
Cake Of Love
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...a week later... 


“...Miss Ahn So Hyun?..” “..yes, speaking...”. “...I’m calling from the Min Corp...and if you’re okay this coming Tuesday, to see Mr Kim 9am...” . “...oh...sure...I’ll be there...thank you...”. So Hyun excitedly looked forward to the meeting hoping to hear the good news. “ must be waiting for that call unnie...” “...yes, I hope they will reconsider my request...”. “...I’m sure they will unnie...have faith...” Mi Young told her. So Hyun glanced at her wristwatch, and it was already past 5pm. “...girls, we might as well just close now...there’s not so many people these days coming ever since the development sign board been put up....”. But not long the doorbell chimed “...hello, are you?” it was Jungkook walking in. Both Mi Young and Ga Eun were surprised to hear when he called So Hyun noona. “...noona?” they both said in unison. “...yes, I told him to call me noona, because he called my best friend noona, then it is just right for him to me the same...yes, Jungkook what do you need?” “...the usual, noona if you still have it and i will just take whatever is left...” “...okay, there’s five left...” “...that will do...” Jungkook responded. Mi Young punched in the total amount “...that’ll be just 23,000krw...”. Jungkook paid for it “ this and share with your friends... It is almost closing time anyway...” So Hyun packed a few of the pastries for Jungkook to bring home. “...oh..noona...this is alot...” “’s okay, Jungkook...oh I'm going to meet Mr Kim again this Tuesday...I hope to see you there if you’re not busy...”. “...I’ll be around problem...have a good rest...” Jungkook bowed his head and exited the shop. 


“...Hyung...please have dinner at my place...I have bought some takeaways...” Jungkook called Yoongi soon after he reached his apartment. “...okay...will be there...”. Yoongi arrived not long after the phone call. “...what are we having?” the elder asked as he walked into the kitchen. “...I have prepared some kimchi jjigae, fried chicken and there’s some japanese fried tofu...”. The food was already on the table, and he placed two bowls of steam rice. “...let’s eat hyung...I know you’re hungry...”. “...yah!..did you leave the office earlier?...” Yoongi just realized how come Jungkook got the time to prepare the food when he, himself just driving back from the office. “...sorry Hyung...I did leave a bit earlier to get all these takeaways...”. Yoongi glanced again at a white box which he recognized as a cake box. “...did you get the cake again?” Jungkook shifted his head to the box “...yes...I stopped by and was lucky that there were still a few left....”. Jungkook wanted to ask him about So Hyun, but changed his mind instead he asked “ is the new project progressing?” “...I think Jin Hyung managed to wrap things smoothly...he is reliable...”. They finished the meal and Jungkook prepared some coffee for them. “...dessert time hyung...” he said while placing two mugs of coffee on the table and took out the cake and brought the box to the table. He handed him a piece “...I know you like the cake...”. “Thanks, Jungkook...” he said and took a bite of the cake. “...hyung why do you like the cake so much?” “...emm...the cake?” the younger nodded his head. Yoongi’s face as if recalling something but he said “...because you bought it ...” then he let out a small laughed “...why did you ask?” “...nothing...just asking...”. 


...Tuesday Morning... 


So Hyun walked into the building and went to the receptionist again. “...good morning, I’m here to see Mr Kim Seokjin...”. “...just proceed to the elevator to level 3...” the girl answered. “Thank you...”. So Hyun went straight to the elevator and press for level 3. The door opened, she stepped out and went straight to Jin’s office. “...good morning she greeted Jin’s secretary.”...Mr kim is expecting you...please come in...”. “...Miss Ahn, please come in and have a seat...”. She was surprised to see Jungkook was in the room too. “...morning...” he said while grinning at her. So Hyun understood right away, surely Jungkook possibly worked under him that was why he’s there. “...hyung, do you want me to leave?” he asked “ it’ okay Jungkook, please stay, because at the same time you need to know stuff like this. “

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