12 Years! 12 Events!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story

Today General Yoon invited Dae Young and Myeong Joo to have dinner with him at his house. It's been only a month since they got married. Dae Young came in the evening to help him make dinner. Myeong Joo has an important operation today. So she'll come later.


Dae Young and General spent an great evening together. He can feel that General finally accepted happily him from the bottom of his heart. So there's no awkwardness anymore. He is happy for them and eagerly waiting to welcome his grandchildren.


Finally Myeong Joo reached at dinner time. She looks a bit tired after a long day of work. She's pregnant, the glow is there, but she is tired too. But the operation was a success, she's happy for that. 


After greeting her dad, she came directly to Dae Young in the kitchen, hugging him from behind. He smiled and turned around slowly in her embrace to face her. Then he wrapped his arms around her. Myeong Joo placed her head on his chest and they were hugging.


Then General Yoon came into the kitchen to take something and seeing him, Dae Young quickly unwrapped his arms from Myeong Joo. Myeong Joo felt that and smiled but still hugging him tightly. 


General smiled at Dae Young, "You don't have to hesitate to hug your wife in front of me."


Still he made a blank face and Myeong Joo burst into laughter. "See, dad gave you permission. Now wrap your hands around me. I need a bit comfort after a long day."


Still he couldn't wrap his hands around her. Even after the wedding, he still keeps his hands to himself in front of General. All he does is to hold his wife's hands in front of his father-in-law, nothing more.


"Dad, this won't work. Order him. He is good at following your orders."


General smirked this time,"Sergeant Major Seo Dae Young, I am ordering you to hug my daughter in front of me. I like to see my daughter happy and smiling. Do you understand?"


"Sergeant Major Seo Dae Young, yes I understand." 


Then he finally wrapped his arms around her softly and all of them smiled together.






General Yoon reached his daughter's house at night to have dinner together. Reached there he saw his son-in-law was quitely sitting in the living room couch and a first aid box was open besides him. They greeted each other and Myeong Joo gave baby Sunshine to his lap. 


General was watching them holding baby Sunshine. Myeong Joo was never happy giving Dae Young any medical treatment. But when it was a training competition and Alpha team members all have small cuts and wounds but win against the opposite party, Small wounds, she lovingly treats them. 


To gain her sympathy more, he flinched when she pressed the bangadge a bit. She glared at him. "Even though Si Jin bragged about how you tackled three soilders at a time, still I'm not impressed."


He lowered his eyes and huffs! It'll take a bit time to console her anger. 


General smiled big seeing them like that. He decided he'll help Dae Young to calm her down. Before General used to be in the opposite side, but after her wedding the scenario completely changed. Her father supports him the most. Whenever there's a fight or mainly she's angry with him, General is the one who takes side with Dae Young.

He truly loves his son-in-law now.


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Hey guys, come here on 1st Aug. I'll write, post a new story every day at 19:00 /1:00 am UTC till 7 Aug. But you'll have to keep commenting then. I need to focus and be motivated to write. Comment regularly on what/how much you love Goowon/how you like my story. Be here at Aug 1st, I'll be with you.


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milaur_lolz #1
Chapter 82: Still waiting for more updates!!!
milaur_lolz #2
Chapter 82: Thank you for the update!!!
Keep it up! 💪🏻
milaur_lolz #3
Chapter 81: Thank you for the update author!!!
milaur_lolz #4
Chapter 80: Please continue writing stories about them 🙏🏻
You are a very grate author!! Wish you all the best to you
milaur_lolz #5
Chapter 79: I'll pray for your country 🙏🏻.
milaur_lolz #6
Chapter 75: I'm waiting for the new chapter 😢
milaur_lolz #7
Chapter 75: waiting for the new chapters 🤧
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #9
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS