
The Reason I Became a Witch


Abby’s POV

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*** sound of alarm

7:30am already? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I stared at my fully charged phone. No way, I’m pretty sure I fell asleep 2 seconds ago. I turned to the side of my bed and reached over to the nightstand to turn off the raging alarm. Well Abby Lin, it’s the start of another day. So you might as well get your off the bed and into the shower; you don’t want to be late for the 9 o’clock meeting.

Trudging my half asleep body into the bathroom has to be the worst experience of every single morning. I sneaked a peek of myself in the mirror as I the showerhead, wow I really did change a lot. No wonder he didn’t recognize me at the party. The new double eyelids and a 30 pounds lighter body could’ve fooled anyone. I smirked, Abby’s not so shabby anymore is she Seunghyun? Did I surprise you? Did you fall in love with this new face? Anger boiled inside me as I thought of him. You really don’t deserve happiness Choi Seunghyun, not after what you did to me. So don’t think for even a second that I have forgotten the past, the ugly past that you tried so hard to hide from your parents. You selfish basturd. Trust me, this time I will get you; I am going to make you pay for everything. And the hot air fogged up the reflection of my smile leading me into the shower with a good mood.

The drive to work was smoother than usual which caught my surprise since 8:30 is rush hour. I found a parking spot on the lowest level where no one really goes. I walked quickly to the elevator while checking my watch, 8:43 am, cool I still have time. I called Seungri once I got to the lobby where all the other 1st year interns where.

“Yah What’s up?” He answered.

“Hey where are you? The Meeting is gonna start in like 10 min. Everyone is waiting outside the Mandela room.” I asked.

“Um, I’m pulling my car in right now so I should be up there in about 5 min. Don’t worry partner, I would never abandon you.” He said in a playful tone.

“Not the time Seungri, get your up here before I start freaking out. You know how pissed Marc will be if you’re late.” I reminded him.

“Alright I gotchu Abby, be there in a sec cuz I’m superman haha.” He laughed and I can sense his smile through the phone.

Just as I was about to say something back, I saw mentor Lee walking towards my direction “yea um just hurry, I see Marc, bye.” I quickly said.

“Good Morning Mentor.” I said in a clear voice.

“Good morning, where’s Seungri?” He looked at me with an annoyed face.

“He’s having car problems, but he should be up any second now, I was on the phone with him just now.” I answered

“Ok I’m relived, did you look over the materials I sent you last night?” He questioned.

“Yes I did, she’s arriving with her father at 11:40 on Saturday in Shanghai Pudong Airport and she’ll be checking into the Kerry Hotel on Hua Mu Rd. Check out is on Tuesday at 4:00pm.” I recited to him.

“Yes and I also told my secretary to make a list of Miko’s favorite foods and hobbies, so keep a look out for that in your email.” He told me.

“En, I definitely will……..Um mentor Lee..I was thinking” and I got cut off by the opening of the Mandela Room doors.

He gave me a look of let’s go inside, so I followed without saying anything.

Seungri met us inside the meeting hall and like I expected he was 15 min late.

“You’re late” I sneered at him.

He smiled and replied “I know, I’m sorry” with an apologetic face and then mouthed “I have a surprise for you.”

I gave him a curious look “What?” I mouthed back.

He winked at me and pointed to the speaker and told me to pay attention. From the side of my eye I can tell Marc saw us exchanging looks.

The rest of the meeting followed with the schedule for the next couple of weeks and the presentations due by the end of this summer. Everyone quietly filed out of the meeting hall while all the mentors went up to the front to pick up papers and orders from the Senior Advisor.

I walked over to sit next to Seungri who seems to be lost in mind so I nudged him on the shoulder.

“What surprise?” I asked with fluttering eyes trying to make him laugh.

He turned to me looking kind of caught off guard, but smiled anyway “ Oh that, it’s a secret for now. You’ll find out eventually.”

“A secret? Really now?” I gave him my usual suspecting eyes.

“Yup a secret and you can’t talk me into telling you. Wanna go grab dinner later? I’ve been dying for some Korean food and I heard a new place just opened by the bund.” He asked.

“Um….I don’t know about tonight. I have something to do. How about Friday?” I questioned back.

“Wow Abby you’re so busy, I feel like I need to book you in advance or something. Friday Sounds good, but don’t change plans on me again. I might just ask Marc to change my partner.” He threatened with a laugh.

I really enjoy Seungri’s company. He always knew what to say and when to say it. I guess guys like him always do get what they want. “I promise this time is for real and you know you can’t live without me.” I answered back and gave him a flirty wink before walking towards Marc who is now standing by the door.



“Oppa, where are you?” Yoona asked.

“Hey babe, I just got out of the shower. I’m getting ready now. What’s up?” I said.

“Ah, ok I’m downstairs. Come get the door.” She demanded.

“You’re downstairs?” I questioned in shock.

“Yep, I got us lunch, hurry up and open the door. It’s so hot outside and I think it’s gonna rain later.” She said in an urgent voice.

“Um yea ok, be there in a few seconds, I’m coming down now.” I answered back.

Why is she here again? OMFG. This girl doesn’t know when to stop. Such bad timing. I was just about to go pay a visit to the Morgan Stanley office.

I ran downstairs before she can throw a fit about how bad the weather is.

“Yoona, you should’ve given me a heads up before you came. The house is a mess and there is literally nothing to eat here haha.” I tried to sound happy.

“It took you long enough to get the door, I was waiting for 20 min out there because you were in the shower. Like I said before I got us food from your favorite Taiwanese place downtown.” She waved the food in my face while giving me that look she has when she’s not so happy.

“Well um I really didn’t expect you, so I made plans with the guys already…” I stopped myself and she looked at me without any expressions. . “Listen, whatever, you’re here now so let’s eat ok?”

“You’re always like this nowadays Seunghyun.” She said in a low voice.

I can sense the disappointment in her words, but I’m really not in the mood for this. “Like what? Like What Yoona?”

“Like right now, with your accusing voice. You don’t want me here. Say it then. Tell me and we can end it right now!” She yelled.

“Can’t you just calm down for once. Why are you always like this? What exactly do you want from me?” I yelled back.

“I want you to be the way you were before. When you actually wanted to spend time with me. Every time I see you. I feel like I’m forcing you to be here or something. Like you have a much better place to be than here.” She finished in a low tone.

“Babe I am here and I do want to spend time with you. You know I do.” I defended myself

“Well it sure doesn’t seem that way. Seems like you were really looking forward to seeing the guys. I screwed up your plans…..once again.” She gave a weak smile.

“Please, let’s not do this. I’m sorry babe, I love you.” I mumbled back.

I walked closer to hug her but she backed away. We just stood there silently for 10 min….without saying anything or even look at eachother.

“You should go with the guys, don’t wanna go back on your word. I’ll leave the food here.” She told me.

“Are you mad? Don’t be mad Yoona, come on.” I stared at her unsure of what to expect.

“I’m not mad, you should go have fun.” She forced on a good face.

“You sound mad….. Let’s eat first, together.” I mentioned.

“No, I should go.” And she turned for the door.

I can sense something bad, but I don’t think I should talk to her anymore today.

“I Love you too Seunghyun.” She whispered before she reached the door and that was the last thing she said to me before driving away in her Ferrari.

In the back of my head I hear Taeyang speaking to me, “Don’t screw up man, you better make it up to her.” But somehow the fight I had with her just now didn’t feel like anything. I’m not sure if I want to make up with her, not sure if I was telling the truth when I told her that I loved her. The feeling of emptiness aded me again. The same old feeling when I first saw dad with that woman, when I first saw mom crying silently on top of the staircase, when Hyuna found another guy behind my back, and when……when Abby told me that I was the worst kind of person that has ever graced the earth. Abby Lin why do you make a difference? I laughed at myself. I met you as a friend. Fell for you as a joke to myself and got dumped by you for hooking up with your bestfriend. Hahahaha, I really was a jerk to you. I ruined your friendship, your first love, and all the good things silly girls like you believe in. So why am I here thinking about you after not speaking to you for almost 2 years. Karma? Is it finally here to get me?





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Popkorn17 #1
Chapter 25: Thank you for updating, I am very curious as to how this continues and whether anything will happen
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 24: Just discovered this story! I am really glad I did since I cannot wait to find out what happens next, please update!
(Judging from the previous comments, it's been a while so please don't abandon the story~)
JrockCupcake #3
Chapter 23: I really love this story.
Chapter 21: oh my goodness T__T well fine Marc, then Abby will just go to Seunghyun again cuz Seunghyun would actually show how special Abby is to him.
zhegeyouxi #5
Chapter 20: Keep the comments coming guys <3 I wanna hear your reactions hehe ~