A Date and A Basement


Jonghyun and Kibum held hands as they walked around the amusement park. Jonghyun was eating his cotton candy while Kibum on the other hand seemed to be tripping over things and bumping into people.

“Are you okay?” Jonghyun asked as he kept Kibum from falling for the 20th time.

“Yeah, why?” Kibum asked

“You seem distracted” Jonghyun said taking another bite of his cotton candy.

“I’m fine. Really.” He lied

“You wanna go on a ride?” Jonghyun asked looking up at the roller coasters.

“We just ate” Kibum replied

“What about that one?” Jonghyun pointed to a Ferris wheel

“I don’t like heights” Kibum said looking at his cell phone. It had been 2 hours since they left.

“That one?” Jonghyun pointed to a little kids ride.

“These are my good shoes.”

“If you didn’t want go on rides, why did you bring me to an amusement park?” Jonghyun asked beginning to get annoyed

Kibum didn’t know how to tell him that he didn’t really want to go on a date he just wanted to get him out of the store so that Taemin and Minho could be alone.

“Isn’t that Jinki?” Kibum asked

“It’s him.” Jonghyun confirmed with out giving it a second thought

“How do you know?” Kibum began to walk in Jinki’s direction pulling Jonghyun behind him

“He’s holding a bucket full of chicken” Jonghyun smiled


“Great. Just great.” Minho said slamming his fists against the door

Taemin was too busy looking for another way out to notice.

“You’re good at breaking into places. Find us a way out of here.”

“What do you think I’m doing? I would be able to fit through this window if it wasn’t screwed shut.” Taemin said as he tried to open the window.

“Good” Minho said “It’s nice to know that there are still places that even people like you can’t break into.”
Taemin could feel his hand turning into fists.

“Why do you do it? Minho continued to push “Did you just want up one day and say `Oh that house looks nice I think I’ll take a look inside` Didn’t your mom teach you better?”

He couldn’t take it anymore. “My mom’s dead you !” Taemin said as turned Minho around and slammed his fist on the side of his face causing Minho to fall against a shelf and knock equipment over.

Minho quickly stood up and punched Taemin back then picked him up by the shoulders and threw him against the wall. Taemin got back up as well and slammed his whole body against Minho throwing him on the floor. Now that Taemin was on top he began to punch Minho mercilessly. Minho managed to catch his fist and twist his arm so now that Minho was on top. Now it was his turn to punch.

After a few blows he grabbed the collar of Taemin’s shirt. Taemin reached up and did the same. Both fists were ready to come down but after looking into each other’s eyes they slowly lowered their fist and let each other go.


“Hey guys!” Jinki greeted happily

“Sup” Jonghyun said with a head toss.

“What are you doing here?” Kibum asked curiously

“It’s my day off and what better way to spend it then eating amusement park chicken?” he said as he took a bit of his drumstick. “Where’s Minho and Taemin? He asked with a mouthful. “I was gonna head over there after this.”

Jonghyun was about to answer when he realized he had no idea. He slowly turned his head in his boyfriend direction. “Yeah Kibum, Where is Minho and Taemin?”

Kibum began to play with his fingers. He always did that when he knew he did something he wasn’t suppose to. “I might of…sort of …kind of… locked them in the basement” he said looking away.

Jonghyun dropped his cotton candy. “YOU WHAT?!?!” he shouted in disbelief. He didn’t know why he was surprised. He suspected Key of doing something like this but didn’t think he would actually do it. “Haven’t you learned anything from the previous relationships you’ve messed with?”

“Name one relationship I’ve ruined.” Kibum said crossing his arms

“Take Eunhyuk and Donghae for example, and Yunho and Jaejoong.”

“They got married!”

“And now they’re divorced! Then there’s Yoochun and Junsu, Ryeowook and Yesung,
Kyuhyun and Sungmin!”

“They got back together….” Kibum said in a small voice

“Yeah, after Sungmin nearly burned down their apartment!” Jonghyun took in a deep breath to calm down before continuing “What about Changmin and Minho?” He asked remembering how badly that ended.

“Yes I admit I ed up but please help me make it up to him.” Kibum begged

“You’re on your own boo.” Jonghyun said shaking his head and began to walk away.

“Okay. I guess next time you want to fool around, it’ll have to be on your own too.”

“What do you need me to do?” Jonghyun asked coming back immediately

“Whatever it is you better do it fast. Taemin has a knack for being violent when he’s mad.” Jinki said with a chuckle as he took another bite of his chicken leg.

“Pfff! You should see Minho when he’s pist off.” Jonghyun laughed as well.

“Remember that one time at band camp?” Kibum asked joining in

“How could I forget?” Jinki replied

All 3 boys continued to laughing and reminisce. Suddenly as if on cue they looked at each other as they all realized the same thing. They stared at each other a little longer before running back their cars.


Both boys sat next to each other with their backs against the wall. They hadn’t said anything since their fist fight but had somehow been trying to see who could throw small pieces of trash the farthest. So far it was a tie.

“I’ve got it!” Taemin said breaking the silence “For Umma- I mean Key’s sake; let’s “pretend” to get along. That way he’ll be happy and off our backs! It’s a win-win!”

After giving it some thought Minho responded “I can’t believe I’m saying this but you might actually be right.”

Just then they heard hurried footsteps and keys jingling on the other side of the door.

“Quick! Put your head on my shoulder and close your eyes.” Minho whispered

“What? Why?” Taemin asked but did it anyway.

Jinki Jonghyun and Kibum ran in but quickly stopped when they saw the boys sleeping on each other’s shoulders.

“Taemin? Minho?”Jonghyun shook them “awake”

“Are you guys alright?” Jinki asked as he looked around at the mess.

“You’re back already?” Minho asked as he pretended to wake up.

“What happened?” Kibum asked as he placed his hands under both boys chins’ to get a better view of Minho’s swollen lip and Taemin’s black eye. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY!?” Kibum yelled as he stood Taemin up and hugged him.

“You don’t have a favorite” Minho said sarcastically

“It’s nothing.” Taemin managed to say through Kibum’s chest. “We just had a misunderstanding but it’s all good now. Right?” He said giving Minho a look.

They were both unaware the Kibum caught on right away.

“Right” Minho said with a smile as he pushed past everyone and left the room.


After being unnecessarily bandaged by Kibum, Taemin stood outside Minho’s door for a good 10 minutes before deciding to knock.

“Come in. Hey.” Minho greeted half surprised when he saw Taemin.

“Hey. I brought you an ice pack” Taemin said handing the pack to Minho

“Thanks. I’m surprised you didn’t throw it at me” Minho said jokingly

“I should’ve.” Taemin said regretting that he hadn’t. “Anyways. . .I’m sorry for. . . you know.”
He said referring to the incident that had occurred a few hours ago.

“You have a pretty good right hook” Minho said with a small smile “I’m sorry for throwing your past in your face . . . and for throwing you against the wall. . . and about your mom.”

“Thanks. And it’s okay. I’m used to it.” Taemin said as he made his way to the door “Oh yeah” He said turning around “Sorry for calling your mom .”

“You never called my mom a .” Minho said confused

“But I thought it” Taemin said with a smile quickly closing the door behind him as he left the room.

Minho couldn’t help but laugh as he looked at the ice pack he had in his hand.

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Chapter 10: Lovely 🥰🥰
Chapter 10: Aaaaa this is so cute
Chapter 10: Omg i love it sooo cute story
great job!
Chapter 10: ahhh this story is just... super cute <3
peggy17688 #6
Chapter 10: Lol at 'Where did he get the spoon?'. But thumbs up.
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS STORY!! Like WOW! <3 and gosh it was so ing funny at times. Love it :)
susumiya08 #9
Chapter 10: that was funny sweet and some times sad. but it was amazing!!! ke key is always funny loved d jongkey all the way. thank u 4 writing