
All i can think about


“Umma I’m tired.” Alicia looked at me with puppy eyes. “I know but we have to practice right now.” I smiled at her. “Okay listen here’s your schedule for today.” Our manager Kim Minwoo said. Moa took the paper from him and we looked at it. “Whileyou look at that I’ll call the scool, OK?” our manager said. “Arraso!” Alicia said.



1)      09:30 – 10:10=Work out

2)      10:30 – 11:30= Dance lesion

3)      11:40 – 12:30= Chines lesion

4)      12:40 – 13:40= Singing lesion

5)      13:50 – 14:40= Japanese lesion

6)      14:50 – 15:50= BIG BREAK!

7)      15:40 – 16:30= Acting lesion

8)      16:40 – 18:00= Korean lesion

9)      18:05 – 19:30= Testing / giving time! (Clothing, shoes, accessories, phones, headphones, andmore.)

10)  19:30 – 20:30= Music lesion

11)  20:35 – 21:35= English lesion

12)  End of the day!


“It’s going to be a Long day today.” Moa and Alicia said at once. We all laugh as our manager came in to the room. “What’s so funny?” he asked and looked at us funny. “Nothing, so should we go to our first lesion?” Alicia answered. We walked out of the room.

When we gotto the first lesion we met a guy. “Hi girls, my name is … and I’m your personalt rainer, nice to meet you. “Hello my name is Alicia and I’m the leader of this group, nice to meet you.” She said with a smile. “Hi I’m Sandra, nice to meet you.” I said. “Hellu my name’s Moa and I am the maknae of the group.” “Well now that we have introduced ourselves should we start?” We started and that was the toughest hour in my whole life, but it was nice. We moved on to the dance lesion where we met our teacher Lee Dongsun. He was a REALLY good dancer. The day moved on and we met more nice people. Soon the day ended and you could say that we were TIRED. We laid on the floor, and as we did that we looked like dead people.“Good job girls” our manager looked at us. “you have worked hard today. Tomorrow there’ll be no practice so you have to go to school, ones again good job. Go get your things, I’ll give you a ride home.” We stood up and got our things.

When we gothome we decided who would cook the dinner. Moa decided that we would play Kai-Bai-bo, I hate that game because I always lose, we started to play. Moa got away so it was only Alicia and me left. “Kai~Bai~Bo!” We opened our eyes and “NOO!!! WHY! NO!” Alicia shouted. I did it I survived, I didn’t lose Yes! “Alicia I want to have ramyun.” Moa said. “Arraso!” “And I want to have vegetarian ramyun” I said. “Arraso, one ramyun and one veg ramyun!” she walked away to the kitchen. When she was done we sat down and started to talk. “We have to buy ice cream again” Moa said. “and sense Alicia is the loser she should go and buy it.” “What?” she looked at me. “Yes Alicia, you should go.” I said. She got up putted on her shoes and walked out.


I walked out from the apartment and out on the street. It was dark and cold outside. I had a feeling that someone was watching me so I walked a bit faster. When I got to the store and brought the ice cream and walked out. When I stepped out of the shop there were 6 or 7 guys standing there. “Hey there” one said. I recognized him, and the others, from somewhere but I don’t know from where. “How are you?” he asked. I knew that if I talked with them it would lead to danger so I started to walk away.But when I did so one of the guys stopped me. “You where that girl that that saved Zelo, right?” oh god I knew it. It was the guys that had beaten Zelo. I knew that I had to get away from there fast. I tried to walk but he stopped me again. “Ya! Where do you think you’re going?” the guy asked. I looked at him. “I have to go home.” I wisperd. “What? You have to what?” “…go home…” “OH Go home!” he shouted. “Home?” The leader said. He looked at me. Then he lifted my head. I could feel how my heart started to beat louder. “What’s your name?” he asked. “…alicia…” I answered. “Alicia what a nice name, you see Alicia we won’t let you go home just yet. If you just walk with us for a while, Come on lets go.” I didn’t want to but I fallowed them. “Good girl.” He patted me on my head as we walked away.

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moatmoat #1
O.O nice chapters! but are seriously trying to kill umma? o.O
O_O What are happening to me? O_O
moatmoat #3
And by the way did you just try to kill umma and me? D: :P
moatmoat #4
Yay! An update! I miss you! Hope it's nice in Malaysia!
But I like it, so don't worry^^ Miss you~
Once again; what are you doing with me.... @__@
Oh, baby have a safe trip <3 I will miss you like crazy! So take care!! Saranghae^^
What are you doing with me... T.T ^^;
moatmoat #9
yay! update!!! another one soon?
moatmoat #10
O.O...... Update, i need you to update........ O.O NOW!!!! O.O