State Fair Fun Pt. 2

Pumpkins, Leaves, and the Ber Months Please

Jimin admires the neon, paper band around his wrist as he steps away from the window. He joins the rest of his waiting friends and Hoseok tells him that his other freinds have arrived and are in line waiting to purchase their ride passes. Soon enough Jungkook and the two other boys join the group and everyone is ready to enter the Fair Grounds.

Rows of food booths litter the enterance of the grounds, each adorned with big flags and banners advertising unique treats. The smells are tempting, but the gang is on a mission to the Midway in search of some thrilling rides. 

Music is pumping through some loud speakers as they reach the Midway, crowds of people scurring about in all directions. There are carnival game booths surrounding the area. Each booth has large, unique stuffed animal prizes lining the walls in hopes of attracting lots of people. The group continues past the game booths toward some rides. They'd decided to start with some gentler rides as it was still early in the day. They quickly spotted a ride called Surfs Up.

The ride was designed to look like a large surfboard and you ride it standing up as it glides along a track in wave like motions replicating wave surfing. It looked simple yet fun, so the group gathers around the waiting area and watch as the current riders start rotating as well as gliding.

As soon as the previous riders have cleared the ride, the ride opperator acknowledges them and they climb up the stairs that lead into the ride. The ride has a metal gate-like enclosure around the surfboard platform. Inside the enclosure, the ride is divided into two sections that each have two rows, six brightly colored, back to back slots for people to ride in. The group of friends nearly take up a whole section of the ride as the the slots quickly fill up. The ride starts up and gently starts to glide side to side and the riders give out a few excited chirps. The ride glides over a hump in the track and the and the carriage strats to spin. Jin nervously grips the as the carriage starts to spin at a faster rate. JungKook, who is standing beside him scoffs, but says no more as Yoongi, who is on the other side of him, shoots him an unimpressed glare. The ride contines to spin and glide for about two more minutes before slowing back down and coming to a stop.

"That wasn't too bad for a starter ride". Jin shoots him a look like he is crazy and Jimin chuckles as he intertwines his fingers with Jin's and gives them a light squeeze. "I don't know. It felt really weird to be riding while standing. Let's sit down to ride the next one".



Sorry, it was a bit too short and on a cliff hanger. I  wasn't happy with it and added some more. I was distracted because I had family visiting from Australia this past week, but everything is back to boring now lol.

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Chapter 6: Oh fun! the fair!! 🥰 hehe
Chapter 5: Aww 🥰 these are all adorable!!
Chapter 1: Omg this is adorable! 🥰 And exactly how I've been feeling lately! I'm so ready for fall 😅