Anything but spending time with the family


A/N: Hi all, I mentioned before in another story that I’ve mostly been leaving little easter eggs/hints of possible future fics in my stories, and this one is a direct result of that. It isn’t necessary to read the story Intertwined, Ingrained, Interlocked since it’s not directly related but this is what I meant by leaving hints to future fics in other fics. Though, I don’t suspect this will be a long story. I can only hope it won’t be terribly boring either. I wish I could make every fic I write interesting, but I will try my best to not make it boring either, anyways enough of the long note. Please enjoy if you can, and thank you so much :) 



There were few things Kang Seulgi didn’t like in life. In general, she considered herself to be very easygoing, fair, and always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt at least once. Kang Seulgi didn’t even like to use the word hate in her vocabulary, for it was such a strong word, and she never liked giving anyone or anything that kind of control over her. Most alpha’s tended to not like to hand over control very easily, although there were certain exceptions. And the biggest exception for the alpha was her omega. No one could make Seulgi weak for them as easily as her omega could.


The very one who was standing in their bedroom currently looking at her with those hopeful big brown eyes. Those same big brown eyes that hardly ever failed to make Seulgi feel weak for her.


Not that Seulgi ever needed an excuse to feel weak for her mate. She didn’t.


“Do we really have to go?” Seulgi sighs and leans her head up against the headboard. She will gladly stay home and do any and every chore possible if she means she doesn’t have to go out tonight. 


Her wife comes over to her, already reaching for her larger hand and intertwining their fingers like she always did. There’s a soft expression on her face as she runs her free hand through Seulgi’s dark locks. 




“I’ll do anything! I’ll do the laundry, oh no you’ve probably already done that.” Seulgi shakes her head.




“I’ll rearrange the furniture in the guest room, free of charge!” Now, the alpha smiles at the small joke she made and that does make her other half laugh too. While it’s nice to see Seulgi able to make a joke. The omega knows her other half well. She knows whenever Seulgi is actually bothered or upset, and that’s why she knows she has to do her best to comfort her mate. The first thing she does is carefully nuzzle Seulgi’s neck and leave a kiss against her jaw. 


“We don’t have to go, Seul.”


“But we probably should, right?”


“Yes, but. I can make up an excuse for you, and why you didn’t want to come.”


Seulgi shakes her head and takes both her wife’s smaller hands into her own. She kisses both knuckles and smiles as bravely as she can.


“That’ll be no good, Hyunnie. Your family will not accept any excuse as to why I’m not beside you tonight.”


And there it was. The one and only reason why Seulgi didn’t want to leave the house tonight.


“Seul….” Bae Joohyun frowned in concern, not so much at the mention of her family and whether they would accept whatever excuse she chose to give for Seulgi’s absence. She felt concerned more so for her alpha than anything else. Joohyun knows that very few things in life upset or bother her mate. She is probably one of the most calming, easy going people Joohyun had ever met. It was one of the first things that attracted Joohyun to Seulgi, and she had this really infectious energy. Charming, sweet, and kind of a dork in an irresistible way. It didn’t take very long for her to fall in love with Kang Seulgi.


“No, it’s alright, Hyun.” The alpha says in such a confident tone. So confident that if Joohyun were anyone else she would have believed Seulgi. She knows her and knows when she’s not fully okay.


“You don’t have to go, Seul. I know how my family makes you feel.”


There are, after all, a few things that truly bother Kang Seulgi. At the top of the list is her wife’s family. 


“It’s not your fault, Joohyun.”


It might not be her fault, but seeing as they are her family. Joohyun can’t help but to feel bad in some way. This is her family, the very same people she grew up with and loved her entire life against her wife. The person she loves very much and intends to spend the rest of her life with. 


“I just don’t want to make things harder for you, baby.” Joohyun sighs and leans forward to kiss Seulgi’s forehead. 


Seulgi takes a moment to calm herself, mostly thanks to her wife’s lovely lavender scent, and the fact Joohyun has now wrapped her arms around her waist. They sit in that comfortable silence for a short while as the alpha tries to think. Falling in love with Bae Joohyun had been the easiest thing in the world for Seulgi. Because Joohyun was this kind, funny, adorable woman who Seulgi remembered not being able to take her eyes off of when first meeting. 


And yes, Joohyun was also a very beautiful woman who had the prettiest brown eyes Seulgi had ever seen. But that hadn't been the only reason why Seulgi couldn’t take her eyes off of her. Joohyun had this quiet yet commanding presence that she just couldn’t help but find herself attracted to. She was honestly quite hooked from the first time she locked eyes with Joohyun. And is not ashamed to admit that she had fallen in love with her omega fairly easily and right away.


“You knew you loved me at first sight.” Seulgi can still remember Joohyun’s playful voice in her mind. That wasn’t even untrue, Seulgi is sure she probably did fall in love at first sight. Because loving Joohyun and wanting to marry her was the easiest thing she had ever done. Dealing with the fact that Joohyun’s family weren’t particularly fond of her wasn’t. 


“I think we’d better go together, Hyun.” Ultimately Seulgi decides that is the best option here. Seulgi knows her wife’s family, most of the extended family included and they will only bother Joohyun to no end about her absence if she doesn’t go. Seulgi might not like her in-laws very much. But she loves her wife a lot more and isn’t okay with leaving Joohyun to face that kind of scrutiny alone. The alpha knows without a doubt that if the situation was reversed. Joohyun would be by her side.


Joohyun figured Seulgi would say that. She knows her mate and the kind of person she is. Seulgi would never leave her to handle a situation alone, especially not when it involves the two of them. The omega knows her family as well, and they will not leave her alone if Seulgi did not attend dinner. Joohyun isn’t afraid of her family and would face them head on alone. Especially if it meant her mate would have some peace for the evening.


But Seulgi being Seulgi tried to reassure her with a hug and several kisses to her lips. While the kisses and hug felt good, it didn’t stop Joohyun from being worried about her wife. 


“Are you sure, Seul?”


“Yeah, I’m sure. At least there will be good food, and I can drown out your parents talking to me as long as there’s wine.”


Joohyun smiles at her wife’s attempt at making the situation light. Sometimes, she’d look at her alpha and wonder how it is she got this lucky to end up with someone as wonderful as Seulgi. Because there are things her wife puts up with from her family that most people wouldn’t have been able to tolerate.


“They will at least make sure to be good hosts.” She knows her family, and one thing they will always do is go out of their way to have a good party. Something to have people talking and praising the Bae family for their wonderful tastes, and to have those constant bragging rights. It was one of the reasons why Joohyun left home as soon as she was able, because of finding them to be insufferable at times. 


“Hey, I love you.” She whispers to Seulgi and kisses her on the lips, adding several more kisses before looking into her eyes. “We won’t stay long, I promise. And if you feel really uncomfortable at any point, let me know. We will leave right away.”


Seulgi nodded, but didn’t say anything further. The alpha was always mindful of Joohyun’s situation. It was never easy being stuck in the middle of a wife she loved and a family who didn’t treat her spouse well. Seulgi sympathized with Joohyun because she did her best to always consider her feelings, and try to smooth things over with her family. Seulgi never would have blamed Joohyun for the kind of people she just happened to be related to. She imagines that whole situation to feel impossible. 


“Alright, but I get to have you to myself for at least another hour.”


And Joohyun could do nothing but let out an excited squeal when Seulgi wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her back into the bed. Instantly she was wrapped up in the warmest hug and Joohyun felt at ease. Seulgi always had that effect on her, being able to calm her whenever she felt stressed or worried. It wasn’t as if Joohyun wanted to go to this dinner either. She’d much rather end her evening here at home, cuddled up in bed with the woman she loved.


“You can always have me to yourself, Seul.” It was whispered in a way that shouldn’t have sounded so y to Seulgi’s ears. Joohyun was only talking in her regular tone, but her omega did have this natural husk to her voice that pretty much never failed to turn Seulgi on. 


“Don’t tempt me, Hyun. Or we might be really, really late to your parents house.”


Joohyun grinned and felt a familiar heat bubbling up in her stomach. Seulgi was after all looking at her like she was a meal to be devoured, and just like her wife, Joohyun could be easily by her too. Whether it was by a single touch or those soft lips gently hovering over her mating mark. Everything about the alpha turned her on, and if she weren’t careful she’d throw caution to the wind, and they would truly end up being very late to her parents' house.


“Well, don’t look at me like you want to eat me up, babe.”


Seulgi groans at the mere mention of the word eat, and the clear emphasis on the way Joohyun said eat. And now she has other more pleasurable memories in her mind, none of which involve having to spend time with her in-laws. She can do nothing but lean into Joohyun’s neck and sigh heavily.


“Why can’t we just stay in bed.”


She feels Joohyun’s arms around her shoulders and that release of her wonderful lavender scent. As nice as it would be to forget about everything else and just be with her wife. Seulgi knows that won’t be happening this time. She will go ahead to dinner in a short while with Joohyun, where she will hope like hell it won’t be too terrible, but most likely it will be awful. The only thing that is bringing Seulgi comfort is knowing that she would eventually be right back home with Joohyun. Also, it’s not like she constantly sees her in-laws, and Seulgi is thankful for that.


“I want to, Seul. Believe me. But when mom called and made it sound so urgent that we were there tonight.” Joohyun closes her eyes and thinks about the day she had. It was already stressful enough at work. The last thing she needed was that phone call from her mother just before she got home. She especially dreaded telling Seulgi about it over the phone, but she knew she had to. Seulgi had reacted as she thought she would. Gentle, caring, and more concerned about how she was feeling than worrying about her parents. 


“I know, Hyunnie. At least, we will be together tonight.” Seulgi can remember very well how stressed Joohyun was when they spoke earlier. She disliked feeling helpless to do anything for Joohyun. Though, Joohyun assured her that just hearing her voice on the phone had been more than enough. 


“I just wish they didn’t make it so hard for you.”


Seulgi silently agreed and ran her fingers through the omega’s brown hair. She held her wife even closer and affectionately kissed just above her mating mark. It did seem to help and Joohyun relaxed more in her arms. Seulgi told herself not to think of anything else but the two of them, here at this moment. There would be time to deal with the hard things later. All that mattered now was being here with the woman she loved.


“I guess I understand. I’ll probably give our future kid’s spouse a hard time too.”


“Not in the same way.” While, Joohyun does appreciate Seulgi’s effort in trying to make her feel better. She knows Seulgi, and how kind-hearted the alpha is. She would certainly not treat any spouse of their future kids in the way her family has treated her.


Seulgi could tell Joohyun was thinking again, and probably stressing herself out mentally. That’s why she tried to bring her back to a good place. Bring her back with good thoughts that were right here in their bedroom.


“Everything’s going to be fine, Joohyun. Right now we’re here together and everything else can wait.”


Joohyun agreed and buried her face in the crook of her alpha’s neck. She found comfort in Seulgi’s soothing citrus scent and in turn was able to calm down even further. She also knew there was no point in worrying now about things that hadn’t happened yet. Joohyun would much rather focus on the positive. 


The omega had become so relaxed and at ease in her alpha’s embrace. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep. Seulgi simply watched her for a while. Joohyun finally looked at ease and was not stressed out about them going to her family’s house. Seulgi wished she could do more to help Joohyun not worry. But knowing there was only so much she could do made her feel helpless in ways. If all she could do was make sure she was by her wife’s side, being supportive, loving her in the best way she could. Then the alpha knew she’d always be doing that at least. No matter what came their way. They certainly had specific obstacles a lot of couples probably didn’t have. 


For now, Seulgi decided not to worry herself either with a lot of negative thoughts. She had her beautiful wife in her arms and taking a quick nap seemed more and more desirable as she thought about it. 


“Anything is better than thinking about spending time with my in-laws…”





A sentiment that was shared, as across town staff were busying themselves asking the owners of the estate if there was anything else they needed to be done before the event began.


“No, I think we’re all set.” Bae Byeongho gave a small nod to the staff who looked to be praying there wasn’t more to be done. He couldn’t say he blamed the staff. As anytime he and his wife throw a party it’s always done in an elaborate manner. Some might even say bordering on excessive. But that’s just their style.


“We should keep the staff on standby, dear.” His wife walks over and gestures to the dining hall. “I’m expecting a full crowd tonight,” Bae Hyunjoo feels excited about the idea of hosting a room full of people again, after a long time for herself and husband. Being able to host a party isn’t the only thing that is giving her excitement. She is looking forward to being able to see her daughter. Though, she could tell Joohyun didn’t sound all too thrilled about the idea of coming over to the house tonight.


That didn’t mean she wasn’t happy about convincing Joohyun to come over. Both herself and husband hadn’t seen their daughter in too long. Longer than they would have liked, and hoped tonight could be the start of Joohyun coming around more. Though they had their doubts.


“You’re sure Joohyun is coming?”


“She said she would.” 


“I assume Seulgi is coming too?” Mr. Bae states like he doesn’t already know the answer to that statement. His wife nodded with a polite, if not distant smile. Naturally, it would be expected that Joohyun would come with Seulgi. Neither of them particularly like it, but she is married to their daughter. That is not to say they didn’t try their hardest to persuade Joohyun not to go through with the marriage. They did everything within their power to try and convince Joohyun not to tie herself down. Including threatening to disown her in the will, and giving all of their money to her younger sister, none of which seemed to work and Joohyun got married anyways. If nothing else, her parents did respect her loyalty and for staying true to what she believed in. Even if they genuinely believed she was making a huge mistake in marrying Seulgi in the end.


“I would assume Seulgi is coming along, dear. We don’t see Joohyun as often as we’d like, so I think we should at least be grateful for that much.”


“That’s true.” Her husband agrees, though he isn’t exactly looking forward to seeing his daughter’s wife either. Not because Joohyun married a female alpha, no. He didn’t care about that at all. It didn’t bother him or his wife when Joohyun first told them she did prefer female alpha’s. They had other reasons for why they felt Joohyun chose wrongly when agreeing to marry Seulgi.


“Come with me. Let’s check on the decorations out in the garden. We have some time before they come here, and let’s not dwell on any depressing thoughts before we have to.”


Seeing as how he had little choice but to agree with his wife. Mr. Bae agreed to accompany his wife out to their garden area for the much needed distraction. She isn’t wrong as they should not be focusing on any depressing thoughts at this point in time. They were going to be able to see Joohyun after what felt like too long, and that was something to look forward to. That along with the fact their younger daughter would be here tonight too, would feel like a family reunion of sorts. That was indeed something to look forward to, even if he didn’t feel all that thrilled about having to see his daughter-in-law. Though he knew the feeling was also mutual.  


But the moment Mr. Bae stepped outside to see the gorgeous ice sculptures set up in different areas of their garden, the gazebo set up for the live band, and the various food and drink stations decorated exactly to both his and his wife’s exquisite tastes. He did turn to his wife and smile in a genuine way.


“At least, this should be a party to remember, right dear?”


Mrs. Bae nodded with a brighter smile of her own. After all, no one threw a party like the Bae family.


A/N: Again, really sorry if this is kind of on the boring side? I hope that won’t continue being the case and hopefully this can still be more on the enjoyable side than the blah side. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting/sticking with me this long. I know updates haven’t been as frequent as they should be, and I can only try my best to find more time to write more. Other than that you all have my sincere apologies once again and thank you


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Chapter 7: they need to go to gym. they need to work it out
17 streak #2
Chapter 7: Seulgi and Joohyun are perfect for each other, their interactions are so sweet and showcase how much they love each other.

If only Joohyun's stupid parents would not get in the way.
17 streak #3
Chapter 6: The dinner was a disaster. Taeyeon is another pawn in the Bae parents game. Even if she is Seungwan’s ex. They parted on good ways, at least that is what I assume.

Yeri will have get used to Taeyeon being there for business stuff.
17 streak #4
Chapter 5: When you thought that Joohyun's parents couldn't get any worse...

Seulgi isn't useless or bad just because she doesn't have that much money.

I feel bad for Seungwan because she now will have to obey every Bae family command. As their picture perfect daughter in law that they wanted so badly.
17 streak #5
Chapter 4: So Joohyun did get disowned in a way. Now the stuff that was her will be Yerim's. Bit I am sure Joohyun doesn't mind that. Money is not what is important to her.

Loved the sweet moments between the two pairs. They were lovely indeed.
17 streak #6
Chapter 3: My heart aches for Seulgi. No one deserves to be treated like that. Especially by one's considered your family. Just because Seulgi isn't as rich as they wanted, she is treated poorly. As if her value had lessened.

Love how Joohyun stood up for her lover.

The parents ruining Yeri and Seungwan’s announcement was bad. This is something one just does not forget.
17 streak #7
Chapter 2: The dinner is a s boring as it sounds, full with Rich snobs who care only about money. Good thing Seulgi met Seungwan. They could have a short talk and find out that they are quite similar in character.
17 streak #8
Chapter 1: Joohyun and Seulgi love each other so much, they can relax in embrace of each other. They are so cute as a couple, their interactions made my heart all fluffy and sweet.

Though I am wondering what made Seulgi and her parents in law Do not like each other. There must be a reason.
Chapter 7: I really like seulgi, I feel sad for her😫
Chapter 7: i live for power bottom alpha seulgi HAHA