Fic Tips

✏ Marie's Request Shop || CLOSED || Read Ch 24

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Hi guys ^^ I'm not sure how many of you will read this chapter but I felt like including some of the things I've noticed while reviewing here in case anyone does see it. I'll update this when I think of more. Please, don't take it as a personal attack, and don't think that I at all feel like my stories are better than yours. I don't at all! Mine xD I'm just trying to help you make yours better from a reader's standpoint. And remember, these are my opinion so don't like go crazy on me saying I'm wrong. Eh, it sounds kind of like a rant so I am sorry! But here are some tips for you! ^^;

Author Notes
Never, never, NEVER address the reader mid-story. While I'm reading, I don't want to hear your little thoughts like "Oh god, does that make sense?" or "Isn't he cute, readers? ^^". Those things should go in the author note! It's even worse when you take a break from the story to explain something. If you're having to explain a concept to the reader, then you didn't do a good job of describing it in your story. Instead of trying to explain it in an author note, describe it in your story. If your story isn't written from the "I", first person POV, then don't ever say I until the A/N either. It hurts your credibility as a writer to take a break mid-chapter or even mid-sentence to talk to the reader.

, , MPreg
Okay guys, these are just wrong. First of all, have you ever heard of a male getting pregnant in real life? Then why do so many writers use it? Honestly, to me it is just disgusting. It almost feels like the writer doesn't understand human anatomy even. If a man releases inside another man, it doesn't mean he will get pregnant! I will never read an mpreg fic, no matter how great the writing is.
As for , I don't know why you would want to write this. Unless it has some deep meaning in your plot and isn't revealed until the end or something, I don't even see how you would want to write it. For me, reading an is just gross.
Okay, about scenes. I think it's okay to write about , if you do so tastefully. is serious. Don't write about it like it is nothing. There may be users on here who have had bad experiences with , and you don't want to make those experiences laughable. I think if you write about someone who has been , it's fine, but as for actual scenes with , they kind of break my heart. As a writer, are you comfortable writing that? If you are, fine, but keep in mind you don't want to spark bad memories in the reader, so warn them beforehand that it's coming.

The poster should be something that draws your attention. The background shouldn't overpower it, so never use a picture for the background that will distract the eyes from the poster. It's unprofessional. Also, I advise against using a photo for the background. People have different size screens, and I don't want to see half of a head cut off by the story. It looks messy, and hurts your credibility. Don't use flashy colors either, because it will hurt the reader's eye.

Descriptions / Forewords
It's your choice as the author to do what you want with these, but try not to reveal too much about your story in the beginning. This is why I hate character descriptions. You shouldn't rely on those to develop your characters; you should be able to do that yourself in the actual story. Also, don't make the author note at the beginning go on for ages, because the reader will most likely skip over it. If it includes important information, you should make it short and sweet. Try not to use a font size or color that will make it look childish. After all, you want your reader to take your writing seriously, right? You can be friendly and funny and still make it look mature.

How many times have you seen these titles? "Don't go...", "I Love You", "In Love With My Roomate", and "I'm not Gay!" or a variation of that? For me, it's too many. Think of an original title, not something so generic. What makes your story different from the others? Think about that when you write your title. You want the reader to be attracted to your story, so make it original. Also, remember to capitalize each first letter. This is wrong: "where have you been" but this is right: "Where Have You Been". Don't include symbols or fancy letters or anything in the title, because it makes it look really childish. I would steer clear of all caps too, you don't want to yell at your reader. I promise, it won't make the story more appealing!

Here's what I will say about changing POVs. If you have to, do so in a subtle manner. For example, if you are writing in third person, and you want to switch to the point of view of one of your characters, you don't have to say "L. Joe POV". You can just add a break, such as a page break or a small ~*~ or something, and then start writing from his point of view. The reader will get it, or they should, depending on how well you write your characters. If you have to write from more than one character's point of view, make sure it is constant. Don't write from L.Joe and Myungsoo's point of view a lot, and then randomly include Junhyung's point of view in one chapter. And don't change point of view too often, or it will make the story kind of messy. It's okay to write "L.Joe POV" or "Myungsoo POV" or something, but you don't have to in all cases. Just make sure it's clear who the story is being told from, with either a break or a line or anything. But honestly, I would try to stick to one point of view. It makes things more neat.

Never use photos mid-story. Don't say this: "His house looked like this:" and then include a photo. You should be able to write about his house and make the reader understand its appearance without relying on photos. It is even worse when you include a link to a photo. Do you really think the reader wants to waste time clicking on it just to see what you mean? No, of course not. So describe things. That is what the writing is for. Picture fics are a different story. I'm not a fan of them, but obviously using pictures is okay there. Also, make sure your chapter photos apply to the chapter. If it is a heartbreaking scene where someone dies, you don't want a picture of them smiling while jumping in the air do you? No. So don't do this.

Being Original
I don't know how many stories I have read where the main character has cancer, falls for her bestfriend, falls for the bad guy, has to live with a guy character, or isn't gay until they have with another man. These themes are not original, so I advise against using them. If you want your story to be sad, you don't have to use cancer as the cause of someone's death. There are other sicknesses. And if you have to use cancer, be sure you know what it is before writing, otherwise, you sound ignorant. If you want inspiration, just look around you. There are random items in your home or outside that can inspire you. I once got inspiration for a oneshot by sitting in the grass, when I pulled a blade out of the ground. SImple things can bring you ideas that will be original. Don't look to other stories for inspiration, but to the things around you. This way, your plot will be new and exciting, and more people are likely to read it.

Well that's it for now! I hope these have helped someone :)

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Aaaah sorry! I don't know how I got unsubscribed!!! Sorry a million tines, I didn't do it on purpose
Why did you close your shop? Goodluck :/
and thanks for the review, i'll credit asap . I'm away from pc now :(
i'm glad that you saw my plot in right way :D hehe.
Ah, sorry about the requesting when you were busy. And I would still like you to review, the PM I sent was just because I worried you were too busy.
JP_Bestie #4
I requested again xD. Shall be my last for now, i don't want to be greedy ^^;
I hope my request is okay.
EunHae986 #5
I requested~~~ thanks
AnnPark #6
I applied a long time ago what is going on with mine? :(
JP_Bestie #7
You are so awesome!!
I love both oneshots, thank you so much ♥
Hello requesters! Before you request or apply, please read all the rules and my status. Also refer to Chapter 21 for some important information regarding your requests.
Currently, I am not hiring, and I am not taking any requests for reviews.
If you are requesting a banner or a oneshot, go right ahead!
I applied!