I Can't Wait to See You Again

The Reason I Became a Witch



The party was bigger than I had expected, the new chandelier the mayor had put up was beyond grand and everyone made sure they complimented his taste on it. How stupid, I always hated these parties. It’s as if the people aren’t fake enough in everyday life as it is. Now they can come to this fancy event and act even more hypocritical than their usual self. If it isn’t for my dad’s new upcoming district election, I would’ve never bothered to come. However on the other hand I see quite a few eye-catching girls tonight. Maybe I’ll bring one with me to the after party. It’s been awhile since I picked one up for my own entertainment. Yoona has been keeping me busy these days and I didn’t have much time to really go out and have some fun. This is actually kinda great, my chance has finally come. I smirked to myself while I looked around. Who should my lucky victim be? I scanned the dance floor searching for a girl that would stand out to my taste and it was during that small moment when my eye caught unto something I could not believe. That can’t be her. No way…..I admit it’s been awhile but I don’t believe in ugly ducklings turning into beautiful swans. I want to shake the thought out of my head but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She looked like a phoenix with the red dress that hugged every single one of her curves. Abby Lin, the girl with the parents that are extremely close to mine. I want to confirm whether it is her or not, yet her extravagance irritated me. The Abby I once knew would never be so sophisticated. Abby was shabby. She was chubby and plain. The girl I see in front of me right now is the complete opposite of what I used to think of her. I sighed and just as I was about to look away, she turned to face me. She made eye contact and did something I did not expect. She smiled as if she owned me or something. She looked at me with the eyes of a predator spying on its prey. I looked away....i didn't want to make any more eye contact. She smiled at the rest of the guests and started walking towards me. Oh how beautiful she looked in that red gown, how she seems to flow across the dance floor. Her long black hair swaying slowly as she walked and how motionless I felt. I was drowsy and the ballroom seemed to spin. I lost my grip and tried to stand still by holding onto the desert table. She slowly approached me and casually slid her hand across my back to my shoulder. She leaned close to me and whispered into my ear "we meet again". I let out a long hard breath and looked down at this gorgeous woman. Yes, she's a woman now. Yet I felt strange, I did not know her. The girl I once knew was overweight and shy, prude and obedient, pure and innocent. The girl looking at me now was fierce and powerful. In her eyes I saw pain. I did not know what she had done with the girl I once knew. She is beautiful, slender, and goddess-like. Yet her attractiveness intimidated me. I dared not to look directly into her eyes. The feeling of awkwardness aded the air we breathed and she sensed it too. She let go of me and started to walk away...only to turn back with a smirk on her face to say "baby, see you around."


*.       *.      *      *

I went back home that night completely dumbfounded. As I closed the light of my room, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. My mom came in and asked me how the party was. She went on and on but I had already droned out her voice. I didn't want to think about tonight. Old feelings came back and my mind became a blur. I didn't know what to think about, but I couldn't get her face out of my mind. What is she to me anyway? Just a girl I used to have a thing with. She thinks she's better than everyone else because she gets good grades. She was always like that. Always I'm miss Smarty-pants and I'm too good for anything. But then again she is kind of too good now isn't she? A junior intern at Morgan Stanley. China Forbes 2013 richest newcomer under age 21, and not to mention how beautiful she has turned. A girl all guys would crave for and not being an exception myself, yet at one point she was mine. Solely mine.....and I let her go because I didn’t love her. I probably never did. It's just that seeing her again, brought back old memories that I never thought of before. How weird for me to think of them now when it has been almost 2 years since we broke up. Was it really a break up though? She said it didn't count because it was so short. Or is it because she knew that there was never really anything there in the first place. There was something, maybe not much but if my memories are not mistaken. I did like her a lot at one point. But what made my feelings change? Or did it change at all? Maybe I was lying to myself the whole time since my parents liked her a lot. I don't know.....I don't know anymore. She looked like she moved on. I did too. I just need to stop thinking about her. What’s wrong with me tonight? Wasting my time on a stupid girl.




The lamp he gave me for my birthday broke. The last piece of memory was destroyed in a matter of milliseconds after I clumsily pushed the mattress towards the nightstand knocking over the fragile pink unicorn lamp. I sighed....confused.....and lonely. I picked up the broken pieces of ceramics and dumped them into the garbage can. Somehow my heart sunk as I saw the small shards of the broken lamp fall into the dark trashcan. It's been so long, I should've thrown that silly thing away years ago. Now it's perfect. Yet why do I feel this urge to take the broken pieces of the lamp back out from the trashcan? I don't really know. 2 years have passed since I've last seen him. I still know him so well, I picked him right out of the crowd tonight at the party....but I knew he had changed. Not the same immature Teenager I once knew that did whatever he felt like. Just like me, he seemed to have grown up and become more aware of his responsibilities and surrounding. I never thought he would step out and represent his dad at such a formal business dinner event. If I hadn’t been an intern under Marc, I would’ve never gone to such a place. Looking at him tonight really put me in a trance and I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been telling myself how much I hate him and how I really want to ruin his life and god knows I do. Nothing in this world can justify the amount of wrong he has brought upon me. But deep in my mind, I continue to think of him as the boy who stole my heart and never gave it back. Not even now. It's kind of funny now that I think about it. Maybe he changed for good? haha I hope not because I have already come so far with my plan that there really is no turning back. That’s right Abigail, no more looking back to tonight’s affair. Keep your eyes on the gold and take back what was once yours. Destroy everything he once believed in and turn it all into bull, after all that’s exactly what he did to you. The way his father looked down on you because you were of lower birth. The way others sneered when they thought you weren’t good enough. Well now they can finally see what you’ve become. More successful than any of them so let them die from envy. I will never lower my head again because I have done nothing wrong and I know I can't possibly still have feelings for this guy. I know deep in my heart that I should erase him from my memories. Erase all the sufferings he had inflicted on me as I experienced my first love. He caused me too much pain and I never want to go back to how it was before. Back to when it was just the two of us. Everything will end for good; your end will only just be my beginning.

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Popkorn17 #1
Chapter 25: Thank you for updating, I am very curious as to how this continues and whether anything will happen
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 24: Just discovered this story! I am really glad I did since I cannot wait to find out what happens next, please update!
(Judging from the previous comments, it's been a while so please don't abandon the story~)
JrockCupcake #3
Chapter 23: I really love this story.
Chapter 21: oh my goodness T__T well fine Marc, then Abby will just go to Seunghyun again cuz Seunghyun would actually show how special Abby is to him.
zhegeyouxi #5
Chapter 20: Keep the comments coming guys <3 I wanna hear your reactions hehe ~