Sweet Reunion!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story

Myeong Joo is now a General and she got promoted and transferred at the same time to another country to work on the whole military hospital region. It's a lot of work and she and Dae Young both decided it's best for the girls to stay in Korea with their dad. Myeong Joo will be back after one year.


After three months, Dae Young took the girls and visited Myeong Joo. They all were counting days when they'll get to meet each other again. Even though Sunshine and Jina are basically dad's girls. But in the absence of Myeong Joo they became mommy's girls. They used to defend Dae Young all the time, now it's turned down. They defend Myeong Joo all the time now. 




The girls are so happy to have their mom after 3 months of waiting. They couldn't separate themselves from Myeong Joo. Even after whole day activities, they are cuddling Myeong Joo in the bed. Now it's bedtime. Then Jina said first,"Mom, I don't want to sleep without you." Sunshine said,"Me too. Me too." And baby Jo was already sleeping in her lap. Myeong Joo smiles brightly to her daughters. "Okay, girls. Tonight you all can sleep with us." But then the girls protested that Dae Young should sleep in the other room of the suite. It'll be a girls night then. Dae Young happily got defeated by the girls and went to sleep in the next room. Myeong Joo threw him an apologetic look with a soft smile. He acknowledged that and smiled too.


The next day was a blast. They all had fun and finally got to spend a family holiday so many days later.


But when it's bedtime, they again requested to sleep with Myeong Joo. They are only here for 5 days. They want to sleep with Myeong Joo every night. Myeong Joo looked at Dae Young but he smiled at her as if what Myeong Joo says is okay. So she smiled at the girls because looking at their puppy eyes, she didn't have any other options.


But this time she is not completely happy from being apart with Dae Young. So when the girls are busy talking, she took her phone and texted Dae Young, 'Put an alarm on your phone, wake me up after two hours. Be careful not to wake up the girls'. Dae Young is in the room too. He saw the text and his naughty side came out in his mind. Keeping his face still, he texted back, 'Why? You should sleep with the girls. They missed you so much.'


Still Myeong Joo took that positively. 'You didn't miss me?' Reading this text he replied,'of course. That's why I'm here.'


'Then wake me up after two hours.' This time he smiled evil and texted,'I won't. You should stay with the girls. I am tired too. You should sleep.'


No matter how innocent the text seemed, Myeong Joo got his intention very well. She became angry but couldn't do anything to him cause the girls are in front of them and they don't know anything about the texts. 


So Myeong Joo only tried to burn him with her eyes. Still he smiled evil and got the girls ready for bed. 


Then when they all lie down hugging Myeong Joo from both sides like yesterday, Dae Young came towards the bed and kissed the girls including Myeong Joo on their forehead. He placed the same soft kiss on the four girls forehead. Myeong Joo only glared at him and tried to keep her head calm cause she's also tired. She needs to sleep. She'll teach him a lesson later.




Myeong Joo felt a strong arm holding her arm and a voice calling her name softly. Then she recognised the voice and suddenly woke up. She saw Dae Young placeing a finger on her lips to keep shut and his strong arms took her into his lap very carefully. He gently separated the girls from cuddling her before. Suddenly Myeong Joo tried to move but he whispered, "the girls will wake up." She didn't move then.


Dae Young carefully took her in princess lap and entered the next room, as soon as he closed the door behind him silently, Myeong Joo jumped out of his hands and stood in front of him. "Why did you wake me up?"


He tried to play smart,"You told me to." She became furious,"you replied you won't. And I have no intention to spend time with you alone after what you're said."


"What did I say?" 


Myeong Joo now so furious, "You meant you don't want to sleep with me. You meant you didn't miss me!" She turned towards the door and started walking that direction.


Dae Young hustly blocked the door standing in front of it. "I never told I didn't miss you." 


She angrily replied,"But you didn't told you missed me. Instead you teased me!" 


Suddenly Myeong Joo's eyes filled with water, her lips quivered and tears started to fall down her cheeks. Dae Young saw that and all his mischief went away, he hustly came to her. 


He placed both his hands on her cheeks trying to wipe the tears away,"Hay, hay, angel, why are you crying? Look at me."


She didn't look him into the eyes, instead she started talking,"you have no idea how much I miss all of you. I cried for my baby girl, whom I can't give time, I cried for my independent girls, they had to manage everything without their mom being there with them. I cried for you, I missed the warmth you give me. I missed you so much that I can't wait to have some time with you alone. I count the number of days I'll have to wait to meet you. But all you do is teasing me!"


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It was wrong of me. Let me love you, angel. I missed you too much."


"It's late. Move your hands. I need to sleep."


"Definitely", But he didn't take his hands away. Instead he placed a hand on her neck, and other is now seductively trailing a path down to her lower back. 


She glared at him again,"What are you doing?"


He answered in a husky voice,"Moving my hands, as you told." 


"You know very well I didn't mean that. I meant...."


Before she could finish the sentence, his lips came down to her lips and shut up her rambling.


After a very deep kiss with his hands working magic on her body, he lifts his lips from her but that was enough to intoxicate Myeong Joo and ignite a fire for him inside her. She opened her eyes which is fully loaded with lust and love...


He teased again,"So you were saying something about moving my hands....."


This time she pulled him towards her and her hands instinctively locked into his hair, body arched, eager for his touch, for his mouth. Calloused fingers bringing her skin alive with their ministrations......




After returning in the world from their own heaven, Dae Young again took Myeong Joo in princess lap and came into the first room, the girls were still sleeping soundly. He quietly came towards the bed and very carefully placed Myeong Joo in between the three sleeping girls. Myeong Joo adjusted herself in between them and just like before, they cuddled her in their sleep. Finally she looked at Dae Young and the smirk in his face made her blush. She murmured a soft thank you, he knows what for. 

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Hey guys, come here on 1st Aug. I'll write, post a new story every day at 19:00 /1:00 am UTC till 7 Aug. But you'll have to keep commenting then. I need to focus and be motivated to write. Comment regularly on what/how much you love Goowon/how you like my story. Be here at Aug 1st, I'll be with you.


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milaur_lolz #1
Chapter 82: Still waiting for more updates!!!
milaur_lolz #2
Chapter 82: Thank you for the update!!!
Keep it up! 💪🏻
milaur_lolz #3
Chapter 81: Thank you for the update author!!!
milaur_lolz #4
Chapter 80: Please continue writing stories about them 🙏🏻
You are a very grate author!! Wish you all the best to you
milaur_lolz #5
Chapter 79: I'll pray for your country 🙏🏻.
milaur_lolz #6
Chapter 75: I'm waiting for the new chapter 😢
milaur_lolz #7
Chapter 75: waiting for the new chapters 🤧
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #9
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS