
Confused in love (Sebaek/Chanbaek/Chansoo)
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In the story:

Baekhyun: Keychain? .......

Sehun: Yeah you can see it's a keychain.

Baekhyun: Yeah but why did you give it to me?

Sehun: were really upset because I broke your keychain.I thought....I would I just give you something so...... you wouldn't blame me for breaking that thing.

Baekhyun: Oh.But you didn't need to. Actually I should have thanked you properly yesterday, you saved me.Thanks

Sehun: Mmm...Did you like it?

Baekhyun: Yeah it's very cute. I really like it. And the best thing is that it has a bell!

He rung the bell lightly.

Sehun saw a bright smile on Baekhyun's face. He was looking so adorable.

Baekhyun: Why did you think of Kitty? (He mumbled to himself) I think I am as cute as a cat.

But Sehun heard what he said.

Sehun: No.Who told you that you are cute? I just thought you can fight like a cat.That's why I bought it

Baekhyun: You! Anyways it's very pretty! Thanks for buying me this and for saving me yesterday. I won't fight with you today. I guess the bus will take a while, come with me.

He grabbed Sehun's hand and dragged him with him.

Sehun: Hey where are you taking me?!


Baekhyun: Hey just come I'm not kidnapping you.


Sehun: Really do you have the strength or courage to kidnap me?And with your this height...


Baekhyun: Hey don't underestimate my strength. You don't know me.Also I'm not that short.


Sehun scoffed: Yeah I can see that.


When they stopped in front of the shop, Baekhyun remembered that he was holding his hand.


He let go of him quickly.


Sehun with confused face:Why are we here? Ice cream?


Baekhyun : Yeah I mean I want to treat you to Ice cream. Mmm I mean you saved me yesterday and gave me a beautiful keychain so...


Sehun: Ok


Baekhyun with a teasing tone : Which flavor do you like? I guess something bitter or spicy flavor. I wish ice cream like that existed. They fit your personality perfectly.


Sehun: You?!


Baekhyun: Sorry I was kidding, tell me which flavor?


Sehun: I like vanilla.


Sehun bought a vanilla and a strawberry ice cream.


Sehun took his ice cream and started eating it.


Baekhyun: Hey you didn't thank me! Isn't it simple manners? I thanked you when you gave me the gift.


Sehun: What's the point of saying it? You owed me anyways.


Sehun started walking ahead.


Baekhyun: This guy!


The bus came and Baekhyun sat down. Sehun sat next to him.


Baekhyun: What? You're sitting next to me?! You don't have any problems sitting with me today?


Sehun: I don't call you blind for no reason, look all the seats are full.


Baekhyun: I thought you would prefer to stand instead of sitting with me.


Sehun: Alright fine, I'm leaving.


Baekhyun held his hand.


Baekhyun: Sit, I don't have any problems.


Baekhyun let go of his hand.


After a few minutes of silence Baekhyun asked: I have a question.


Sehun:Hmm ask.


Baekhyun:Why did you not let me do the project with you that day?


Sehun: Personal reasons.


Baekhyun: But we were supposed to do it together. Why did you agree before but then change your mind all of a sudden? I know you're very sad that I'm your partner.


Sehun in mind : No I wasn't sad that you were my partner but...


Baekhyun: You know you are very unserious about studying aren't you?


Baekhyun: I know I'm a bad student but I was serious about the project.


Sehun: Then why didn't you come within the time I gave you?


Baekhyun: That day I was about to come but I got a call from my
dad because my mom was really sick so I was upset. While coming Chanyeol saw me and he comforted me because I was sad.


Sehun in mind: Oh so that's why. But I misunderstood it.


Baekhyun: And because of you I fell into the water.


Sehun with a shocked face: Because of me?! How?


Baekhyun: Yeah when I was calling you and you pushed me with your elbow I fell.


Sehun with a straight face : Oh I didn't know.


Baekhyun: I know it was unintentional. But what an expression! It was such a serious thing. You are behaving normal.You should at least apologize to me!


Sehun: Why would I? It wasn't right for you to pull me to do the work which is why I pushed you and you fell.


Baekhyun: You can't say sorry can you? What's so hard about saying one word?


Sehun: Why should I say it when it's not my fault? You were annoying me that time.


Baekhyun in mind: What more can I expect from him?


Baekhyun: Well I have to get off soon, my stop is coming soon.


Baekhyun was getting up to leave. The bus stopped harshly, causing Baekhyun to sit back down and hold Sehun's collar, creating a scratch from his long nails on his neck.


Baekhyun: Oh I have to go.


He left the bus hastily.


Sehun: Ah this part of my feels like it's burning. He didn't even say sorry for that....Idiot...


After Sehun went he checked in his bedroom mirror to see a big line of scratch on his neck from Baekhyun.


Sehun: He is indeed a cat. No his face gives a puppy vibes. How on Earth can he be okay with such long nails? I should've bought him nail cutters instead.


Suddenly he noticed the broken keychain on his table. He remembered that Baekhyun's dad told him that he's so cute. Then he also remembered calling himself cute like a cat. He also remembered the time Baekhyun and him were arguing and he called himself 'Pretty Boy'.


Sehun: He loves self praises doesn't he? How ridiculous! Does he really think he's that cute?


Then he remembered Baekhyun ringing the bell of the keychain with a bright smile.


Sehun: I'm thinking about him again?! Ahh my head. This is so annoying!! Ahhh!


Sehun was pulling his hair.


Suddenly his nanny came.


Nanny: Sehun are you ok? I heard that your head hurts from the other room. Do you want medicine or should I massage your head?


Sehun: No I'm fine.


Nanny: Are you sure you are fin

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