The Realization

Just say you love me... too.

August 2011


I never thought that I could be this so restless... Err, maybe I should make it that to “we”.

 I just could not believe that I am finally making my dreams come true…


A sudden smile flashed through Chaerin’s face as she thought of this.

She pulls some strands of her hair at the back of her ear as she puts again her right arm to where it was lying for already half an hour maybe.


Never had I imagined that it feels this good. Somehow, I’m becoming addicted to the feeling of being high… - as she felt her smile widening the whole time.


 She then took a closer look of the face that is opposite to her.


I work with the best music company… And better yet, I have a very loving and fun-to-be-with group. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t feel like working at all. Seeing ourselves just having fun in our performances is justwith a deep sigh – priceless…


Chaerin continues smiling as she’s thinking the fortunate things that had happened to her for the last five years.


She then felt a sudden urge to pull her closer… She tightens her grip of Dara’s body as she lowers her head to Dara’s right shoulder with her arms fully claiming her.


They have been lying in Dara’s bed for almost an hour now… Out of tiredness, she doesn’t even remember how long Dara is sleeping now. She is near to falling asleep as Dara, but amazingly, her mind doesn’t want to rest as it is busy reminiscing her precious moments with 2NE1.


Her body is aching from their recent countless activities. In fact, they have just arrived from Japan. She and Dara went straight to Dara’s room as they are busy chatting with each other, while Bom and Minzy went to their apartment to get some rest as well.


How Dara ended up sleeping, that, she doesn’t remember. All Chaerin knows is that they are actually having fun sharing their thoughts on their visit in Japan for the promotion of their upcoming album.


Chaerin takes a look of Dara’s face once again and smirks… Who would have thought that she’ll be the first one to get asleep, knowing that she has that constant high energy. I can’t believe that she is now sleeping deeply… maybe already dreaming– she chuckles at the thought.


I swore to myself that I will definitely get some rest as soon as we arrive as I can’t take my aching body anymore when we were still on our way to Korea. Funny, I don’t feel like I’m exhausted as I was a few hours earlier.


Hugging Dara this tight calms me in a way that no one or nothing could ever make me feel this way… Odd.

Very odd…


Maybe that’s why I feel relaxed right now. Yeah… I’m pretty sure of that.


I don’t know why, but I really feel comfortable being with her as if we have known each other for a very long time.

Err, yes, five years is already a long time, I guess… Nonetheless, it’s only with her that I can show my soft side. People would see me as cool and cold-hearted, but to Dara, I just can’t help but feel weak. She has this charm that you would want to take good care of her as she is that caring to others, too. I always feel that I have to protect her since she is so kind-hearted. I am afraid that someone might take advantage of that fact.


Dara, still sleeping, suddenly makes a move to her right, bringing her face-to-face with Chaerin. She carefully adjusts her left arm as to not disturb Dara from her sleep.


With her right arm lying freely on Dara’s waist and her other arm on Dara’s back, Chaerin suddenly felt awkward in their current position. She felt electrified upon seeing Dara’s face near to her… Yes, they are touchy, with her arms always on Dara’s shoulders or teasing with each other. But it is only now that their faces have been this so near.


Oh, what the hell I am thinking about! We are so comfortable with each other that this should be no different from those times…


She pulls her head away from Dara’s face to have a greater look of it.


Dara, why am I feeling this way.  . I can’t help to feel excited being this near to you... I could hear my heart beating faster… and louder. I am definitely liking this. Damn me!


Chaerin, closing her eyes, puts slowly her forehead to Dara’s forehead, trying to control what she feels. She suddenly felt the urge to hear her breathing right next to her…


It is further relaxing this way… I never felt this relaxed in my life. I can hear her breathing. Oh Dara, forgive me if I feel this way… I even don’t know why my body’s trembling right now. Have I…. have I really come this far?... Did I just start to like you?  Or maybe this is what I really feel towards you…


Ah! I wish I knew the answer!


Chaerin opens her eyes, and all that she can see now is Dara’s lips… She suddenly feels thirsty. She gulps at the thought of realization of wanting to kiss her…


With all strength, she touches Dara’s chin with her right arm and slowly brings it upward.


Sorry Dara… I think I really want this…


Slowly, Chaerin brings Dara’s face nearer to her as she lowers her head to meet Dara’s lips…


I can’t breathe. . I can feel the blood rising up to my head. My heart beats faster and faster… Even louder that I can’t hear anything but my heartbeat.


As Chaerin’s lips is only a millimeter away from Dara’s, she stopped… as she is still deciding whether to kiss her or not.


Oh . I don’t care anymore. I can’t help it.


The moment their lips touched, Chaerin couldn’t deny that she indeed want this. She feels more of Dara’s lips as she plants small kisses to it…


This is so addicting. Nothing ever made me feel this high… it seems that everything just froze in front of me, and all that I can only feel is Dara’s lips on mine…


She felt the desire to deepen her kiss… Her lips stayed there for about ten seconds… - just feeling Dara’s lips.


After feeding her strong desire to kiss Dara, Chaerin has come to her senses. She pulled away her head and froze there for sometime before she finally realized what she has done.


With still trembling body and heart beating out of the beat, she managed to untangle her arms from Dara’s body. Without looking back to Dara, she hurried to the door, and left her there sleeping.






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tessaymeg #1
Chapter 4: Update please
cheara123 #2
Chapter 9: Wtf dara don't do this I feel bad for chaerin
daebak_lee #3
Chapter 9: i like your story, hope you can update soon
BumbleY #4
Chapter 9: I found ur story n i like it. Hope u can update soon...
blackjackchaera #5
it's ok i can wait! haha just continue to work!
then if you have free time update soon haha!
blackjackchaera #6
Chapter 9: update soon,update soon!
please continue this!
jssc_YG #7
aww man tat was heartbreaking, dont give up Dara~! I know it's tough but they've got to stick together and support one another TT__TT
reading this with real tears
ChaoticVulturi #9
aniyo!! wae?! wae Dara?! T_T
aubreyLazy #10
T_T dara no~~~ that doesn't make any sense. why?? i wanna see happy chaera times!! huhuhu