
Confused in love (Sebaek/Chanbaek/Chansoo)
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In the story


Sehun in mind: Ahh my mind is so messed up!!! Why is he always involved in everything I do? How can I get rid of this?

Baekhyun: Sehun are you ok?

Sehun: Yeah I'm ok so you don't have to be so concerned about me. What do you need?

Baekhyun: I just wanted to show you what I wrote for the homework you gave me, it's ok I'll show it to you later.

Baekhyun was about to leave from there when..

Sehun: It's fine, show it to me.

Baekhyun: It's alright, you look tired, You need some rest. I can show it to you later.

Sehun: What's your problem? Why do you talk so much? My health, my problem. You don't need to concern about that .You are overreacting about it. When I said I'll check, I'll check!!!

He took Baekhyun's notebook which was on the table sternly and checked the answers.

Baekhyun: What's wrong with him?Why is behaving like this?It feels like I did something wrong to him.

Sehun: What the hell are these?!

Baekhyun: What happened?

Sehun with a frustrated tone: Did I not explain well enough?! Why are you so bad at studying? I have never met someone as dumb as you!!

Baekhyun mumbled: Why is he overreacting so much today? I was telling him to rest as an advice but he snaps at me instead. I thought he changed a bit but and behave nicely with me. I thought how he would look with a smile but this Mr Rude will never smile nor change.

Sehun slammed the notebook on the table. There were very few people but they turned to him in shock.

Baekhyun got startled and looked at Sehun, who was looking at him furiously. Baekhyun looked at the other people and bowed in apology and looked back at Sehun.

Baekhyun: Huh what happened?

Sehun: Why are you daydreaming when you got results like these?! What you even thinking about now?

Baekhyun: About you.

Sehun with a confused face: What?! About me?!

Baekhyun realized what he said and immediately clarified what he meant.

Baekhyun cleared his throat: I mean... I was thinking about how rude you are. You never talk to me with a smile.

Sehun: Why should I smile at you?! In fact why anyone? Why should I even smile. And you always think of nonsense don't you? You never think of studying.

Sehun pulled Baekhyun's chair closer to him.

Baekhyun was surprised.

Baekhyun: Hey what are doi-

Sehun: Now listen to me carefully.

Sehun was explaining calmly with a lot of details.

Baekhyun looked at Sehun very closely. Sehun's bright fair skin color face was shining under glistening sunlight. His soft silky hair was flowing lightly. No wonder Sehun was looking so fine and ethereal.


Sehun was continuously talking whilst Baekhyun was staring at him.



Sehun noticed him looking at him and not focusing at the studies.

Sehun: Hey what are you looking at?! The answers are not on my face!! Look at the book!

Baekhyun felt embarrassed.

Baekhyun: No no I was looking at the studies.

Sehun: Do you think I'm blind? And even if you might, I have clear vision so stop lying!

Baekhyun: Right right I'm focusing.

Sehun: You better do so.

Baekhyun in mind: What was he thinking? What if he misunderstood and thought something weird? Ugh I'm so embarrassed. I should stop thinking about these and focus on the study.

Before the school ended, Sehun handed Baekhyun a sheet with 10 questions.

Next day:

Although Baekhyun was sitting with Sehun, he was feeling sad seeing Chanyeol and Kyungsoo enter the classroom together and chat happily. He was missing their chatting and hanging out.

Baekhyun in mind: I guess Chanyeol doesn't miss me.

During lunch time:

After Baekhyun finished lunch, he was about to go to Sehun but Jhope called him.

Baekhyun: Yes sir did you call me?

Jhope with a sunshine smile: Yeah.How are you Baekhyun?

Baekhyun: Mmm,I am good. Thanks sir.

Jhope: I don't see you around during lunch and you don't come to learn separately anymore.

Baekhyun: Actually sir Sehun helps me with my studies so that's why we don't see each other often.

Jhope: That's no problem since you're here, I'll teach you today.

Baekhyun: But sir, Sehun is waiting for me.

Jhope: Well it doesn't matter, come in and I will show you the literature.

Baekhyun in mind: How can I say no to him? I feel uncomfortable learning from him separated from all the other students, I wish a miracle would happen.

But before they entered someone else came to them....

Sehun: Why are you still here? I was waiting for you in the classroom. Come I have to see your homework.

Baekhyun smiled and looked at the person who was standing behind him.

Baekhyun happily: Sehun!!

Baekhyun in mind: Thank God he came!

Sehun: Oh sir you are here?Hello.

Jhope: Sehun you go back, Baekhyun will study literature from me today.

That moment Sehun looked at Baekhyun's face and noticed that smile from his face faded.

Sehun: As far as I have found out from teaching him, I have realized that he doesn't have much trouble with literature and way more with other subjects such as maths so you don't have to teach him, I'll teach him that.

Jhope with a shocked face: What?!

Sehun: If you have any questions, you can ask teacher Mr Jin, he told m

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