The Promise

Just say you love me... too.

Dara almost feels herself gulp upon hearing Chaerin’s last words…

Suddenly, she felt tormented by her own self. A part of her is wanting so bad to feel Chaerin’s lips… but still, there’s a part of her that is trying her not to submit on what she’s wanting to do.

She could feel her body trembling… Feeling confused, she found herself leaning forward to Chaerin’s face.

Chaerin instantly felt electrified as she felt Dara’s lips on hers… She felt an insane sensation running all throughout her body as she realizes that Dara indeed is kissing her.

Chaerin, wanting Dara even more, tries to deepen the kiss as she pulls Dara’s body closer to her. She then puts her one arm around Dara’s still trembling body, while she brings her right hand to Dara’s neck, trying to make her relax.

Dara is enjoying the kiss, as she could still taste the alcohol in Chaerin’s lips. She almost feels herself getting high like that of a drunk person.

From just merely touching each other’s lips, the kiss is becoming more passionate as Dara’s mouth partly opened. Chaerin takes the opportunity as she nibbles on Dara’s lower lip… then it a little, making Dara moan out of exploding sensation.

They could feel each other’s hunger for that indescribable feeling, even more each other’s lips.

Feeling the need to breathe, they are almost synchronized in breaking the kiss… As they gently parted their lips, Dara leans on Chaerin’s forehead. Their lips still almost touching, they are breathing each other’s air…

They stay that way; with eyes still closed, they are trying to relax themselves from just an explosive feeling that they have felt throughout their body.

Chaerin… - it is Dara that manages to utter the first word – I… I still don’t know what I’m exactly doing…

Dara-ssi, you just tried to be honest with yourself… There’s nothing wrong with figuring out what it is that you want…. Chaerin is now more than sure that they both have fallen for each other. She touches Dara’s smooth face.

Dara holds Chaerin’s hand that is touching lightly her face - I know… I guess this is really what I’ve been feeling towards you, towards us.. I just did not welcome the thought since it’s nearly impossible.. Plus, things would get complicated… - she could feel indeed to herself that she’s feeling the same way as Chaerin.

Chaerin Lee moves her face upward to look directly at Dara’s face. She gave her a smile.

Still touching her face, Chaerin lightly kiss Dara’s nose. There’s nothing to worry about Dara unnie. As long as I am here, the last thing you should do is to worry…

God, I am so in love with her. – Chaerin can’t hide what she’s feeling. Her emotions inside her have been wanting to explode upon learning that they indeed shares the same feeling.

Dara.. – Chaerin is looking straight into Dara’s eyes with full of love and passion – I love you… so much…

Chaerin pulls Dara’s body as she owns it with her both arms.She’s feeling the warmth that the hug brings her.

She is smiling the whole time – one can really tell that there’s a different spark in Chaerin’s eyes.

Dara founds herself enjoying what she’s feeling inside. It indeed feels nice this way, Chaerin. – she hugs Chaerin back, squeezing her body lightly.

They stayed hugging, with their heads on each other’s shoulders, feeling the silence of the night.

Hey, Chaerin-ah – Dara pulls her body away we better get sleep as it is already late. We still have to practice tomorrow.

Ummm… -  Chaerin’s eyes are closed, she pulls Dara back – but I wanna hug you tight to make up for the lost time.

You know, you have quite hurt me so much these past few days. So, you have to make up for that. – Chaerin barely lets out a laugh as she is trying to tease Dara.

Dara laughs – Oh! As if you’re the only one hurting! I’m tormented as much as you are. If you only knew… I didn’t know how to interpret what I’m feeling towards you.

Ssshh.. what matters to me now is that we’re here – together.. Chaerin plants a quick kiss on Dara’s forehead.

Dara just nodded as she closes her eyes, feeling Chaerin’s lips on her forehead.

But for now, we go to sleep, okay? Also, you’re drunk now. You have to rest.- Dara is trying to persuade her now.

Oh? I am not drunk. Yes, I’ve taken alchol but definitely not drunk.

But okay, okay, your highness I’ll go sleep, if and only if - she intentionally stops waiting for Dara to ask.

If what? – Dara immediately asks.

If you’ll sleep beside me tonight… - Chaerin is acting cute now as she is smiling with her eyes.

Haha! You! Just because I kissed you doesn’t mean that I’ll do now everything that you say. Huh! Dara’s trying to .

Chaerin holds Dara’s both hands, pulling her to bring it closer to her body. She then leans forward on Dara’s face.

Really, huh? You won’t do everything that I say? – Chaerin is challenging her.

Uh? What are you doing? Haha! Of course, I won’t! – Dara tries to move away from Chaerin’s face.

But Chaerin Lee’s stronger than her. She is just enjoying it more, seeing Dara being helpless to her.

She brought her face closer to Dara’s, almost touching her lips. Chaerin looks at her eyes.. down to her lips…  smiling widely throughout.

Can you really resist me, Dara-ssi? – she straightens up her head still holding Dara’s hands tightly so she can’t bring herself away from her.

Chaerin-ah!! I really hate you when you’re doing this to me! – Dara’s ranting now as she tries to control herself from laughing and at the same time, almost begging.

Just answer me. Can you really resist me? – Chaerin moves closer to her face, their lips now slightly touching -  she is still smiling.

Dara feels a sudden rush of intense emotion running throughout her body -  God, why do you have this effect on me, Chaerin! – she is trying her best not to show Chaerin that she is indeed having difficulty resisting her charm.

You really are --- as Dara’s opens --- Chaerin claims her soft lips… She is slightly her lower lip…

Hmmm… So, what are you saying?.. -  Chaerin continues on teasing Dara as she can see her almost surrender to her.

Their lips still locked – breathing each other’s words – Dara is now so tempted to kiss her back.

I say.. You are really… - Dara stops as she finally gives in to her heart and body’s desire. She kisses Chaerin back passionately, exploring slowly.. feeling her tongue entwined with Chaerin’s toungue..

God, her lips are so sweet.. – it’s Dara could only think at that time.

They are both teasing each other, sometimes breaking the kiss for a while… and then get back nibbling each other’s lips…

I’m really what, Dara? A great kisser? – Chaerin laughs at her words.

Hahaha! You wish! – Dara lightly taps Chaerin’s shoulders.

Hay! My Dara-unnie! I love you! – Chaerin can’t contain anymore her intense feelings for her…

And I love you, too, my Chaerin-ssi. – Dara kisses Chaerin’s cheek lightly…

Come on, let’s go sleep. Fine, you won. I’ll be staying here tonight… - Dara fixes now their bed.

I knew it. I just know that you just can’t resist me.  – Chaerin’s widely smiling as she follows Dara in bed, lying beside her.

Whatever! – Dara feels helpless as she realizes that she is telling the truth.

But she doesn’t care anymore.. She feels an incredible happiness in her heart as they now are sure with what they feel toward each other…

Hey, Dara-ssi… - Chaerin’s face is now looking serious. I just wanna say that I am really happy… that you know, you’re here with me now…

Dara touches her face Chae, it’s me who should thank you.. If not for you… I won’t come to realize that I wanted you this much…

We’re meant for each other, Dara.. – Chaerin holds Dara’s hand that is in her face.

Just promise me you’ll stay strong with me..  that we’ll do this together. Okay? – Chaerin puts out her pinky finger.

Yes, Chae… I promise. – and they have just made a promise to themselves.


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tessaymeg #1
Chapter 4: Update please
cheara123 #2
Chapter 9: Wtf dara don't do this I feel bad for chaerin
daebak_lee #3
Chapter 9: i like your story, hope you can update soon
BumbleY #4
Chapter 9: I found ur story n i like it. Hope u can update soon...
blackjackchaera #5
it's ok i can wait! haha just continue to work!
then if you have free time update soon haha!
blackjackchaera #6
Chapter 9: update soon,update soon!
please continue this!
jssc_YG #7
aww man tat was heartbreaking, dont give up Dara~! I know it's tough but they've got to stick together and support one another TT__TT
reading this with real tears
ChaoticVulturi #9
aniyo!! wae?! wae Dara?! T_T
aubreyLazy #10
T_T dara no~~~ that doesn't make any sense. why?? i wanna see happy chaera times!! huhuhu