
Babel's Veiled Voices
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In the beginning, humanity walked the earth with a singular voice and purpose. United under the same tongue, they shared dreams and aspirations, their hearts set on leaving an indelible mark upon the world. As they journeyed eastward, they settled in the fertile plains of Shinar. Here, their ambition took root, and they conceived a grand plan to build a city with a tower that would reach the heavens. This tower, they believed, would be a testament to their unity and strength, an eternal monument to their greatness.

The Tower of Babel rose from the earth, brick by brick, reaching ever skyward. It was more than just a structure; it was a symbol of humanity's desire to transcend their mortal limits, to challenge the divine and secure a place among the gods. With each stone laid, they sought to prove their collective might, to show that nothing was beyond their grasp.

But such ambition bore the seeds of hubris. The Creator, observing their prideful endeavor, saw the dangers of their unchecked arrogance. To save humanity from itself, He decided to intervene. In a moment, the unified voice of mankind splintered into a cacophony of languages. Confusion reigned as people found themselves unable to understand their neighbors. The construction of the tower halted, and the once united people were scattered across the face of the earth.

The grand vision of the Tower of Babel was left unfinished, a haunting reminder of the risks of overreaching ambition. It stoo

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elwony #1
Chapter 2: there is miscommunication even before the tower is destroyed lol love this idea for a story! their circumstances are already so heartbreaking 😭
Chapter 2: Wonderful wonderful wonderful <3 your writing flows, and I’m intrigued by the story —a little glimpse into what might happen later? Will Karina and Winter be able to talk to each other? WILL THEY REALISE THEY’RE BEING SILLY AND DECLARE THEIR LOVE, YOUR HOMNOR?

Amazing as always x
Chapter 2: this is so good already