Call Me

[BALLAD]+from me to Y.O.U

Tiffany (Haru OST)-Ring:

Please listen! ^_^ I hope you guys like this chapter! If you guys have any question about whatever let me know! Enjoy!



Taemin was bent over, holding onto her arm for support. His hand was on his knee. He bit his lip and tried to suppress a wince of pain from coming out. 'Damn...I shouldn't have ran too fast...I hope I didn't twist my hip out of place again...that would really .' He let out a shaky breath and straightened up.

"Eunah." She wouldn't even look at him. It was like talking to a black curtain. Taemin could see her side profile. Her long delicate eyelashes, her beautifully curved lip, her smooth rosy cheeks from the cold were traced with dried up salty tears. His heart began to thump wildly against his chest. Taemin blinked rapidly a couple of times, trying to erase whatever he just saw. He cleared his throat and called her name more loudly this time. "Eunah!"

She finally turned around to face him.

"What?! Quit clinging onto to me! I'm not your mother!" She tried to shake him off, like a bug.

Taemin was insulted, but still held her arm firmly....afraid that if he did let go, she would run away. "Geez, I was just trying to be nice but you ignore me, so I can't help it that I have to somehow get your attention."

Eunah stared him down. "Since when were you ever nice to me?" Taemin suppressed a sigh. 'Dang...she has a good point...oh lord...Why did Eunjung ask me to do this?' He released her arm and raised them in the air, surrendering. "Okay, I wasn't nice. But..." He bit his lip trying to find a way to phrase his offer. "Would you like us to take you home?"

"'Us'? Who's us?" Eunah asked him critically.

"Me and the rest of SHI-" He stopped and quickly changed his mind. "I meant me and my friends." Eunah looked at him, disgusted. "You mean, that half bald guy, school nerd, man who needs a haircut, and playboy...? Psh, I'd rather die."

"Key is NOT bald! He just shaved half of it off for the Lucifer music video and Minho is not a school nerd, he's just quiet, and Onew just HAD a haircut, and Jonghyun is not a playboy, he's really nice and caring...he just...looks like one."

"Uh-huh, I'll believe it when the kimchi turns un-fermented." Eunah said, wrinkling up her nose. "But whatever, it's not like I give a damn about you guys anyways." Taemin let out a frustrated sigh. 'Geez, such an ignorant idiot! Even after the death of her...never mind.'  

"Anyways, as I was saying, "Taemin said, accusingly. "Would you-"


"Eunah! Try to get some sense into your cold hearted self will you?!" A look of hurt flashed through her eyes. 'Aish. I went too far...But this girl really sets me off the edge...ugh.' He softened. "Eunah-ah...It's snowing and it's going to be below freezing temperature tonight and it's already dark...and...and."

'Your sister asked me to take care of you...but I bet she wouldn't like hearing least not coming from me...' Taemin sighed. 'How many times have I sighed?!'

Eunah looked at Taemin square in the eye. "And what else? Are you done yet? Since when were you so concerned about me?"

'Shoot.' Taemin opened his mouth to reply, but Eunah wasn't finished. "So who cares if it's snowing or if I'm going to freeze or whatever! I've went through more than you could imagine, so I can handle snow and frost...Besides, I'd rather die than ride home with you!"

Taemin was struck dumfounded. 'This girl really hates me...Ugh, how will I ever keep my promise now?'

Then, he suddenly had an idea. "Give me your phone."

Eunah looked at him incredulously. "No! Not ever in my life!"

Taemin held out his hand and looked at her, intensely. "Phone."

He could see that she was blushing, for some odd reason and trying to cover it up, she rolled her eyes and finally gave in. She practically threw it in his hand. Taemin caught it and quickly beeped in his number and handed it back to Eunah, who was standing in a defiant pose, arms folded across her chest.

"Here. Since you refused my offer for a ride home you'll now have to call me, no matter what, if you're in trouble...and you better not have any thoughts of deleting my number because then I'll have to pester you and we both don't want that to we now?"

Eunah gawked at him. "Wha-what?!" She sputtered. 'There is no way I'm calling this sly foxy mushroom brat.' Taemin looked at her grimly. "Well, sorry but you refused so it's like a little revenge....Hmm...I haven't done this in a while. This will be fun." He said nonchalantly, ignoring her remarks of hate and other...stuff.

He sighed, shoved his hands in his coat pockets and walked away. "Okay then, see you later."

"I'll never see you! You stupid fungus...! I hope you die and never see your face again!"

Taemin blushed furiously. 'Fungus?! What the hell? Why does she want me to die so badly?!'

He turned around only to see Eunah walking away furiously. Taemin bit back a retort, but inside he was seeping with anger. 'Why the hell does she hate me so much?! Everyone likes me! I'm SHINee's cute maknae! Not some erted fungus! Ugh!...

How can I make her see that?'


Okay! Here's the 15th chapter! I hope you guys like it! ^_^ I'm sorry if it's a little boring...It's my second time writing a fan fic and my english is still terrible. mianhe everyone! I'll work hard to improve! And do you guys think the music fits well? I thought that Tiffany's 'Ring' was nice since it was something related to a phone X3 lol...or maybe she meant...engagement ring? O.o i didn't think about that...oops. 

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CAR!!!!!<br />
<br />
update soon ^^
Nichichan #5
@xmomochiix errr...the guy who told her about her money being stolen was a fake and was the one who took her money?? ^^U<br />
update soon~! :D
Little_M #6
Pff. How is she now?... I mean.. Were did she go? And I hope Taemin will find her! I hope...<br />
Update soon >:D<
awww...taeminnie is so sweet.....:)
xmomochiix #8
XD you guys make me laugh :DD<br />
Oh...really the bank is supposed to? Ah shoot<br />
Sorry guys I had no idea...<br />
....What should I do now?? <br />
Nichichan #9
...what do u mean her bank account was robbed?? the bank is supposed to compensate when this happens!! WTF?? GO DIE IN HELL U BRINGER OF BAD NEWS!!! D<<br />
on a happier note~ update soon~! :D
Little_M #10
This is unfair! And Taemin is not there for her... She must be broken. I really feel sorry for her. Pff. And how the hell robbed her bank account? That person MUST DIE!<br />
Update soon >:D<