
[BALLAD]+from me to Y.O.U


I can't find a good music to go with this chapter so please recommend!


Taemin was frustrated.

Never in his life has he met a girl whom he couldn't charm with his cute looks.

Never in his life has he met a girl who totally his gut...his existence even.

Even before he was famous, there was not one girl whom he has ever met, that he could win over.

Even strangers complimented his good looks; he could make any girl swoon for him...except for Eunah.  She was something new to him.

Taemin knitted his eyebrows together and lifted his hand to cover his eyes. All this thinking Eunah and her hateful comments about his image was going to kill him soon enough. 'At least someone would be happy about that.'

As he was massaging his temples, he suddenly heard a high pitched squeal. Taemin froze. 'Oh good lord...just kill me now. I'd rather die than let those crazy fan girls run over me again.'

He got ready to run, but then a hand, out of nowhere, clamped down hard on his shoulder.

Taemin screamed but was quickly muffled out by...




Taemin swiftly tore Onew's hand away from his mouth and turned around to see who had grabbed him by the shoulder like that. 

It was Jonghyun.

"You guys! What was that for?!" Taemin cried out, deeply embarrassed by his girlish scream.

Jonghyun smiled sheepishly, trying to contain his laughter. "Sorry." He apologized in English. "But..." He paused, a laughing spasm taking over him.

"Key-umma here wanted to..uh, how should I say this-" Onew tried to finish off what Jonghyun was about to say. 

Taemin ignored him and quickly looked around for Key. 'Whatever he's doing can't be good...' He thought grimly.

Then he saw them.

Key, along with Minho, who was holding up the 'V' sign with his fingers, was standing at the hospital entrance, his mobile phone in hand.

Key had videotaped the whole thing.





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CAR!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon ^^
Nichichan #5
@xmomochiix errr...the guy who told her about her money being stolen was a fake and was the one who took her money?? ^^U<br />
update soon~! :D
Little_M #6
Pff. How is she now?... I mean.. Were did she go? And I hope Taemin will find her! I hope...<br />
Update soon >:D<
awww...taeminnie is so sweet.....:)
xmomochiix #8
XD you guys make me laugh :DD<br />
Oh...really the bank is supposed to? Ah shoot<br />
Sorry guys I had no idea...<br />
....What should I do now?? <br />
Nichichan #9
...what do u mean her bank account was robbed?? the bank is supposed to compensate when this happens!! WTF?? GO DIE IN HELL U BRINGER OF BAD NEWS!!! D<<br />
on a happier note~ update soon~! :D
Little_M #10
This is unfair! And Taemin is not there for her... She must be broken. I really feel sorry for her. Pff. And how the hell robbed her bank account? That person MUST DIE!<br />
Update soon >:D<