A Painful Reunion


Ever since Taemin made the first move they had been inseparable. Minho would find any excuse to be in the same room as Taemin. Taemin did the same. Every now and Taemin would look up from what he was doing and find Minho staring at him. Taemin would flash smile that made Minho’s heart skip a beat. They tried to keep this on the down low because if Kibum found out. . .

“You two seem extremely happy today.” Kibum said bumping into the boys who were just dying of laughter at an inside joke.

“No. just another ordinary day” Taemin said smiling at Minho. Kibum didn’t know that the boys were just happy to be in each other’s presence.

“Something’s not right and I’m gonna find out what it is.” Kibum said as he backed away giving the `I got my eye on you` gesture.

It was the store’s Grand Opening and the boys were busier then ever. Even through all the chaos Minho found the time to wink at Taemin causing the younger male to blush like crazy.

“Have fun!” Taemin waved as he watched a little kid run out of the store with his new soccer ball. He sat down and closed his. He was exhausted from helping out customers but he liked it.

“Taemin?” Taemin’s eyes shot open when he heard his name. He nearly burst into tears when who it was. “HYUNWOO!”

Hyun Woo nearly did the same when he saw that it was his best friend. “TAEMIN!” Hyun Woo cried happily as he pulled Taemin into a hug.

“Wait! Not here. Jonghyun cover for me, will ya?” Taemin said as he pulled his best friend up to his room.

“Where are you going? Who is this?” Minho asked stopping the boys from going any further.

“Go ahead” Taemin said pushing his friend in front of him. ”First door on the left.” Taemin turned back to Minho “You’re not jealous are you?” Taemin asked curiously

“Jealous? Why would I be jealous?” Minho said avoiding eye contact “Maybe a little.”

“Don’t worry. I already have my heart set on someone and it’s not Hyun Woo” Taemin smiled as he ran upstairs


“What are you doing here?” Hyun Woo questioned as soon as Taemin walked in. He was sitting on the bed looking around.

“I work here. I live here too” Taemin said as he sat next to him.

“Really? This is almost too good to be true.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ve been assigned to hit this place next. With you on the inside it’ll be so much easier.” Hyun woo replied still looking around.

“I can’t do it.”

The response caught Hyun Woo off guard “What? Why not?”

Taemin paused before continuing “Because they’re my friends.”

“Friends? I’m your friend! Hell I’m your brother! Besides if I don’t do this I’m dead! Do you understand?”

“We used to do this for survival. We did it so we could eat not to get promoted and we never
hurt anyone!” Taemin said standing up “You think I haven’t heard the word on the street. Word is you killed people so you could get promoted in some gang?”

“I did what I had to do so stay alive.” Hyun Woo said standing up as well. “There a lot worse then killing someone. You’ve robbed them blind and left them to die. At least I didn’t make them suffer. Please Taemin.” Hyun Woo begged

“I can’t. I won’t!”

With that being said Hyun Woo began to walk towards the door. Taemin grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving.

“I don’t do that anymore and you don’t have to either. Come work with me.” Taemin said with tears in his eyes.

“You’ve changed.” Hyun Woo said before pulling away and walking out the door.

“I’m not the only one who’s changed.” Taemin whispered sitting back down and letting tears fall silently.

Just then Minho walked in and sat next to Taemin. He put his arm around the boy and let Taemin’s head rest on his shoulder. Taemin was aware that Minho had heard their conversation but he wasn’t mad. Minho was in someway relived at what happened. He was happy that Taemin had really changed for the better but was sad at how his relationship with his friend had ended.

•Couple Days Later•

“Did you get the job done?” Seunghyun questioned

“No” Hyun Woo replied coldly.

“No?” suenghyun repeated more out of surprise then offence.

“No. Are you en deaf? No I didn’t do it.” Hyun Woo closed his eyes as he spit out the words. “I want out.”

Seunghyun began to laugh and all the men in the room did the same. ”No on comes and goes as they please.”

He grabbed Hyun Woo by the hood of his sweater and slammed him to the ground. “You want out? I’ll give you out” He pulled out a gun and aimed it at the boy’s head. “It was nice knowing ya kid.” Seunghyun said before pulling the trigger.


Minho was in town to discus his lease with the previous owner of the building. He was on his way home when he got a sudden phone call. He didn’t recognize the number but picked up anyway.


“Minho? It’s Changmin.” He heard the other say. “Can we meet up?”

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Chapter 10: Lovely 🥰🥰
Chapter 10: Aaaaa this is so cute
Chapter 10: Omg i love it sooo cute story
great job!
Chapter 10: ahhh this story is just... super cute <3
peggy17688 #6
Chapter 10: Lol at 'Where did he get the spoon?'. But thumbs up.
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS STORY!! Like WOW! <3 and gosh it was so ing funny at times. Love it :)
susumiya08 #9
Chapter 10: that was funny sweet and some times sad. but it was amazing!!! ke key is always funny loved d jongkey all the way. thank u 4 writing