

A/N: Hi everyone, thank you so much for the reviews of the last chapter. I won’t bother you with too long of a note, but know that I did take the time I needed to slow down/edit what I needed and do my best to make this a decent chapter, and I have a start on chapter seven too. That’s partly why it’s taking a little longer, outside of life getting in the way. I figure I try to write as much as I can and get a bit of a start on the next chapter, that might help. But please bear with me, I know there’s a lot of stories but I’ll do my best to get to them as I can. Thanks so much and please enjoy chapter 6 of breadwinner, another story that’s becoming another personal fave of mine. 


Joohyun was getting worried when the sun had come up and Seulgi hadn’t come home yet. The omega had gotten up extra early to make breakfast for them. They might not have had a chance to eat dinner together last night. She would make sure they had breakfast. But now it was after 7 and Seulgi would have been home by now. Joohyun left some texts and when they went unanswered she only worried more. Seulgi usually will respond to her texts as soon as she’s able.


Joohyun decides to call and gets the voicemail. Okay, Seulgi’s phone could be dead. It might be all a logical explanation. She didn’t wish to overly worry yet, if there wasn’t yet a reason to.


“Hey, honey.” She starts her voicemail message. “I hope you’re okay. Maybe you’re stuck at work longer than you expected or your phone battery is dead. I’m just being extra clingy because I didn’t have your body heat last night so…” Joohyun stops when she notices Seulgi’s car turning into their driveway. Well, that was a relief.


Joohyun didn't bother to finish the message and instead hurried to get to the front of the house so she could greet her other half. She thanked god she had some slippers on and pajamas. She didn’t think greeting her wife outside in a state would have been ideal. Perhaps, later on after breakfast if Seulgi wasn’t too tired.


“Well, hey there..” The smile from her face fades the moment she sees Seulgi. Her alpha normally can be drained and exhausted after a night shift. This was different. This wasn’t the typical energy from being tired. Having been married to this woman for four years. Joohyun likes to think she knows her better than anyone. Seulgi wasn’t even smiling and no matter what she always smiled for her. Something had to be wrong. 


“Baby?” She walked over to her love who was standing up against the car in a bit of daze. 




Once over to her, Joohyun touched a tanned cheek. She knew she had a reason to worry and this behavior wasn’t helping ease her worry.


“What happened?”


Finally, Seulgi looked toward her. As if noticing she wasn’t alone for the first time. “Hyun?”


That was okay. Joohyun knew she’d take care of her. Something clearly happened and she’d do what she needed in order to help Seulgi get through it, and would wait until the alpha felt ready to talk. Joohyun hugged her and kissed the side of her face.


“It’s okay. You can talk to me when you’re ready. I love you, alright. Let me take care of you.”


If that meant helping her to the house where she could get upstairs into comfortable pajamas, then that’s what it meant. Seulgi registered the feeling of her mate’s soft hands touching her and some kisses onto her cheeks. Joohyun told her she made breakfast as well. The alpha could not even think about eating. It was the absolute furthest thing from her mind, considering what happened to her just a short while ago.


“I’m going to get you something to eat, or do you want some tea?”


“Joohyun.” Seulgi held her arm, stopping her from leaving.


“What’s wrong? Were you hurt or…” She wonders because Seulgi was acting as if she were in shock or something traumatic happened. Joohyun did look her wife over for any sign of a hidden injury but could find none.


“Your father is a piece of and I hate him.”


“Oh…” Her poor loving and kind mate has never openly used the word hate with anything. She’s never met a kinder person. She knew it had to be very bad if Seulgi was driven to this point. Joohyun wrapped her arms around Seulgi and released her lavender scent in strong, soothing waves. Seulgi had not immediately settled though and Joohyun was ready to call her father right now to see what he had done this time. 


“It’s bad enough he thinks I’m worthless..” Seulgi stops. She hasn’t even fully registered it, though she knows her father-in-law went and got her fired. Or maybe it wasn’t even good enough for him to handle personally and he sent one of his lackeys to get the job done for him.


“You are not worthless. Please tell me what happened, baby. Tell me so I can fix it.”


As much as Seulgi knew Joohyun meant those words. She didn’t think even Joohyun could fix it.


“There’s no fixing it, Hyun.”


She had never seen Seulgi like this before and worry was an understatement to describe how she felt. Joohyun knew she needed to be strong now for her mate, who needed her most.


“I’ll be right back. I’m just going to call the office and tell them I’ll be taking a personal leave.”


“No. Don’t do that. Your job is…”


“My job will be there. You need me more and I’m going to wait until you feel ready to talk, but I’m not leaving you when you need me.”


Seulgi nodded wordlessly. It was enough as Joohyun understood. She caressed the back of the alpha’s neck and kissed her forehead.


“I’ll be right back.” Joohyun repeated and the first thing she did was notify her job of her need for personal leave. Then she called her father. He has done something and he needs to answer what it is.


“Hello, this is Bae Byeongho. Please leave your name, number, and brief message. I will…”


“!” Joohyun screamed and ended the call. She would not be leaving a voicemail. She wanted her father to answer and she would go to talk in person if that’s what he wanted. Anything to find out what has happened. Her next step was to call her mother, who naturally acted as if nothing happened.


“What is all of this fuss about, Hyun? It’s very early in the morning, you know.”


“Please don’t act like you have no idea why I’m calling. You know what dad is up to at all times, what did he do to my wife?”


“Surely you don’t think I’m with your father every second of the day. I doubt he’s done anything to Seulgi. What is this all about?”


Her mother was a good actress when needed, but she wasn’t that good. Or at least Joohyun knew her well enough to call bull when she saw it.


“Never mind, I will meet you both, tonight even, whatever. I will sign whatever papers you want me to sign as far as not being entitled to your money and assets. Either way he will tell me what he’s done to Seul.”


“I think you’re overreacting, Hyun. Your father and I will be glad to see you. I will call your sister and see if she’s free. It would be good if we can discuss things tonight. I’ll call you back when I know. Honestly, dear, you’re acting quite emotionally. Are you sure you’re alright?”


“R-Really? Are you joking? I am emotional because you two won’t just back off. I get it, you don’t like Seulgi. You think she’s a terrible person because she’s not rich like you, fine. Then all I’m asking is for you to leave her alone. You can’t punish her because we fell in love. How dare you claim to love me at all if you…” Maybe she is a little emotional. She can’t help it when this is about her wife, mate, and other half. No one should be treated like this and Joohyun will see to it that it stops. Somehow, it has to stop.


“And keep trying to hurt the person I love most. You can’t and I won’t allow it.”


There was nothing except for silence for a long moment until Mrs. Bae spoke.


“Your father and I will not apologize for loving you and wanting what’s best for you. I think you should speak to me when you calm down.”


She can tell her mother is about to hang up, it’s why Joohyun has to say one more thing. 


“Would you not be just as cruel and awful to Seungwan if she had no money?”


There was silence, and that silence confirmed what she already knew to be true. Joohyun laughs sadly.


“Of course you would. Seungwan is perfect for our family because she is rich and comes from a family who are well off. Never mind that she actually loves Yerim and is good hearted. She is acceptable for that reason anyways. You’d never treat Seulgi like this if she had the same amount of money Seungwan has.”


Finally, she said it out loud and gave it words. Something that didn’t even need to be said as it was obvious, but Joohyun can’t take much more of what her family is doing. 


“Don’t blame Yerim because you decided to continue sleeping with the hired help, Hyun.” And with that her mother hangs up on her first. Joohyun is beyond angry, she screams and slams her fist into the table. 


When she turned around she saw Seulgi standing there. 


“I’m sorry, baby.” The omega apologizes, in case her screaming bothered Seulgi in some way. The alpha shakes her head and tells her not to apologize. She was already on her way when she heard Joohyun shouting and then screaming. 


“Are you alright, Joohyun?” Seulgi walked over to check her mate’s hand for an injury. Her state of mind aside, she had to make sure Joohyun was okay. Never had she herself seen Joohyun upset to the point of slamming her fist into something. Joohyun didn’t appear hurt, at least not physically.


“I’m fine. I’m going to go to them tonight and talk to my father. One way or another he will back off.”


“Hyun, no.”


“No?” She isn’t sure why Seulgi is saying she shouldn’t go. How else will she find out what’s going on and try to fix whatever damage her father has done this time.


“He won’t stop even if you talk to him. He’s not going to stop until he talks to me.”


Joohyun listens in horror as Seulgi explains that even though there is no physical proof. She knows Mr. Bae personally found a way to get her fired from her job as a possible retaliation for not coming as soon as she was summoned. 


“No..” Joohyun doesn’t understand what is even the point of going to an extreme such as that?. “He has no right. All of this because you haven’t gone to talk to him sooner.”


“I think so, and it’s not even about the job itself. It's not like I was going to be a security officer forever. It’s the fact he went out of his way to attack my personal need just to contribute in some way. He wants me to feel worthless because my wife is the breadwinner. He didn’t count on the fact that it wasn’t about the job. I could do anything for work, and just be glad I have a job.”


“I know, Seul.” She kisses the palm of Seulgi’s hand. “I understand why you want to make sure you’re contributing, my father has crossed the line, and he has to answer to it. But I don’t think you give yourself enough credit in all the ways you help. Financial contribution isn’t everything, not when you give me so much love, support, and kindness. I hope you remember that too.” She leans forward and places her head onto Seulgi’s. 


“Everything’s going to be alright. I’ll handle this with my family.”


The alpha never doubted her omega. She knows how much her wife loves her, and that has never been in question. Seulgi can’t help the horrible feeling she has that if she doesn’t handle things with Mr. Bae herself it’ll only get much worse before any chance of getting better.





Seungwan had seen enough so far of Yerim’s parents to where she felt she needed to give her parents a heads up. She didn’t want her mom and dad to walk into a dinner with the Bae’s and not already be prepared. That’s why after finishing her work day a little earlier than usual. She asked them both if she could meet at their house to talk, and she was welcomed to a usual warm and loving greeting. Her father hugged her in one of his usual gentle but strong hugs. While she could smell all of her mother’s delicious cooking.


“No Yerim?” Her mother asks after getting a hug.


“No, she’s working late tonight. I’ll bring her next time.”


“Very good. You know I adore Yerim.”


“We both do.” Her father agrees. As her parents they wanted nothing more than for their daughter to be happy. They knew what she went through in her previous relationship. They didn’t want her to have to go through anything like that again and when she started acting like a giddy school girl over someone new. They were happy to see their daughter excited again, and when they met Yerim. It was a relief to know Seungwan had met someone whom she loved. Someone who clearly loved her back the same, and wanted nothing more than to make her happy too. Which is all they wanted, for their daughter to be happy with someone. 


“I love her too. She’s already felt like family, huh. It will be official soon.”


“Have you done much wedding planning, dear?” Mrs. Son asks as they sit down to the food prepared at the table.


“We have looked at a few venues and started making up invitations.”


“If you need any help, Wan. Don’t be afraid to ask.”


“Thank you, dad. I am here to talk to you both about the wedding. Sort of.”


The Son’s listened as their daughter explained to them about the sort of people her future-in-laws were. How they value money and status above anything else, and warns them before they meet for dinner. 


“You know how some people are. Honestly, I’m sure if I didn’t have a single cent to my name they’d never have let me date Yerim, let alone marry her.” Seungwan begins. 


“We understand, dear. We’ve met people like the Bae’s and we can handle them.” Her mother tries to be comforting. “We just have to make sure Yerim knows she’s always welcome here to our home, and with our family. I can’t imagine things being easy for her.”


“They’re not. I feel like it’s only going to get worse now that they’ve gone and disowned her older sister. I only want to do the best I can to support her.”


“Of course, Wan. As long as you two remain a united front, there’s nothing you can’t face.” Her dad gives her mother this loving smile and Seungwan knows she has the same thing with Yerim. They’ll be together for years to come too, no matter what her future wife’s parents try to do.


“They do know we’re not really that rich, right?” Mrs. Son whispers. “How will we tell them we only have one summer home and are still waiting to afford the yacht.”


And at that Seungwan laughs. Her parents are good natured and easygoing. They don’t care about who has money or not. She feels glad that Yerim will have her parents now as well, even if she herself isn’t all that thrilled by the Bae’s. She isn’t going to be rude to her wife’s parents and will try her best to get along with them. Since no matter what they’re going to be her in-laws. Her goal is to have a civil relationship with them if possible.


“I’m sure we can find a way to break it to them.”


“You’ll be okay, Wan. We’re with you and really how bad can Yerim’s parents be?”


“Oh, dad…” Seungwan stops to sip her tea. “You have no idea.”



When Hyunjoo told her husband about what had happened between herself and Joohyun. He only commented on how it’s a shame how far their daughter has fallen.


“She’s willing to just throw everything we had for her away, for what. Some worthless, poor alpha who has a drunk for a mother, and a jailbird for a sire.” Bae Byeongho does his research. It was bad enough that Seulgi didn’t have a well-paying job or the money to at least match what Joohyun has. That wasn’t even the worst of it, in his opinion. Not when she comes from what he feels is a worthless background, with no sort of family he’d want to ever associate himself with.


“Joohyun is stubborn, dear. She gets that from you.” 


“In this case I wish she hadn’t. Can you imagine if she ever thinks to have pups with her? Those children might end up being delinquent scum just like the sire’s parents.”


Hyunjoo wrapped her arms around her husband’s shoulders. She wasn’t all that thrilled either when the reports came back about Seulgi’s parentage and her background. On the one hand, she wasn’t happy. She did have to give credit where it was due. Seulgi didn’t end up like either of her parents, even if she possibly could have. 


“We may not like it. But she hasn’t ended up like them so there’s that.”


“Maybe not.” Mr. Bae agrees somewhat. “I just don’t understand why Joohyun would choose to settle with someone when she’s completely out of their league. We introduced her to many eligible alpha’s who would have no doubt made a better match.”


“I agree. Perhaps we should remind her of that when she comes over tonight.”


“Joohyun is coming over tonight?”


“She seems to have this idea in her head that you did something to hurt her wife. But I can’t imagine what that could possibly be.”


He looks indifferent. “I suppose Joohyun will enlighten us when she comes by. Did you have a chance to talk to Yerim?”


“I did. She said she’d be working late and would stop by briefly since Joohyun already agreed to come.”


“Very good then. I’m going to make a call first.” That’s when Mr. Bae placed a call inviting one more guest to dinner along with himself, his wife, and his two daughters. He hoped he could make at least one more attempt to get Joohyun to change her mind about staying in this marriage to Seulgi. Truly, it was for her own good to think about getting out of this marriage with someone who was in his opinion, just worthless in more ways than one.


“Yes, I know it’s last minute. My wife and I would be delighted if you could stop by to have dinner with us and our daughters. You do remember Joohyun, right? She will be there, and I am not sure if you are familiar with Yerim. I do believe it will be a good opportunity for you to meet. She will be attending more family functions with myself and her mom very soon.”


“It is last minute, Byeongho.” The other person on the phone agrees. “However, I know better than to turn down an invitation from you. I’ll be there.”


“Thank you. You won’t regret it. I’ll see you later.” He ends the call and tells his wife that they’ll have to set another plate at the table after all. 



Seulgi tried several times to convince Joohyun that she shouldn’t go to see her parents tonight. She didn’t think it would be a good idea and had decided she would go and meet with Mr. Bae on her own time. Not now because she was not in the right mind frame, but she’d do so on her own. There were things she wanted to talk to him about herself and he would hear her. 


“I don’t think this is going to help, Hyun.”


“I have to try, baby.” Joohyun isn’t okay with any of this. She wants to go to her father and ask him to leave them both alone. She doesn’t expect for him to apologize, because that would be too out of his character. At this point he won’t accept her life choices. Joohyun only wants him to leave her and her mate alone. If he wants her to officially sign any documents that give up her rights to anything as heir, then she’ll do so in return to him backing off.


“Don't go, please.”


Her alpha sounds worried and Joohyun hugs her. In an attempt to help calm Seulgi down even if she herself feels somewhat nervous. It’s more important that she try and calm Seulgi down.


“Don’t worry. I’m going to be fine. Yerim is coming too and I’ll be home before you have time to miss me. All I want you to do is to eat dinner because you never ate breakfast and you barely ate lunch today.” Truthfully, Joohyun was more worried about Seulgi than anything else. She seemed to be a bit better than earlier but still not fully herself, and Joohyun expected that. She didn’t think Seulgi would just bounce back after what her father did to her. It had happened so suddenly and unexpectedly in such a deliberately cruel way. She can only imagine the emotional trauma her mate is experiencing. That hurts more than anything else, knowing what her wife is dealing with, all thanks to her dad.


“I can’t stop you. Please come back if it gets difficult, I don’t trust your parents.”


“Neither do I.” And perhaps that was the saddest part of all. She couldn’t trust her own parents. The people who she should have technically been able to trust, only couldn’t. The omega left a kiss onto her alpha’s cheeks and promised once more she’d be okay, before getting ready to leave. Joohyun kept her parents waiting long enough and she needed to handle things with them tonight.


While she was ready, her sister wasn’t looking forward to going there at all, and looked for any reason to stay late at work. Only when that didn’t work she knew she had no choice. Ultimately, she could not leave Joohyun hanging. Once her mother told her that Joohyun would be there tonight. She just knew she had to come. That didn’t mean Yerim was looking forward to her father trying to make her his instant heir either. Not at all. She was more than fine working in a business she enjoyed that had nothing to do with her father’s. She didn’t want to start attending more family functions and was expected to take over for him one day, simply because he no longer want Joohyun to do it.


“I’m not doing this to my future kids.”


No, her kids would be able to make their own choices, and not be guilt tripped or emotionally blackmailed a single day in their lives. It was hard because as much as Yerim knew her parents and their tactics, they were still her parents. Such bonds could not easily be broken, and so she wanted to keep at least a healthy distance. Something she didn’t think she could do any longer with her father and mother, probably going to insert themselves more with her and Seungwan.


Speaking of her wonderful fiancé 


“Hey.” Yerim answered the phone. “Are you still with your parents?”


“No, I’m home. Where are you?”


“I’m being summoned to deal with business I guess. My parents aren’t wasting anymore time disowning Hyun. I think they want us to sign papers tonight, probably.”


“Oh..” Now Seungwan wishes she were there to support not only Yerim but Joohyun as well. It’s not just her fiancé that’s dealing with a lot right now but her soon-to-be-sister-in-law is also. “I’m sorry, babe. Do you want me to meet you?”


“No, that’s okay. You might as well stay home. I don’t think it is going to be any long and drawn out thing. I’ll call you when I’m on my way home.”


“Alright, but let me know if you need me. I’ll be there.”


“Thanks, Wan. I love you.”


“I love you too.”


After ending the call. Yerim made her way to her parents house. She didn’t see any sign of Joohyun’s car and figured her sister would probably be on her way. It was Joohyun that wanted this meeting tonight, though her mother didn’t go into details as to why that was. Yerim had the feeling something must have triggered it, since why would Joohyun be in a hurry to just sign over everything. There was no true rush in the alpha’s opinion but since Joohyun insisted that meant their parents must have done something, but what.


“Ms. Yerim is here.” She was announced the moment she arrived and Yerim didn’t expect to see a very nice dinner set up in the dining area with five plates, meaning their parents had invited someone else.


“Hi, dear.” Her mother hugs her first. “It’s good of you to come.”


“Good evening, sweetheart.” Her father is next with a hug of his own.


“Um… why are you guys acting like we’re about to sit down to dinner? I thought we were just going to sign some papers or hear some speech from dad or something?”


“There’s always time for dinner, Yerim. Besides, I have a guest coming. I'd like for both you and Joohyun to meet.”


“Okay…” At this point, all she could hope was for Joohyun to come soon, the sooner the better because so far this was weird, at least weird for her parents. Normally, Yerim knows what to expect from them. This is a bit unusual and the alpha doesn’t know what to make of it. At least, she didn’t until Joohyun walked in looking livid in a way even Yerim didn’t think she’d ever seen.


“No, I’m not sitting down and having some pretend normal dinner with you.” She hears Joohyun tell them.


“Our guest is coming soon, Joohyun. You will absolutely not embarrass us in front of her.”


“Her?” Yerim wonders, now hearing at least some more information about this guest who is supposed to be coming tonight.


“You think I give a who is coming to dinner with you after what you did to Seulgi today.”


“Oh no, what did dad do now…”


“You are jumping to all sorts of wrong conclusions, Hyun. I have better things to do with my time than to do anything with Seulgi. Now, I won’t ask again to please sit down and we will wait for our guest to arrive.”


“I’m only here so we can negotiate. Those are words you like right, dad. You want me to sign some papers giving up everything officially? Fine. But you have to back off and leave Seulgi alone otherwise I won’t sign anything tonight. Not until we have some rewritten documents with my own terms. Because sadly I can’t trust you or anything you say.”


Yerim notices that though her father looks neutral. His eyes look almost dead, like there’s no life reflecting in them at all, and it’s a bit scary now that she’s noticing. He isn’t going to try and hurt Joohyun of all people, is he? He might be a snob and all around jerk for the most part. But she’s not ever known him to be violent.


“We can talk about whatever business you think you have with me. Not until after we have dinner with my guest.”


Joohyun laughs in a sad way. “Of course, as it must always be your way.” She says no more and makes sure she hugs her sister in greeting, but refuses to do so with either of their parents. If they are offended neither act like it. It’s weird for Yerim to sit there and have both of her parents talking only to her and not to Joohyun at all. Joohyun who isn’t even trying to talk to them either because she looks like she’s trying her best to keep herself calm.


“If you need any caterers for the wedding, I can recommend some for you, Yerimie.” Her mother tells her. 


“Oh, thanks. I don’t think..”


“Money is no object of course. Your father and I are prepared to make sure this wedding is everything you and Seungwan could want.”


“Of course.” Joohyun mutters from her seat.


“That’s not necessary.” Yerim doesn’t even want her parents to interfere but so much with her and Seungwan’s wedding. She has a feeling that they will find a way to insert themselves anyways. Honestly, she and Seungwan might have to consider eloping and that’s the sad part. But if it means having a wedding where they don’t ruin things. Yerim isn’t opposed to eloping at all. She’d run the idea by Seungwan first, before anything.


“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” Her mother is acting like she didn’t hear a word she said, and knowing her mom. She either probably didn’t hear her or was choosing to disregard what she said on purpose.


“I spoke to Seungwan’s parents again and they said they’d be free to have dinner with us next weekend. I know you and Seungwan are busy with your own work, but surely you can have time to make a small family dinner.”


Yerim hated that her mother was bringing this up now. She hasn’t even had the chance to warn Joohyun ahead of time. Joohyun never once had a nice family dinner celebrating her engagement to Seulgi. Not that their parents would have offered, because they wouldn’t have.


“How long is this going to take?” Her sister asks instead. “I want to get back home.”


“Our guest will be here soon, Hyun. If you’re hungry there are appetizers.”


Joohyun notices there are a lot of options even if there are only supposed to be five people at this dinner. That is her parents though, even a small dinner can somehow end up looking like an extravagant meal. Since, Joohyun didn’t know how much longer this would actually take. She chose to send Seulgi a text to let her know she might possibly be late and held up. 


“I’m really hungry so…” Yerim stops when she sees one of the servants walking in to announce who is probably no doubt her parents' guest.


“Ms. Kim Taeyeon is here, Sir.”


Joohyun turns around quickly when she hears that name. A name she hasn’t heard in a long time but is quite familiar with the alpha indeed. The woman stood there dressed like she just left a business meeting herself in a white dress shirt and gray slacks, with her suit jacket on one of her shoulders. Yerim looked at the alpha curiously too, not because she ever met the woman, but because she’s heard that name before.


“I’m sorry for being late, Byeongho, Hyunjoo.” Taeyeon addresses them first to which they tell her it’s more than fine.


“You’re here and that's what matters. You remember or lovely daughter Joohyun.”


“Yes.” Taeyeon smiles politely. “It’s nice to see you again, Joohyun.”


“You too, Ms. Kim.”


Once upon a time her parents had tried to set her up with who they considered to be suitable alpha’s for her. Kim Taeyeon was one such alpha and though this woman wasn’t awful or disgusting as some of the other alpha’s she met during that time period. Taeyeon was certainly pleasant and not rude. Joohyun had to make it clear to her that she was seriously dating Seulgi at the time. Taeyeon never seemed offended at all, in truth it was her parents who seemed the most upset their daughter hadn’t warmed up to any of the alpha’s they handpicked for her to meet.


“Sit, Taeyeon. We will have things to discuss soon.” And it’s not a shock when her parents have the alpha sit next to her. Are they really trying even now to set up something? They just don’t give any s that she’s married and has a mate.


“You’ve not met our younger daughter, Yerim?” Hyunjoo announces.


“No, not yet. I am glad to meet you as well, Yerim.”


Joohyun notices the look on her sister’s face and she doesn’t look very happy. 


“I’m not hungry after all.”


“Yerim.” Byeongho frowns. “Don’t be rude. Taeyeon is one of my business associates, which means you will also be working with her on occasion as well. This is ..”


“Hell, if I’m working with Seungwan’s ex.”


Silence fell over the dinner table and Taeyeon did not betray anything in her very neutral expression. She did have her full attention on the younger alpha.


“I haven’t had any contact with Seungwan since we parted ways, if you’re worried about something happening.”


“I’m not worried. I don’t think things ended well with you two. So why should I be worried about you?”


“True enough, they didn’t end well. But since that was in the past. I don’t think you should feel awkward about a possible business relationship.”


Yerim seems to be thinking. She hasn’t met Kim Taeyeon but Seungwan told her enough about their relationship. From what Yerim understood it just wasn’t a right fit for them, and they weren’t meant for one another. At least, that’s what Seungwan told her. Yerim wasn’t going to make it awkward but she might have to bring this up to her fiancé tonight.


“I’m sure we can work everything out where it won’t affect our business relationship. Yerim you and Seungwan are getting married. There’s nothing further you have to worry about.” Her father tells her.


“I’m not worried.” She repeats herself. 


“Very good. Now, I’d like to ask you what you think about Joohyun?”


Taeyeon isn’t comfortable with them trying to set her up with their daughter, not again. It was one thing before when the omega was simply dating and not yet married or someone’s mate. This is entirely different when it’s very obvious that Joohyun is wearing a wedding band and has a clear mating mark on her neck.


“No offense, but I hardly think my opinion matters. She is married, is she not?”


Joohyun might have smiled for the first time. There’s a reason why she had more respect for Taeyeon than some of the other alphas she had been introduced to. Some who didn’t seem to care that she wasn’t interested in them and said they’d like to pursue her anyway. And worse, some who were already married and wanted to make her at best a glorified mistress. Why would she want to be a mistress when she was very happily the only wife to Kang Seulgi. Someone she loves very much and nothing her parents try to do will change that.


“For now. We are prepared to offer you 1 billion dollars to try and get my daughter away from this wife of hers. And Hyun, if you agree to a divorce we will reinstate you as heir. We’ll make sure Seulgi gets something in the settlement. We’re not heartless, after all.”


“Way to ruin a dinner. Now I really can’t eat.” Yerim says and sips some wine instead.


Taeyeon just looks stunned to say the least. Why would they want to offer so much money to get their daughter out of her marriage, it makes no sense. But then the alpha notices this quiet rage that seems to be brewing next to her. Any moment the omega was going to react, and it wasn’t going to be pretty.


“Absolutely not! I am not some pawn you can just try to sell off because you’re not happy about my marriage. There’s nothing you can do or say that will make me leave my wife, and as I told you both before. I will gladly sign any papers you want if you stop attacking my mate and our marriage. I’ll sign whatever you want, I just want in writing that you’re going to back off. I won’t sign anything until then, that’s more than fair at this point.” Joohyun took a breath. She needed to apologize to Taeyeon who probably had no idea what her parents were planning to do.


“I am sorry for this, Ms. Kim. My parents are headstrong and believe they know best.”


“It’s alright, Joohyun. I have no intentions on trying to break up someone’s marriage, no matter what amount of money offered. I do hope you two are joking?” Though something about Bae's serious expression didn’t suggest they were joking at all.


“Our daughter doesn’t understand that we are looking out for her best interest. Someone like you would be best suited for her. You are financially stable, well-known as an upstanding member of the community, and we already have business dealings. A marriage between you both would be ideal for a lot of reasons. All we ask is that you both think about it.”


They weren’t going to quit. It didn’t matter what Joohyun said or asked for. At this point, she was getting fed up. Hell, she’d sign anything they had if it meant she got away from them sooner. Perhaps, she could ask some lawyer friends of her own later about some added amendments of her own. Either way tonight was turning out to be too much.


“And you didn’t hear a word I said. I am already married. You know what, just give me those papers you want signed. I don’t want anything to do with you or your money.”


“You don’t mean that, Hyun. All your father and I want is the best for you.”


“If either of you bothered to get to know Seulgi then you’d know she is what’s best for me. But I think it’s obvious tonight we will solve nothing.” That saddens Joohyun more than anything. 


“I am sorry if my presence here made anything worse.” Taeyeon seems to be saying that more to Yerim than anyone else. But Yerim doesn’t respond to her. The food gets left on everyone’s plates. No one has much of an appetite if any, and Taeyeon does politely thank Byeongho and Hyunjoo for the invite and excuses herself. Nothing about this evening can be saved.


“This was a waste of time.” Yerim begins and stands up. “I’m going home. Next time you guys want to do some weird like this, leave me out of it. Sorry, Hyun.” She apologizes to her sister as there’s not even much she can say, what can she say that Joohyun hasn’t heard already. The omega nods silently and watches her sister leave.


“If you two could please do one thing until we settle matters. Please leave Seulgi alone. She’s done nothing to you so if you have any of this so-called love for me at all. You’d do me at least that much by leaving Seulgi alone.”


“Joohyun?” Her father begins. “I think you’re right that we won’t be solving anything tonight. Your mother and I will be in touch.”


She was being dismissed. Joohyun left feeling more disheartened than ever. She hasn’t solved or fixed anything. Even when she had tried to stand up for herself and her marriage. Joohyun also didn’t think her parents would be backing off unless she did something drastic, and perhaps worst of all they tried to pawn her off to another alpha. She figured that her parents had no respect for her marriage, but to go this low. It’s about as bad as it could get. As Joohyun made her way out to her own car she saw Yerim in conversation with Taeyeon, and wondered if this might be a time to be a big sister and help.


Yerim noticed her and made a gesture with her hand saying to Joohyun to head to her own car if she wanted because she was fine and could handle it. Just as well, since Joohyun knew she’d hear more about whatever their conversation was about later. More importantly, she needed to get home. She needed to figure out what she would tell Seulgi and see her. This ended up being an awful night all around and she just needed to be with the person she loved most.





“Your father told me you’d be taking more of an active role in things, and attending more events.” 


“Yes.” Yerim nods. Whether she likes it or not she is now their official heir. With or without any papers signed, it didn’t matter. Yerim knew how her parents worked. She will be expected to be at her father’s side if he requests and takes more of an active role in her family business. In truth, it’s not all bad for the alpha. She does appreciate all of the charity organizations her parents set up and run, which is ironic considering their personal tastes in who they choose to be friendly with.


“I don’t want things to be awkward. I do work with your father often and that means we will see one another. That might mean Seungwan would come along to events too. I would hope we could all get past any possible awkwardness.”


It is a little awkward. This is the alpha who Seungwan had a romantic relationship with, and Yerim understands it was before her. She gets that. She just didn’t expect to have to actually run into the woman. 


“As long as you’re not harboring feelings for my fiancé then no, it won’t be awkward.”


“That ship has sailed. You don’t have to worry about me. Like I told her all I want is for her happiness, and if she’s finally found it. Of course I’m happy for her.”


“Then we shouldn’t have any problems. Have a good evening, Ms. Kim.”


“You as well.”


Yerim didn’t care what Taeyeon said. That sure as hell felt awkward. Then again, the entire dinner was a mess, and unnecessary at the same time. She felt horrible for Joohyun. Just when they think their parents can’t get any worse. They go and pull a stunt like that. If anything Joohyun should be disowning them as parents. They have no right to try and control her life and who she loves. 


Yerim just had the feeling it would get worse before it got any better. And not just for Joohyun and Seulgi.


She made it home and the first thing she wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep. She wanted to forget about this awful and weird night and sleep it off.


“Hey,” Seungwan happened to be coming down the stairs the moment Yerim entered. “What happened? Are you alright?”


Well. She couldn’t just go to sleep now. 


“It was a show, Wan. An absolute show.”


Now the omega does wish she had gone to support her mate. Yerim does seem out of it as she makes her way to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of wine. Then she makes a glass for Seungwan too. She has a feeling that she will need it.


“What happened? I thought you and Joohyun were supposed to sign some documents and leave?”


“That’s what I thought. But nothing is simple with my parents. They actually had someone there to try and bribe Hyun to get divorced and marry them instead.”


“What?” Seungwan knows at this point she shouldn’t keep being surprised by the Bae’s, and yet she kind of can’t help it. How could the same people who were nice to her when she met them be unbelievably cruel at the same time. How easily would she be in this situation if they never found her to be acceptable enough for Yerim? Perhaps too easily.


“Yeah, I know. I knew they never approved of her marrying Seulgi but , it’s been almost four years. It’s time to let it go already.” The alpha sighs and takes a sip of wine. 


“I can’t imagine them caring more about hurting both your sister and Seulgi than just leaving them alone.”


“I don’t know. Maybe in their minds they genuinely believe they’re doing something good. Oh, but get ready for the best part.” Something about the way Yerim said that didn’t make Seungwan feel any better at all. 


“W-What!” The omega asks after she hears what Yerim says, and needs to make sure she heard right. Because she could have sworn Yerim just said the alpha her parents were trying to persuade to marry Joohyun was her ex girlfriend.


“Yeah, it was awkward. I don’t think you would have wanted to be there.”


After that, Seungwan does take the offered glass of wine and proceeds to drink it like soda. This just keeps getting better and better.





The entire drive home, Joohyun could only think about what she wanted to say to Seulgi. She hated that she had to come home with bad news, and she also didn’t enjoy the possibility of being dishonest. The omega just didn’t think now would be the best time to tell her alpha about what her parents did. How they tried to bribe someone else to wreck her marriage essentially. Seulgi is not in a good mind frame either. All things considered. 


“Seul?” She called her name and placed her bag on the kitchen table for now. The house was quiet and given the time. Joohyun figured that Seulgi probably had gone to sleep. That might also be for the best, so Joohyun could think of what she wanted to say exactly.


Joohyun went up the stairs to their bedroom and all the lights were off. Nothing unusual if Seulgi is actually asleep, only she cut the lights on to find no sign of her mate.




Alright, now she was definitely getting worried. The bed was cold and showed no signs of having been slept in. Did Seulgi leave after she did? Typically, Seulgi would always text or call her if she left the house. Just like she would do the same if she had to leave suddenly. Joohyun tries to keep in mind that given everything that her wife has gone through. She probably isn’t thinking clearly, and who could blame her.


“Okay, calm down.” Joohyun tells herself. There was no need to panic yet. Seulgi could have left her a note somewhere. Yes, that was entirely possible. Joohyun searched the obvious places in the bedroom, like the nightstand table, or on one of the dressers. Only she didn’t find anything.


Alright, that didn’t mean Seulgi hadn’t left a note at all. She could have put something downstairs for her to find and so Joohyun hurried back down towards the kitchen. Sometimes they leave notes on the refrigerator or next to places they know the other is likely to check. Like she has a habit of leaving sticky notes for Seulgi on the coffee maker if she needs to mention something last minute. Or Seulgi might put a small note or two on the chair Joohyun sits at the most when they eat meals. 


There was nothing in the kitchen that looked like a note. Joohyun might start calling some of Seulgi’s former coworkers from the bar she used to work at. They might know or have heard something. Only as she’s going to retrieve her phone from her purse does she hear what sounded like a thud coming from the living room.




She follows the sound. At first glance there’s no sign of anything. That is until she sees Seulgi laid out on the living room floor with a half empty bottle of vodka beside her.




Joohyun hurries to her side and helps her sit up. It’s a bit of a struggle at first with Seulgi complaining she’s tired and trying to lay back down each time Joohyun gets her up.


“I shouldn’t have left. I’m sorry.” She kisses a tanned forehead. 


“Come on, baby. Let’s get you up.” She tried to help Seulgi up to the couch at least. 


“Hyun…” Her alpha’s voice comes out strained possibly from tears and Joohyun nods silently while caressing her cheeks.


“Yeah, I’m here, baby. I’ll get you some water for now. I’ll be right back.”


She doesn’t get far, not when Seulgi slowly puts her hand to her arm and opens her eyes to try and focus. She’s not really looking at her, more in her general direction.




“I’m not going far. I’m just going to get some water, okay.”


Seulgi shakes her head, whether it’s saying no to the water or for some other reason. She has no idea. But Seulgi does speak and Joohyun felt her heart break at the words that left her alpha’s lips.


“S-Sorry I’m poor and not good enough. You.. you could do much better than me.”


“That’s not true.” She whispers affectionately and doesn’t even care about the vodka on her wife’s breath at the moment as she leaves a tender kiss on her lips. Maybe it’s the timing of it all since her parents had just tried to strike a deal with another alpha to lure her away from her wife, but this just hurts very much.


“You’ve always been more than enough for me, Kang Seulgi.”


Seulgi is tired and drained even if she had the energy to open her eyes. She just can’t and leans back against the couch.


At that moment. Seulgi never felt more worthless.


A/N: I know, it doesn’t seem like the Bae parents will ever either calm down or get knocked down a bit from that high horse, but don’t worry all in due time. The story has to play out and we have more things to go, not sure yet still how long it will be, just thank you so much anyways for the support and everything, I appreciate it very much.

Sponsor Mentions: Sincere Thank you to everyone :) tay_84, YANGx_, AliyaViktoria, Taeyang729, DTHDHR, Pinkbubl, zombiejuhyun, User_name1200, pinkpinkypin, Androsssss, Mmm2392, sleepyhead, Informedpuppy, LOCOppl, dmac20, j33200, Supergirl03, Redpaint, ainijt, jjlevi93, bbongdrr, Zesev7, Xoxosonegg, okay54321, seulseulseul, Mustafina, Rated_pg, dianafeng, Jiminiepabo707, macegraco, Taitai84, km3bty,  itheartisti, baetokki9, Ginestroza2000, born10966, raej02, km62201n, KasierKawaii, mari102002, ultchae, omadiver, jinja_ninja, conysilvaa, ir3nes, 2ce985f2b6709de35b9, zeyzul, SuperLin, MsVSR69, seulich,somebbboy, wittyadie95, jasonds, falsuki, Fantasiii, Eris78, captainsnsd, theRequiem78, royalshipper2122, iamforeverlame, aya_aha98, s1786343, noob101, Lpoppp, Maria2308, ErisKeeyan, Icantstandtofly, 


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Chapter 7: they need to go to gym. they need to work it out
17 streak #2
Chapter 7: Seulgi and Joohyun are perfect for each other, their interactions are so sweet and showcase how much they love each other.

If only Joohyun's stupid parents would not get in the way.
17 streak #3
Chapter 6: The dinner was a disaster. Taeyeon is another pawn in the Bae parents game. Even if she is Seungwan’s ex. They parted on good ways, at least that is what I assume.

Yeri will have get used to Taeyeon being there for business stuff.
17 streak #4
Chapter 5: When you thought that Joohyun's parents couldn't get any worse...

Seulgi isn't useless or bad just because she doesn't have that much money.

I feel bad for Seungwan because she now will have to obey every Bae family command. As their picture perfect daughter in law that they wanted so badly.
17 streak #5
Chapter 4: So Joohyun did get disowned in a way. Now the stuff that was her will be Yerim's. Bit I am sure Joohyun doesn't mind that. Money is not what is important to her.

Loved the sweet moments between the two pairs. They were lovely indeed.
17 streak #6
Chapter 3: My heart aches for Seulgi. No one deserves to be treated like that. Especially by one's considered your family. Just because Seulgi isn't as rich as they wanted, she is treated poorly. As if her value had lessened.

Love how Joohyun stood up for her lover.

The parents ruining Yeri and Seungwan’s announcement was bad. This is something one just does not forget.
17 streak #7
Chapter 2: The dinner is a s boring as it sounds, full with Rich snobs who care only about money. Good thing Seulgi met Seungwan. They could have a short talk and find out that they are quite similar in character.
17 streak #8
Chapter 1: Joohyun and Seulgi love each other so much, they can relax in embrace of each other. They are so cute as a couple, their interactions made my heart all fluffy and sweet.

Though I am wondering what made Seulgi and her parents in law Do not like each other. There must be a reason.
Chapter 7: I really like seulgi, I feel sad for her😫
Chapter 7: i live for power bottom alpha seulgi HAHA