Day 03: Jealousy Can Break Your Heart

Losing hope.


-No One-
''KiBum...'' YeSung said looking away for a seat.
''HYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG'' The younger one squealed as he pounced onto his hyung dropping his glasses.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here, now get me and RyeoWook a table before I step on your glasses." Yesung said mockingly
"Sure, Is he your date or something? You guys look cute together." KiBum said
" No. Why do you like him? RyeoWooks just a friend from the new group we are going to be in. Which you would've known if you bothered to show up to the damn meeting."
"Yesung- know that you're the only one I like.'' Kibum blurted out before playfully hugging Yesung and escorting them to their table.
RyeoWook stayed silent for the rest of the after noon only making noises as he ate, but even then the noises were still faint and his Hyung never even noticed him because KiBum had his attention.
You could tell RyeoWook was jealous by the way he glared at the 2 in front of him. KiBum was handsome and had masculine looks while RyeoWook was called cute and short by everyone else. He thought he had didn't have anymore chances with Yesung, all his hope just faded away into sadness that broke his spirit back down. 
My heart sunk into my stomach as I saw them laugh together. They make such a good couple, how could I ever think that we ever had a chance to fall in love. This isn't the movies were we just fall in love and BAM everythings perfect, I need to step back into reality and wake up from this pain.
"Wookie you okay? You kind of look sad, you want to go home or something? I was kinda hoping we can all hang out at my place though" Yesung said scratching the back of his neck and looking down at the ground.
"I'm fine, and sure if you want me to come." I said giving a glare at KiBum
"No one is stopping you RyeoWook-ah" KiBum said in a somewhat rude manner.
"Maybe I won't come now. I think I'll just go home and rest or something, I'm really tired from running and walking around the zoo. Thanks for the meal Jongwoon-Hyung. I'll see you next meeting or whenever we do this again." I said trying to hold back my tears. I MEAN TRYING TO HOLD BACK THE SWEAT IN MY EYES.
" only ran a couple of blocks and we only got through about 2 of the displays, you can rest up at my place then if you're really that tired.." Yesung Offered.
"Hyungie if he doesn't want to go then leave him. We can bond 1 on 1 just like before this debut was planned." KiBum said cutting me off and pulling in closer to Yesung.
"Yeah that would be nice for you two, enjoy the rest of the day together. I'll pay you back and give KiBum a tip next time we see eachother." I said slowly trailing off and getting up from of the chair slowly exiting the small cafe.
Why am I so hurt whenever I see them even look at eachother. It's not my choice whether he likes me or not so what's the point to even care. I may be over emotional and a cry baby sometimes but this really did hurt me, right in the gut.
Walking out of the zoo I heard foot steps running towards me, thinking it was YeSung I turned around and yelled "I don't wanna come." Turns out it was some chinese guy running down to meet another shorter chinese guy with a Canada shirt at the bus stop. Guess I was right, ending like that are only in the movie.
Waiting at the bus stop I pictured him sitting next to me on the bench just like earlier smiling and telling me about himself, but instead some stranger took his place. That's when it hit me, I've only known him for 2days these feeling can't be real I can probably just sleep it off if I don't see him for a few days.
Boarding the bus I enounter Donghae and Eunhyuk again. Seriously they are like everywhere, do they teleport or something, maybe they are Super Saiyen too..ANYWAYS, they invited me to sit with them since they were heading to the same place as me. (they are my neighbors..well Donghae is but EunHyuk stays there most days)
"Wookie...Have you been crying lately..? Your eyes are redder than pot-heads.." Donghae mummbled.
"Quite the oppisite actually..Hey,Eunhyuk hyung.. you've known KiBum and YeSung-Hyung for a long time right? Do they have a relationship for something?" I said pretty strait forwardly.
"Oh it's about this..." Eunhyuk started " KiBum likes YeSung but Yeye-Hyung on the other hand doesn't feel the same way. He doesn't do well in relationships because of his awkwardness and his weirdness. They however kissed, not on purpose though, KiBum is an alchoholic so you can't really blame him when he gets drunk. But ever since I last talked to Yesung-Hyung he had no intrest in KiBum."
"DOES MY LITTLE WOOKIE LIKE HIS YEYE-HYUNG?" Donghae shouted on the bus.
"N-n-no..I've only a-" I was cut off -__-
"Yeobo calm down we're in public..Wookie why don't you come over? A few other friends are coming." Eunhyuk kindly offered.
"Sure that'd be great" I smiled back(:
Hehehe heart to heart conversation chapter will be up next! See Ya when I update next!~<3
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Again, just as I was about to press save and post the chapter my internet goes back to the page it was on before, I really like the chapter too! Rewriting~ (Tm)


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CallMehhBubz #1
Chapter 30: OH-HO-HO-HO!!
Chapter 30: lol that is so funny kekekekeek
THANKS FOR UPDATING~!!! ^.^ <33333333
bakabaek #4
Chapter 29: Ummmmm, I'm sorta confused. Is Eunhyuk helping Yesung write fanfiction? Or are Eunhyuk and Yesung having ? Hmmmm, please reply. It would mean a whole lot. And thank you for updating! I was really missing this story.
Youaremystar #5
Hahah yeaaaahh!~ I love Nigahiga xD
And ight, i gotta pick up my polar bear from Antarctica though c; He was getting his fur dyed purple, :3 His name is.....WHIFFLE~!!!
Youaremystar #7
I want to give a hug to everyone one of you. I am not even kidding, let's ride our polar bears off into the sunset this saturday aights?
bakabaek #8
LOLZ. You are just hilarious. I love Heechul, he's just great. And the way he tells stories is even better. Kyuhyun looks hot as a girl.
No words can explain how badly i am laughing at what just happened. THIS IS MY FAV CHAPTER OUT OF ALL OF THEM NOW, YOU ARE A ING COMEDY GENIUS~!!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR UPDATING~!!!! ^.^ <333333333