Closing Down

Cake Of Love
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The sound of the mixer spinning finally stopped. So Hyun lifted the mixer and put it aside. She sat down staring at her surroundings in the back kitchen of her bakery feeling so down and sad. “...what’s wrong Unnie? look sad...”. “...ah.. Ga Eun....I didn’t know you’re here...” she simply said to the girl who just walked in. “...are you alright? Is it about this shop?”. So Hyun nodded her head. “...Ga looks like I have to close down this shop soon...”. “...I thought we were going to move somewhere else...”. “...yes, in which I have to start looking for a new place...which is not going to be so soon...” she told her. “...don’t worry unnie, will not leave you, we’ll help you to pack everything...”. “...thanks Ga Eun...”. It was not until the doorbell chimed again and Jungkook walked in with Jimin and Taehyung. “ noona around?” Jungkook the first to speak while Jimin walked closer to where Mi Young was. “...yes, she’s just in the back kitchen...I’ll call her...” Mi Young mouthed at Jimin to wait. Jimin and Mi Young were dating now, while Taehyung and Ga Eun were still in their friendly zone. “...hi are you?” “...hi noona...I just want to make sure if you’re doing alright?”. “...I’m fine, thank you, you’ve been so kind... do need anything?”. “..I’ll just get the usual, I’m not sure about these two...hyung, do you want anything?”. “...I’ll take it myself...Tae will eat anything I pick...” Jimin answered while picking up a tray. Jungkook paid for everything then he asked So Hyun, “...noona, would you be free this weekend, maybe we can go for’s my treat...”. “...let me think about it...I have so much to do...”. “ worries noona...just let me know even if you can’t make it...”. “...okay...Jungkook...I’ll let you know...thank you for asking...”. “...hey...babe...I’ll call you later okay...” Jimin winked at Mi Young. Mi Young’s face turned red when Jimin called her ‘babe’. “...wah...Mi Young, your lover boy is just too romantic...”. Mi Young smiled shyly. 


So Hyun ended up not making it for dinner with Jungkook. She has been too busy with all the cleaning and packing up everything in the bakery. Meanwhile, it was the weekend that Yoongi was going to a boutique’s grand opening at Na Ra’s friend event. Na Ra was dressing up that night when she wore a bright red dress. She looked stunning and y. “...I’m so glad that you can make it...” Na Ra told him when they walked together into the new big boutique. There were mostly chaebols invited. “...oh...I’m so glad that you can make it...oh.. aren’t you Mr Min Yoongi?” Na Ra’s friend recognized him straight away. “...yes, that’s me...” “...oh..I didn’t know that you’re together...Na Ra you just know who you wnat to be your man....” her friend teased. “...well...we are here...” Na Ra answered with a smirk on her face, but Yoongi didn’t say anything. He just looked around then only to see Taehyung and Jimin were there.  Not long Jungkook was there, and it surprised him to see him there. Jimin spotted Yoongi then told Taehyung “’s Yoongi hyung over there...let’s say hello...”. Jungkook shifted his head and saw Yoongi with Na Ra. The three of them walked to where Yoongi was standing. “...hi hyung, what a surprise to see you here...” Jimin said...” “ all are did you all get invited?”. “’s Taehyung, he knows the owner....” Jimin answered. Jungkook didn’t say anything instate he just kept on looking at Na Ra who was glued to Yoongi’s side. “...what about you?...” Jimin asked back. “...oh, Na Ra asked me to be her partner tonight...”. “...hello there...we never met before...” Na Ra greeted them. “...Na Ra, they are all my friends but of course they are Jungkook’s close friends...” They all greeted each other. “...okay hyung...we’ll just leave you have fun...” Jimin said while turning away. Na Ra and Yoongi were sitting at one of the tables, when the lights were dimmed and a spotlight moved to a runway for some models to do their catwalk. The fashion show was indeed remarkable. It finished not until quite late. While driving back to send Na Ra back, Na Ra turned to look at Yoongi, “...did you enjoy the party just now?” “ was okay...why do you ask?” “...just asking, Yoongi...I’ve been thinking, do you ever like me before?” Yoongi let out a small laugh, “...I never hate you Na Ra...”. “...oh...I’m so happy to hear that...” she said while leaning closer to him and held Yoongi’s hand. “ would be nice we can always be together...didn’t you see just no

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