State Fair Fun Pt. 3

Pumpkins, Leaves, and the Ber Months Please

The next ride, at Jin's request of sitting down, is The Berry Go Round. The ride consists of four large, dome-shaped carriages that are made to look like strawberries. The carriages are attached to individual arms that spin the carriages as well as rotate them in a big circle. Each carriage holds three people, so once again, the group takes up almost a whole attraction by themselves. Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon climb into the first carriage. Jin, Jimin and Yoongi climb into the second carriage. Chanhee, Byunghyun and Jungkook climb into the third carriage, leaving the last carriage to be taken by a woman and  two children.

Since the carriage is shaped like a strawberry, it has a dome top and is mostly enclosed except for a medium sized window to see out of. It's borderline clostrophobic with three people inside, but some how. Jin feels equally cozy. The ride starts spinning and it's slightly disorienting, but fun none the less.




The next group ride was The Viking Swing, a giant swing made to look like an ancient Viking ship. The ride was simple enough as it just swings back and forth, yet it was equally thrilling as it picks up much more flight than your average playground swing.




Now that the endorphins are flowing, the rowdy group of guys bum-rush the Bumper Cars. A lot of chaos ensues since head-on collisions are allowed. Jin shakes his head as Jimin frantically smashes his horn as, once again, their car is trapped between Jungkook and Yoongi's car in front of them and Hoseok and Taehyung's car in the middle of the right side of their car. The instigators smirk at Jimin's miffed reaction. "This isn't funny, guys"! "It totally is, hyung".

Hoseok laughs too, but decides to concede as he turns his steering wheele and his vehicle starts to turn away from Jimin's car. Jimin quickly moves his car away and heads toward a group of random people.




Time seems to have flown by in the process of having fun. If it wasn't for Byunghyun's loudly growling stomach, they wouldn't have even known that three hours had flown by had they not stopped to check the time. They decided it was time for everyone to get some lunch, so they trek back toward the front of the Fair where all the food booths are located.


After lunch the boys decided to head to the game booths and try to win some prizes. Everyone agreed that they should settle their stomachs a while before riding the big rides. It's no fun for anyone when vomit is involved.

They boys broke off into pairs and each headed for different booths. Hoseok and Taehyung headed toward the stacked milk bottle booth, Jungkook and Yoongi wanted to do the baketball shootout, Chanhee and Byunghyun wanted to try the dart throw and Jin and Jimin went to try some Ring Toss.

Of couse, in the end, Yoongi and JungKook were the only winners. Yoongi was pleased as punch with the brand new, black basketball he had in his hands. Jungkook, however, was a bit salty. Yoongi had scored the last basketball and all that was left, in his opinion, were hideous, large stuffed animals. Jimin all but squealed when he handed him an extra large, stuffed, kawaii pizza slice complete with a cute, smiling face. Jin smiled too, because he now had a great excuse to use for avoiding riding the big rides. He would deem himself the offical prize holder.



"Are you sure, hyung? We can take turns holding them and riding". Jin was not the least bit sorry to be "stuck holding prizes". "Nonsense Jiminie, you just go have fun. I'm getting a bit tired anyways. I'll watch from right here, you guys go have fun".

Jin sighed in relief as he watched Jimin and the others board The Scrambler. Jin felt a bit nausious just watching his friends getting thrown around and "scrambled". The passengers groaned and hollered, You could also hear Chanhee calling out for his mother. Jin wondered why anyone would find this fun.

The rides just kept getting more intense as the afternoon turned into the evening. Jin sat back and watched his friends ride a Drop Tower, The Zipper and three terrifying roller coasters all back to back, without stopping. His friends must truly be crazy.



I had really wanted to go to the Tulsa State Fair this year, but I came down from that cloud when I looked up ticket prices and found out that it cost $15 for an adult ticket to just enter. I was nineteen the last time I went and it was free to get in and that was a decade ago. I was mad when they started charging $5 to enter, but this is ridiculous. How do they expect a family of 4 to even go If you have kids older than 5 years? Under 5 years are free. Sorry I'm ranting, but that's just wrong. Boo!


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Chapter 6: Oh fun! the fair!! 🥰 hehe
Chapter 5: Aww 🥰 these are all adorable!!
Chapter 1: Omg this is adorable! 🥰 And exactly how I've been feeling lately! I'm so ready for fall 😅