
[BALLAD]+from me to Y.O.U


Taemin was flustered.

"K-K-KEEEEEEEEY!!!" He wailed, clenching his fists. This was so embarrassing. Now everyone would get the wrong idea about him and Eunah.

Taemin wrenched free from Jonghyun's and Onew's hold and strode over to Key. He snatched Key's phone away and clutched it so hard, his knuckles turned white. Taemin was furious.

"What do you think you're doing?! Are you trying to make me look like an idiot?! Do you know how much that scared the hell out of me?!?!?!! Why are you invading my privacy anyways?!" He vented out his anger.

Minho stepped into the picture, pushing aside Key, who was feigning shock at Taemin's new attitude. If at all, the SHINee members had never seen Taemin in such an outburst. He was always gentle and quiet, very caring. But not this. This was totally new to them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Taemin, since when did you start to have bursts of rage?...and snatching things away from...your other band mates?"

Taemin lowered his head in embarrassment. "Sorry..." He whispered weakly. He had never felt so ashamed at himself. Taemin handed back Key's phone to him.

Key took it from behind Minho, with a forgiving smile. No one could stay mad at Taemin for long..if at all. But Taemin wasn't done defending himself.

"That was scary though! And not only that, Key-hyung was also invading my privacy!" Taemin jabbed an accusing finger towards him.

Key decided to speak up.

"Yah, how was that little scene between you and Eunah considered private? You just said so yourself that you have no feelings for the girl. If you really didn't, then you wouldn't be so touchy and defensive about the whole thing." Key pointed out gently, still behind Minho.

Taemin couldn't say anything to that. 'Key-hyung has a point....Why am I like this?...stupid girl...why is she even on my mind?'

Minho nodded in agreement. Taemin sighed, tired from everything. This girl was seriously going to age Taemin fast. "Okay, okay! So I was wrong to act like that!" Taemin walked away from his hyungs and made his way to the car. The whole way, he was muttering to himself like a mad man.

"Okay, if you really don't have feelings for the brat, then don't act like it! She hates you like hell, and so do you Taemin! Ugh!..." He pulled his hair and flung his arms around, aimlessly, as if to shake off the thought of her from his mind.

The four of them tagged behind Taemin at a distance, watching himself go crazy.

Key broke the awkward tension. He sighed. "Our little Taemin has changed so much..."

"Yeah, like in a few seconds...dang..that kid gives freakin' scary glares." said Jonghyun, recalling the glare he had received from Taemin back at the hospital.

"Whatever it is...that girl seems to change Taemin in a way..." Onew said, thinking.

"Yeah...but will it be a good or bad thing?" Minho asked a thought provoking question. Everyone sighed and nodded in agreement. Whatever the outcome was, Taemin was going to have to figure it out himself.

Whether it be love....

or hate.




ooooh~ what will it be?? XD

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CAR!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon ^^
Nichichan #5
@xmomochiix errr...the guy who told her about her money being stolen was a fake and was the one who took her money?? ^^U<br />
update soon~! :D
Little_M #6
Pff. How is she now?... I mean.. Were did she go? And I hope Taemin will find her! I hope...<br />
Update soon >:D<
awww...taeminnie is so sweet.....:)
xmomochiix #8
XD you guys make me laugh :DD<br />
Oh...really the bank is supposed to? Ah shoot<br />
Sorry guys I had no idea...<br />
....What should I do now?? <br />
Nichichan #9
...what do u mean her bank account was robbed?? the bank is supposed to compensate when this happens!! WTF?? GO DIE IN HELL U BRINGER OF BAD NEWS!!! D<<br />
on a happier note~ update soon~! :D
Little_M #10
This is unfair! And Taemin is not there for her... She must be broken. I really feel sorry for her. Pff. And how the hell robbed her bank account? That person MUST DIE!<br />
Update soon >:D<