Ddeulgi's Antenna

Cosmic Dreams
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Another day dawned for the Cosmie siblings, a well-deserved respite after their latest galaxy-spanning adventure. Inside their sleek spaceship, a serene calm had settled over the crew. The ship's interior glowed softly with ambient light, casting a warm hue on the walls adorned with mementos from their travels.


In her room, Wannie sat on a plush cushion in front of a large, ornate mirror, its frame inlaid with shimmering cosmic motifs. Her fingers danced over a notebook filled with scribbled lyrics and musical notations. The song she was crafting had been a labor of love and determination over the past few days. Though she had wrestled with the melody and lyrics, struggling to capture the essence of their journey through the stars, the support of her siblings had been her guiding light.


Wannie took a deep breath, letting the silence of the room envelop her. She closed her eyes briefly, allowing memories of their adventure to flood her mind—breathtaking nebulae, the thrill of interstellar chases, and the laughter shared during moments of peril and triumph. As she opened her eyes, she felt a surge of inspiration and resolve.


With a gentle smile, she began to sing, her voice a delicate thread weaving through the stillness. The notes flowed smoothly, painting a vivid tapestry of their cosmic escapades. She poured her heart into the song, her emotions rich with nostalgia and pride. Her voice echoed softly off the mirror, blending with the ambient hum of the spaceship. The lyrics spoke of starry vistas and the unbreakable bond between the siblings, capturing both the grandeur of the galaxy and the intimacy of their shared experiences.


As she sang, Wannie’s reflection in the mirror shimmered, her eyes glistening with both joy and a touch of melancholy. Each verse was a tribute to their incredible journey, and she could almost see the stars themselves responding, twinkling in harmony with her melody.


When the final note lingered in the air, Wannie let out a contented sigh. She felt a sense of accomplishment and connection, knowing that this song was more than just a melody—it was a piece of their hearts, immortalized in music.



Wannie beamed with satisfaction, her heart swelling with pride at the completed song. She was about to begin another verse when Joyiee's voice broke through her concentration, startling her slightly. The younger sibling had appeared beside her seemingly out of nowhere, a mischievous glint in her eyes.


“Unnie, can I borrow your scissors?” Joyiee asked, her tone sweet and innocent.


Wannie glanced up from her reflection in the mirror, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. She began rummaging through her desk, searching for the scissors. After a moment, she found them and handed them over to Joyiee, but not before a curious thought crossed her mind.


“What are you planning to do with the scissors?” Wannie inquired, a trace of concern lacing her voice as she eyed her sister with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.


Joyiee flashed a bright, somewhat mysterious smile. “Oh, I'm just going to cut something, unnie,” she replied nonchalantly.


Wannie raised an eyebrow, still wary but ultimately trusting her sister’s playful nature. With a resigned sigh, she handed the scissors to Joyiee. “Just be careful, okay?”


Joyiee nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I will, unnie! Thanks!”


As Joyiee dashed out of the room, Wannie shook her head with a bemused smile, her thoughts drifting back to her song. She took a deep breath, ready to immerse herself in the melody once more, when a sudden, piercing scream shattered the calm. Startled, Wannie yelped and spun around, her heart racing as she turned towards the door.


The door burst open, and her siblings stormed into the room. Ddeulgi led the charge, her face a storm of fury and tears. She was clutching her head with both hands, her body trembling with distress. Wannie’s eyes widened in alarm as she took in the sight of Ddeulgi’s antenna, or rather, the lack of it.


“Wannie! Look! Joyiee cut off my twinkling antenna!” Ddeulgi’s voice was choked with sobs as she held up the remains of her once-glittering antenna. The sight was a bizarre mix of heartbreak and absurdity, with Ddeulgi’s anguished expression making it difficult for Wannie to stifle a gasp of surprise.


Wannie turned her gaze to Joyiee, who was standing nearby with an expression of barely contained laughter. The contrast between Ddeulgi’s distress and Joyiee’s struggling smirk was striking. Despite her efforts to appear remorseful, Joyiee’s eyes twinkled with a hint of amusement.


“What are you laughing about, Joyiee? This isn’t funny.” Wannie’s voice was sharp, though her frustration was tempered by the exasperation of dealing with yet another sibling mishap. “I told you to be careful with the scissors, and now you’ve gone and cut off Ddeulgi’s antenna.”


Joyiee’s laughter vanished as she caught sight of Wannie’s stern expression. She shifted nervously, her earlier mirth replaced by a look of concern. “It’s not entirely my fault, unnie. I thought it was just her hair, so when I saw it needed cutting—”


“I told you to trim my hair, not my antenna!” Ddeulgi shot back, her frustration palpable.


The siblings’ voices began to escalate, their shouting filling the room. Wannie’s panic mounted; their eldest sister, Hyunnie, would be furious if she found out. With a quick, determined motion, Wannie stepped between them, shushing them forcefully.


“Please, keep it down!” Wannie pleaded, her voice urgent but hushed. “We don’t want anyone to hear us.”


At that moment, Hyunnie’s voice drifted in from outside the door. “What’s going on in there? Why are you all shouting?”


Wannie’s heart raced, and she quickly answered, trying to sound casual. “Ah, nothing, unnie! We’re just playing around!”


To her relief, she heard Hyunnie’s footsteps receding, indicating she had moved away from the door. Wannie breathed a sigh of relief and turned her attention back to Ddeulgi, who was still clutching the remnants of her antenna. She studied the damaged antenna carefully, her mind racing as she pondered how to restore it before Hyunnie returned.


“I tried using my magic to fix it, but it didn’t work,” Ddeulgi said, her voice tinged with frustration. She slumped slightly, clearly disheartened by her failed attempt.


Wannie also tried her magic, focusing intently, but her efforts yielded no better result. “It’s not working,” she muttered, feeling a pang of disappointment.


Joyiee, observing the struggle, hesitated before offering, “Maybe I could use my powers, unnie.”


Wannie, her patience thinning, dismissed the suggestion with a sigh, her frustration evident. Joyiee’s lower lip jutted out in a pout, feeling slightly hurt by her sister’s response but understanding the urgency of the situation.


As the tension mounted, the door creaked open, and the youngest sister, Yerimie, toddled in with her pacifier bobbing in . Her tiny voice filled the room with innocent curiosity as she attempted to speak, her eyes bright with excitement. Yerimie had likely come in, thinking her older sisters were playing and wanting to join in on the fun.


Wannie’s eyes widened in alarm. The last thing they needed was for Yerimie to spill the secret to Hyunnie. She turned to Joyiee, her voice barely a whisper. “Joyiee, can you take Yerimie out for a bit? We need to sort this out before she sees.”


Joyiee nodded, her expression serious. Gently, she scooped up Yerimie, who looked bewildered by the sudden change. “Come on, Yerimie,” Joyiee cooed, “let’s go play somewhere else.”


As Joyiee carried Yerimie out of the room, the little one’s face crumpled into an adorable, confused pout. She clutched her pacifier tightly, clearly upset about being excluded from the “play” she had anticipated. Joyiee settled her in the living room, handing her a few toys to distract her, then swiftly returned to Wannie’s room.


Back in Wannie’s room, the situation was becoming increasingly dire. Wannie glanced at Ddeulgi, her face a mask of determination. “We need to fix this quickly before anything else goes wrong.”


The room was shrouded in a tense silence, broken only by the distant, frustrated babbling of Yerimie. Unbeknownst to her sisters, the little one had quietly maneuvered her way back towards Wannie’s room, her tiny feet making barely a sound on the floor.


With an innocent curiosity, Yerimie pushed the door open just a crack and peered inside. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched her older sisters from the threshold, intrigued by the commotion. She crept forward, her small figure hidden by the partially open door, eager to discover what the fuss was all about.


Inside the room, the argument between Joyiee and Ddeulgi had intensified. Ddeulgi’s frustration was evident in her clenched fists and reddening cheeks. “It’s not my fault, unnie! You’re the one who asked me to cut your hair!” Joyiee’s voice rose, her attempt to defend herself clear but her frustration spilling over.


“You cut my antenna, not the hair I pointed to you!” Ddeulgi snapped back, her voice trembling with exasperation. The exchange was growing louder, their anger and disappointment filling the room.



Wannie, in a desperate bid to prevent their argument from escalating further and alerting Hyunnie, intervened. Her face was a mixture of anxiety and determination

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Happy 10th Anniversary to Red Velvet! My loves, my queens! I love you my 5ever! 🫂❤️‍🔥


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Chapter 5: its so funny when yerimie trying to snitch on them and trying her best to explain to her hyunnie, that was so cute haha! poor ddeulgi, joyiee still laughing at her but becomes afraid when wannie started to scolding her and hyunnie loves her siblings very much, the cuteness overload of this fic i love it sm ><
1797 streak #2
Chapter 5: Dubai chocolate duo it's cute tho~ the day is saved by Hyunnie.
kudos on being featured!
Chapter 4: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH I would empty my pockets just to give Yerimie all the candies in the universe! she's always adorable thank you so much TT pls give us more. I love the sisters' popularity among other aliens, but it also means that more people will be envious of them. and HEY MY LOVELY AUTHOR, Joy just dropped the cosmie's backstory and I'm amazed that it kinda matched your story. you are trulYYYY TRULY AMAZING !!
sunnysideup01 #5
Chapter 4: mygosh, ddeulgi always teasing the other aliens, the last time when she stole the fish from them and now bumping their cars and joyiee joining her is so funny. Hyunnie winning the big fabric conditioner is so mother of her haha! they really need to hold yerimie because the troubles always followed her, and wannie winning the singing contest while zuki is the runner up after she almost sabotage wannie's performance by using yerimie! this is so cute chapter once again
myeongmin #6
Chapter 4: this is a breather from the angst of colors of wamth. I can't handle all the cuteness while reading, Cosmie siblings are so cute especially Yerimie with her pacifier huhu! 🤧
1797 streak #7
Chapter 4: This is too cute for my heart also even as Cosmies, Hyunnie and Wannie can't catch a break as parents of group lmao.
iii don't like the cosmie names pls dont evah change their names here 😭
1797 streak #9
Chapter 3: Yerim with pacifier aww it's so adorable. Curious how she's get lost before....
Chapter 3: i cant with the cuteness omfg!! and cosmie yeri with pacifier?! uwuuuu 😫😫😫