
Confused in love (Sebaek/Chanbaek/Chansoo)
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In the story:

After school Baekhyun and Chanyeol were talking together and walking and Jhope saw them. He saw them a couple more times.

Jhope checked where Chanyeol's house was by seeing his details, he found out that Chanyeol's house is in the complete opposite side of Baekhyun.

One day:

Jhope called Chanyeol again.

Chanyeol went to his room.

Chanyeol: Sir why did you call me today?

Jhope: What's going on between you and Baekhyun?

Chanyeol in mind : Ahh he started again! He is so weird. Even though I am not sure I like Baekhyun or not but I don't want to help him.I don't want Baekhyun to choose him. But if I tell him that I get in big trouble. At least now.

Chanyeol: Between me and Baekhyun? Nothing, we are good friends.

Jhope: Do you think I'm blind or stupid? I saw your details and I saw that you guys live in complete opposite directions. Why do you go with him? And more importantly, what do you do with him?

Chanyeol in mind: Ugh he checked my details!That's creepy. And he's making it sound like I'm a bad person. Let me think...

Chanyeol has the great skill to convince anyone, he understands what others like very well.

Jhope: Hey why aren't you answering? Don't tell me you two are in a relationship.

Chanyeol: Sir what are you saying? I did that for you!

Jhope: For me? How?

Chanyeol: Sir you know Baekhyun is one of the most good looking boy in our school.

Jhope with a grin: That's true. But what's the point?

Chanyeol: You know there are many guys who must be interested in him. And I've seen many guys stare at him and told him that he is so cute from far. But if I'm there, they won't dare come near him or propose to him so I'm guarding so no other boys dare take your position. If you want I won't go with him from tomorrow onwards.

Jhope: Oh no no, you will always go with him and take care of him. Oh you're such a good kid. I never imagined you would be so thoughtful about your brother in law.

Chanyeol: Brother in law?!

Jhope: Yeah I mean I'm only 10- 12 years older than you so you can think of me as your hyung and he'll be your brother in law.

Chanyeol in mind: Yeah right (sarcasm),'brother in law'!my foot.

Jhope: I'm impressed, you're doing a good job. And if anyone bothers your brother in law, come straight to me.

Chanyeol: Ok sir you don't have to worry about this. I am here for you. Just one thing, please don't express that you like him too much, or people will gossip about it and Baekhyun won't like you.

Jhope: Oh ok ok. You can go now.

Chanyeol: Sir I just wanted to ask one thing, you see it won't be enough if I just compliment to him about you. So I have asked some of my friends to help me but..

Jhope: That's good but what?

Chanyeol: You know not everyone is a good person like me. So they will help me but they want treat for this.They want pizza.I am ready to give any amount of money for you because I respect you a lot but I don't have a job so I don't have money. Therefore I'm not being able to give them a treat.

Jhope: Oh you should've told me! From now on, this is your job. Take this money for the pizza and convince them.(He gave Chanyeol some money)

Chanyeol: But sir you don't only give someone pizza right, what about soft drinks? That won't work with this money, if you don't mind can I have more money?

Jhope: Oh right! Here have that too! Now go and enjoy well.

Chanyeol took the money with a smirk which was unnoticed by Jhope.

Chanyeol: Ok thanks sir.

Chanyeol left from there and started walking on the hallway.

Chanyeol in mind : Chanyeol you're so good, you handled it so well. This is what you get for blackmailing me sir

He flipped his hair.

Chanyeol in mind: I'm so impressed at myself.I really am a good actor. I should work in the film in the future. But I want to work with music. Should I change my profession?

Chanyeol met his friends and told them he would give them a treat.

Xiumin: Oh so you're really giving us a treat?

Kai: You never use your money for us, what a sudden change of heart.

Chanyeol: Hey! You just never recognized my sweetness. Get ready for the cold drinks and pizza today. And Suho, don't forget to help me afterwards.

Suho : Alright.

Chanyeol went to bring his food. But when he returned he Kai and Xiumin weren't there, only Suho and Chen were eating.

Chanyeol: Where are others?

Chen: Don't know. I guess they went to the music room.

Chanyeol was talking with his friends. From far he listened a beautiful voice.

Chanyeol: Wow what a beautiful voice!

Chanyeol excused himself and went to the music room.

Chanyeol was very happy and amazed by Kyungsoo's voice. Before he could compliment he noticed Kai and Xiumin were fanboying infront of him.

Kai: OMG what a beautiful voice!

Kyungsoo: Thanks

Xiumin: I've never listened someone as beautiful like you.

Kyungsoo with a smile: Thank you!

Xiumin: By the way I

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