Babel's Veiled Voices

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In the heart of ancient Babylon, beneath the towering presence of the unfinished Tower of Babel, two young girls, Karina and Winter, find solace and strength in each other's company. United not by blood, but by the intricate threads of fate, they navigate a world where dreams clash with harsh realities. In the shadows of the grand tower, amidst the echoes of past ambition, their unyielding bond becomes their beacon through the trials of survival and the challenges of an uncertain future.

Based on the myth "Tower of Babel" present in the "Book of Genesis".

Cover: Gustave Dore's depiction of the Tower of Babel according to the biblical interpretation.


Hi there!

This is gonna be a short story; a prologue and 3 chapters. Based, again, on a myth (cuz why not?).

Comments are always appreciated! ^^


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elwony #1
Chapter 2: there is miscommunication even before the tower is destroyed lol love this idea for a story! their circumstances are already so heartbreaking 😭
Chapter 2: Wonderful wonderful wonderful <3 your writing flows, and I’m intrigued by the story —a little glimpse into what might happen later? Will Karina and Winter be able to talk to each other? WILL THEY REALISE THEY’RE BEING SILLY AND DECLARE THEIR LOVE, YOUR HOMNOR?

Amazing as always x
Chapter 2: this is so good already