The Power of Handcuffs


It had about 3 weeks and a half since Taemin had gotten there. He had gotten used to how clingy Kibum was, how playful Jonghyun was and how much he no longer felt like killing Minho in his sleep. But today was one of those days when he questioned why he hadn’t killed KIBUM in his sleep when he had the chance.

“Why?” Taemin pouted looking down at his wrist.

“This isn’t necessary I told you were fine.” Minho said refusing to give Kibum his wrist.

“Jinki got a new shipment of hand cuffs and who better to test them out then you guys? Since you’re getting along so well now I didn’t think you would mind.” Kibum said as he finished cuffing Minho.

“Of we don’t mind. Taemin’s used to being handcuffs. Right?”

“Right!” Taemin said punching Minho in the arm with his free hand causing Minho to wince in pain.

“Wait. Why aren’t you testing them out?” Taemin asked.

“Who said I wasn’t?” Kibum questioned back taking 2 pairs with him. “Oh Jonghyun!” he said happily as he went to go look for his lover.

“What’s wrong with you?” Minho asked when he saw the look on Taemin’s face.

“I have to go to the bathroom.”


“Are you almost done?” Minho asked facing the other away.

“This is very difficult considering I only have on hand and it’s my left!” Taemin responded annoyed

“Here I’ll do it.”

“Hey-” Taemin tried to object but it was too late. Minho already had ed his pants and had pulled them down.

Taemin felt his face flush. Minho noticed and couldn’t help but smile. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” He said trying to make Taemin feel better but instead made it worse.

“Still” Taemin said turning even more red if that was possible. “Can I go now or are you gonna help me with that too?”

“If you insist” Minho joked as he reached down for Taemin’s manhood

Taemin shot Minho a look like he was ready to shank a .

“Kidding sheesh. Hurry up will you?”

“What’s your hurry?”

“I have to go too.”


“Quick here he comes.” Minho whispered. “Can I help you with that Taemin!?” Minho said in a loud voice taking papers from Taemin.

“Why yes! thank you Minho! I’m so glad we worked out our differences and get along now!” Taemin said just as loudly so Kibum could hear them.

“Not buying it” Kibum said as he walked by

•The Next Day•

“Ah! This hurts… You’re too heavy.” Kibum heard Taemin say as he walked by a closed door.

“It doesn’t hurt as much once you get used to it” Minho replied

“Couldn’t we do this with the lights off.”

“Stop complaining! This was your idea.”

“Hurry up before someone see’s us” Taemin continued to whine

“Quit moving I keep missing” Minho ordered

“Yah!” Kibum shouted storming into the room but quickly stopped in his tracks. He found Minho on Taemin’s shoulder trying reach the spider webs up on the ceiling.

“Yes?” Minho asked

“Don’t forget to vacuum when you’re done” Kibum instructed trying to cover up how foolish he just made himself feel.


“Thanks Minho for lunch today! It was really good.” Taemin said fist bumping Minho

“That’s what FRIENDS do Taemin! WE HANG OUT”

Kibum continued to look at his magazine

“Why are you guys talking so loud? I’m right here.” Jonghyun said walking into the room. He looked at them then back at Kibum. “You do realized he can’t hear a word you’re saying.”

It was then that the boys noticed a yellow wire from key’s ears to his pocket.

“Damn! He has his headphones on.”


That night both boys laid on the bed staring up at he ceiling. They found that you couldn’t really get comfortable when you were cuffed. There was nothing on tv and there wasn’t really much more to do since the store was now ready for it’s Grand Opening.

“Can I ask you something?” Minho asked breaking the silence


“What was your mom like?”

Taemin was taken a little by surprise at the sudden question but shook it off. “She was kind, loving, always warm, and very beautiful. She would lay my head on hear lap and play with my hair while she hummed me to sleep. Whenever she hugged me, it was her way of letting me know everything was gonna be okay. There’s a park to not far from here. She always told me that if I ever felt lost to go there. It was the one place she knew where to find me. I still go there from time to time.”

“Wow” Minho said in a small voice. “She sounds like she really loved you.”

“Why the sudden question? Wasn’t your mom like that?”

“I don’t have a mom.”

Taemin turned to look at Minho “She’s dead?”

“No. She just realized motherhood wasn’t for her. One day she left and never came back.”

“What about your dad?” Taemin asked curiously

“He was always busy with work. Every other day I would have a new nanny. Then one day I met
Jonghyun and moved in with him.”

“Just like that?”

“I had a choice. Either live in place where I wasn’t wanted and be told what to do my whole life or move in with a totally stranger.

“What happened?”

“It worked out okay.” Minho continued with a chuckle “We became best friends.”

Taemin silently meditated as he listed to Minho’s story. They had a lot more in common then he thought. He thought he had a ed up life. Here Minho was with both parents alive but who still neglected him and reused to love him.

“Taemin-” “Minho-” they said at the same time.

“What if we. . .” Taemin began to say

“. . . stop pretending?” Minho finished

Taemin nodded his head.

“I’d like that.”

Outside Kibum and Jonghyun were arguing
“I’m bored” Jonghyun complained

“Shhh. I can’t hear what they’re saying” Kibum said as he pressed his ear closer to the door.

“You know. . .there’s still a whole box full of handcuffs we haven’t tested out.” Jonghyun said in a y voice.

Without a second thought Kibum pulled Jonghyun into their room.

•The Next Day•

“Okay your punishment has been lifted” Kibum said as he patted his pockets looking for the key but couldn’t seem to find it. “I’ll be right back” He handed Taemin a bobby pin before leaving Taemin’s room. “Just in case can’t find it.” he said referring the key.

“Of couse!” Minho exclaimed feeling like a total idiot. “Why did we think of that?”

“I wouldn’t have to needed to pick it anyway” Taemin said as he removed the cuffs.

Minho tiled his in confusion.

Taemin smiled as he reached into his pocket and placed a small, shinee, silver key in Minho’s hand.

“You had this all alon-” Taemin cut Minho off when he placed a small kiss on his cheek.

Now it was Minho’s turn to blush.

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Chapter 10: Lovely 🥰🥰
Chapter 10: Aaaaa this is so cute
Chapter 10: Omg i love it sooo cute story
great job!
Chapter 10: ahhh this story is just... super cute <3
peggy17688 #6
Chapter 10: Lol at 'Where did he get the spoon?'. But thumbs up.
Chapter 10: I LOVE THIS STORY!! Like WOW! <3 and gosh it was so ing funny at times. Love it :)
susumiya08 #9
Chapter 10: that was funny sweet and some times sad. but it was amazing!!! ke key is always funny loved d jongkey all the way. thank u 4 writing