cute bunny would not give any harm to me right? Another un-expecting action from my bunny, he hugging me, hands around my neck… staring at me with his blinking doe eyes and pouting…

“Kyu~… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it… are you angry, Kyu??”… DAMN! THAT’S MY WEAKNESSES!

“N-no Min… I’m not a-angry…..” I stammered…  Minnie giggling on my chest… *sigh* he fooled me again, right? This Playful Bunny… “Hey kyu~”… “What it is now bunny?”… He slides his hands down, tugging my pajama, pecked my lip, gently kisses on my eyelids and smiled, showing his bunny teeth… “Morning~”

Aww….. My bunny is so cute! I pinched both of his cheeks… “ouch! Kyu~! Kyu~! Hurt!” he whimpered… try to pull my hand from his face… stomping his feet like a child.... I wrapped my hands around him and pull him closer, he rubbed slowly his face, mumbling something about his pained cheeks… I leaned closer and his red cheek… he stiffened in my arms… “Morning sweetie~”… his face turned red and became redder when I his lip, staring his eyes deeply …then, I just leave him dumfounded in the middle of the room… hehe… just teasing my bunny….

No One POV

It almost one o’clock… both of them have done taking care of themselves and at this moment, they in their own world.  Kyuhyun is lying down on his stomach, playing with his PSP… a curse, abusive words, many thing has come out from his mouth when he lost in the game… he was thinking, how to kill his bored time when a sound from the kitchen caught his attention.. He makes inaudible steps to the kitchen… Sungmin was too busy cleaning the vegetable at the sink, humming a song for his own entertainment…  Kyuhyun stood silently behind his lover.... His bunny was a joy to behold… Kyuhyun put his arms around Sungmin’s waist, hold his body close to him… “kyu… I’m doing something here…” Sungmin said, tilted his head aside, to see Kyuhyun’s face…  Kyuhyun ignored him… smooching Sungmin’s neck with soft and sweet kisses, full of love… his lip reaches up to ear, tugging gently Sungmin’s earlobe downward…

Making a shiver runs down Sungmin’s spine.





A/N: i love kyumin moment!!!! hope you love it too!!!!

cyyQM137:yeah, too much cuteness and kyu cannot resist it... later on, i dunno yet which chap but siwon will be there!!!

Jolene1694: really? hehe... so i managed to make you feel sungmin's cuteness...

shineesuju28: kekeke... i keep on smiling thinking of previous chap...

zahrasuju: minnie is sweet as candy!

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soooo.... i changed the title for chap 24... heee~ thankyu guyz...


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