12 years!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story

Seo Dae Young and Yoon Myeong Joo's 12 years of married life in General Yoon's point of view.


General Yoon was always the sceptical one about their relationship. Of course he knew Seo Dae Young was a good man, but his rank, lack of degree and his past history with a bad gang made him not suitable for Myeong Joo at all. She is his only daughter, his life, so he had to be sceptical. But Myeong Joo's consistent trying finally succeeded and he also got to know how much of a capable soilder Seo Dae Young is and finally gave them his permission and blessings. 


Seo Dae Young proved that countless times that General didn't do anything wrong by giving them his blessings. In fact that was the best decision. Today he recalls some of the events when he witnessed how pure and strong Seo Dae Young's love is for Myeong Joo. And he already knew his daughter Myeong Joo's love for Seo Dae Young. 


One day, It was Myeong Joo's cousin's wedding. Dae Young was on a short mission and wasn't sure he'll be able to reach the venue in time. But he showed up just before the event finished. When she saw him, without thinking, Myeong Joo launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug as she pressed her face deeply to his chest. He hugged her back and went to meet the General.


Looking at him once, General told him," There are a lot of elder people here. You should wipe the lipstick mark of your suit."


Surprised, he looked down at his chest, there was a lipstick mark on his black suit. Those clearly shows of Myeong Joo's plump lips. He hurriedly brings out his handkerchief and started wiping the mark,"Isshh... Myeong Joo! She never listens!"


General was in a good mood, he decided to tease his son-in-law a bit. "Seo Dae Young, are you complaining about my daughter?"


He stiffs, his hand stopped! "No, father. Absolutely not. She's an angel."


He smiles at him."But does that kind of thing happened before?"


He didn't answer, instead lowered his head. General got his answer. He again smiles."She is like that always. Even when she was a teenager, I didn't let her know that I have been in dangerous missions, still somehow she knew and when I came back, she always jumped on me, hugged me tightly not caring who is watching. She is always brave."


Dae Young also smiles broad. Both looking very proud of Myeong Joo.


Another day, after a few months of giving birth to Jina, Myeong Joo was staying at her father's house cause Dae Young was busy with the preparation of an Alpha team member's wedding with the others. He said he won't be back at night. 


But the preparation took less time than expected, so they all returned home. Dae Young quietly came to General's house. And Myeong Joo was happy seeing him. Then they slept hugging each other. But Myeong Joo had to feed her daughter at night, so she freed herself from his embrace and went to feed Jina and after returning, she didn't lock the door.


In the morning, Dae Young was cuddling Myeong Joo, even their hands were touching, sleeping peacefully. Then the door opened and General Yoon entered Myeong Joo's bedroom with Jina on his lap saying, "Myeong Joo, Jina has woken up, she's hungry, I calmed her down, but she needs you...."


Then his eyes landed on the bed and he was surprised to see Dae Young there. He knew Dae Young didn't return yesterday. He stopped talking immediately.


General Yoon was a bit embarrassed seeing them like that. It felt like he invade his daughter and son-in-law's very personal life. But he couldn't help admiring the view in front of him. Myeong Joo looked like an angel sleeping very peacefully in her man's arm. Dae Young was cuddling her and even his other hand was working as a pillow for Myeong Joo. A happy couple can be recognized by the way they behave with each other. Even though Myeong Joo bickers a lot with Dae Young, there's always the unconditional love between them. And the way he was holding her even in his sleep, says how much he truly loves her.


General decided to let the couple sleep for a bit more and started walking back slowly. But Jina had other plans, she started crying loudly. Dae Young just opened his eyes and saw General Yoon in front of them while he was hugging General's daughter that too on the bed without his shirt on cause it was summer days, he hustily separates himself from her and jumped out of the bed. But Myeong Joo was very relaxed. She smiles at her father, "Good morning, dad. Give me Jina."


General hurriedly answered,"I didn't know Dae Young is here. Still I should have knocked before entering...."


Myeong Joo smiles,"It's okay, dad. You don't need to think much about it."


General was very happy all day long. Every time he remembered Dae Young's jumping out of bed, embarrassed face and red ears, that made him smile broadly.


Another time, when Dae Young was hiding the fact that he had a small injury in his stomach and was avoiding intimate time with Myeong Joo, so she was frustrated. 


But she still didn't suspect him. She was just irritated at him. That time General came to their house in the evening and Myeong Joo didn't let him go that day. While they were having dinner, Myeong Joo started playing footsie with him under the table. 


He tried to stop her but failed. He was seating besides General Yoon. So he couldn't do much. Still once he flinched. General hurriedly asked him what's wrong and he managed to divert him. Myeong Joo grinned down at him, a shifty look in her eye. She was enjoying this way too much.


When she didn't stop teasing, he went to the kitchen to grab something and called Myeong Joo to help him find that. Myeong Joo understands his motive, still she smiles big and went to him. When Myeong Joo entered the kitchen, he hustily pressed her onto the wall and whispered,"If you don't stop teasing me in front of father, you'll regret that later."


She was not ready to give up yet. She smirks,"What do I have to regret? You're busy with your report writing anyway. I have nothing to lose."


He whispered,"If you don't stop teasing, I'll let father know what are you doing to me."


"Go ahead. Dad already knows I have no shame when it comes to you. I am not ashamed at all."


Dae Young finally accepts his defeat. Why can't he never win with this lady? He gives her a peck on her lips, "Okay. If you stop teasing, I won't do any report writing tonight. Deal?"


She smiles brightly,"Deal."


General didn't hear what they were talking about but when Dae Young flinched, he understood what could have happened. And when they were taking a lot of time in the kitchen, he knew something was up. And when they came back without anything but a shy smile in their faces, he was certain what has happened. He also smiles at them and the rest of the dinner he felt her daughter happily chatting that was missing earlier. Earlier he felt Myeong Joo was a bit irritated, but looking at her now, he could tell she's really happy now. When he asked what took them so long? Dae Young's shy eyes flickered and he got his answer. He decided not to tease them about it. Only seeing his daughter and son-in-law truly happy makes him happy too.


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Hey guys, come here on 1st Aug. I'll write, post a new story every day at 19:00 /1:00 am UTC till 7 Aug. But you'll have to keep commenting then. I need to focus and be motivated to write. Comment regularly on what/how much you love Goowon/how you like my story. Be here at Aug 1st, I'll be with you.


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milaur_lolz #1
Chapter 82: Still waiting for more updates!!!
milaur_lolz #2
Chapter 82: Thank you for the update!!!
Keep it up! 💪🏻
milaur_lolz #3
Chapter 81: Thank you for the update author!!!
milaur_lolz #4
Chapter 80: Please continue writing stories about them 🙏🏻
You are a very grate author!! Wish you all the best to you
milaur_lolz #5
Chapter 79: I'll pray for your country 🙏🏻.
milaur_lolz #6
Chapter 75: I'm waiting for the new chapter 😢
milaur_lolz #7
Chapter 75: waiting for the new chapters 🤧
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #9
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS