Until you saved me...

All i can think about

-Zelo’s POV.-

“Zelo do you want to come home to our place?” Ricky asked. He and Neil looked at me. Ricky is the lead dancer, the lovely boy as they call him, and Neil is the main vocalist, also none as the Emotional voice, of the group Teen Top. They are my best friends here in the school. “Sorry guys I can’t, I have to buy some food and cook it before my hyung’s come home.” “Oki well maybe next time then” Neil said and then we said goodbye and walked our separate ways.

I walked the same way that I normally do. “YA! ZELO!” oh no it was Dong yul. Not now again, I need to get out of here NOW! I walked in too an alley. “YA! FAMUSE BOY! WERE ARE YOU GOING?!” I started to walk faster and I heard breathing getting louder. “YA! GUYS HERE HE COMES!” oh no… it was a trap. I NEED TO RUN! But it was too late. Soon I could see Dong yul’s gang walking closer and closer. I started to move back but I stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Zelo, why did you try to run away from me?” I could feel Dong yul’s breathing in my neck. “YA! Answer him!” Chin mae, Dong yul’s sidekick shouted. “Shh… no need to scream at him Chin mae. So Zelo our should I call you ``Choi Joon Hong´´?” Time stooped and I could hear how my heart started to beat louder and louder. “You know Zelo just because you’re famous now we won’t treat you different. We still own you!” “You don’t own me” I said cam even tow I was scared. “Mwo? What did you just say? We don’t own you?” “No… you don’t” “Then Joon Hong… WHO SAVED YOU FROME DROWNIG?” Dong yul was pissed. “YA! ANSWER ME NOW!” *Punch* the pain I felt from the first hit was not a good sign. It was hard and it felt like it broke my one of my ribs. “ANSWER!” another punch. I wanted to answer but I couldn’t, not one sound wanted to come out of my mouth. “Well if you don’t want to answer then I can’t do anything… guys!” I looked at Dong yul with horror in my eyes asking for help, but he just looked away. Soon Chin mae and the other guys started to hit and kick me. I felt pain but I couldn’t scream our even shout. Why couldn’t I scream or shout? There was blood everywhere and I started to see blurry.

“Ouch! WTF was that?” I heard Jang wonsay. Everybody stopped for a second and then they started again. “WTF MAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” now it was Chai mae that was shouting. He walked to Jang wonand punched him on the nose. “OUCH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” they started to hit each other and the other guys’ tried to stop them from killing one another. I could try to run but what was the point in doing that. They will soon stop and when they did they would see me and kill me. All of a sudden I was lifted up. It was a girl, she walked me to one of the bushes and we hid. “Where the f**k did Zelo go?!” my heart stopped. He had noticed that I was gone and now he would find us and properly kill the girl to. What was this girl thinking? Was she trying to get killed? “ALICIA! WHERE ARE YOU?!” some girls shouted. Where they looking for this girl? Alicia… was she a foreigner? I looked at the girl she had long brown hair and fair skin. “YA! GIRLS! STOP!” It was Dong yul that was talking now. “Have you seen a blond guy running or something?” he asked them. I could hear my heartbeat beating. “Eh… no” they answered. They asked him if they had seen this Alicia. Suddenly the girl stood up and lifted me. Are we going to escape now? Dose she really think that this will work. We walked out of the alley that I had walked in an hour ago. She stopped and looked around then she walked in to a café ``Choco´´.

We sat down and she walked and got me some paper. She took up her mobile phone and called someone. I couldn’t understand what she was saying sense she talked in another language. I started to wipe away all the blood from me and tried t understand what she was saying. All I could understand since she started talking was something with Umma. Was she talking with her mom? When she finally was don talking she looked at me. “Hi my name is Alicia” she smiled. Was she a fan our something? “Hi” I looked at her and she was still smiling. “Do you want something to eat or drink” she asked me. “I can pay” she said and smiled. So she was a fan and now she wanted me to eat with her. Well why not? “Em… I can take a chocolate cookie and a coke if it’s okay. ”Okay wait here.” She got up and walked away. When she got back she gave me the cookie and the coke. I started to eat. “So how are you feeling?” “It’s okay” I said. “How did you get in this trouble?” she asked. I was just about to answer when “ALICIA!” I looked up at the two girls that were hugging Alicia. Both of the girls was tall, not as tall as me tow, but tall. One had blond hair just like me and the other girl had red ish hair. The blond girl hand blue eyes and the red haired gir green. Both were foreigners and I wondered where they came from. They started to talk and I eat and drank up. when i was done got up and they looked at me, so I bowed and walked away.


Hi sorry for not updating in a while but i've been busy, hope you like it ^^ <3 

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moatmoat #1
O.O nice chapters! but are seriously trying to kill umma? o.O
O_O What are happening to me? O_O
moatmoat #3
And by the way did you just try to kill umma and me? D: :P
moatmoat #4
Yay! An update! I miss you! Hope it's nice in Malaysia!
But I like it, so don't worry^^ Miss you~
Once again; what are you doing with me.... @__@
Oh, baby have a safe trip <3 I will miss you like crazy! So take care!! Saranghae^^
What are you doing with me... T.T ^^;
moatmoat #9
yay! update!!! another one soon?
moatmoat #10
O.O...... Update, i need you to update........ O.O NOW!!!! O.O